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Private Crusade to be Found

Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Meet with a potential ally
Location: Muunilinst system
Outfit: Business Suit
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Valkoryen Valkoryen | Drenn Drenn


Teckla stared out the viewport of her personal shuttle in disgust. The person that she was to meet was a potentially powerful ally. A valuable asset to the Empire for sure, and perhaps Teckla’s Crusaders if everything she had read about Valkoryen was true. But she hated what politics had turned her into. She made one more check to be sure that no one would be able to detect her lightsaber under her suit jacket and then she gave a nod to her bodyguard.

Drenn was another reminder that since joining up with the Empire of the Lost she had drifted far from a General. Sure she was a target now, and sure she wasn’t the best duelist in the Crusaders, but graduating from a couple clone troopers for show to a knight protector was a shot to Teckla’s pride. At least Drenn was a talent that she could help to guide to becoming another strong asset to herself and her ambitions. If the Empire made out in the process that was fine.

”Remember Drenn,” she stated in a soft calm tone. ”This man is testing our worthiness as much as we are testing him. Be patient and listen. If you have an opinion on things, whisper to me before sharing with our new friend. And be sure it is necessary before your weapon leaves your side.”

Once her bodyguard gave his acknowledgement Teckla gave her tie a bit of a tug and then signaled the pilot they were ready to land. Muunilinst was about as neutral ground as there existed in the galaxy. Governed by the almighty credit it was one of the few places that a Sith, a Jedi and a Hutt could pass each other on the streets and no one would feel it was all that strange. The power of the system was the banks. And Teckla dressed for business, not because she was afraid to show who she truly was to the locals, but because she did not want tourists and spies to easily connect the Empire of the Lost to a meeting with Valkoryen Sunfell, Prince-Claimant of the Eternal Empire, Master and Protector of Zakuul.

After landing on the planet it was easy for Teckla and Drenn to find their way to the meeting spot, a popular tourist restaurant in the capital of , which provided a private back room as the setting for the feeling out process to begin. Once Valkoryen arrived Teckla gave him a pleasant smile and slight nod of her head. ”Valkoryen Sunfell, a pleasure to make be in your presence. I am Teckla Tane, of the Empire of the Lost. I have many titles, but Teckla will do just fine for now. This is Drenn Calgemerr, a knight of the Imperial Crusaders.”


Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane & Drenn Drenn

Muunilist. Capital of the credit, center of greed, corruption and abominable ambitions of low cunning and even lower creatures. A sound even if curious choice for a meeting point. The location chosen offering some insight into the Moff's character and approach. A restaurant? It was difficult to judge if it was a lack of information and knowledge acquired or if they truly believed that this 'concealment' and backdoor meeting was futile. He did not hope that Imperial cunning became too smart for its own good.

Valkoryen was by no means a figure which on its own drew not attention. His simple size stood out even among the diverse crowds of the Banking Clan homeworld, neither did His attire work wonders for being undetected. It was not a deliberate act of defying secrecy, it was the simple notion of ignoring it all-together, He had neither intention nor agenda to not be seen.

He had made His way to the meeting place without His guards who remained at the shuttle, the golden eyes curiously taking in the city, its people, its architecture, its feelings and ambience. He did so for a few minutes while walking before deciding that it was neither intriguing nor appealing to continue, the smell of sweat lay heavy, magnified through the greed and lust which accelerated it in first place.

The Epicanthix entered the room and laid eyes upon the small female and her slightly taller companion, a knight and crusader, curious. His presence literally seemed to make the small room burst as if there was too much in it, feeling for a heartbeat as if He overshadowed the light-source itself before it became clear that He somehow reinforced the light.

"The pleasure is all mine, Teckla." The words uttered came with a calmness and age that seemed to equal the glacier of Alderaan. "Knight Calgemerr, an honour to meet You as well." He offered both a deep nod after each introduction. "You have chosen a curious place to meet, I cannot say that I have been to such populated and yet secretive, attempted rather, place for a long time."

Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell

To Drenn, politics were a distant concept; he saw himself as a mere extension of Teckla's lightsaber, a weapon to be employed when necessary. The Knight had been informed about the impending event, his ears having also caught snippets of whispered conversation. Nevertheless, unlike others, these words did not stir up the same rush of urgency or any other feeling within him. He remained unflinching and composed, his extensive training and years of experience with The Imperial Crusaders leaving a lasting impact on him.

His piercing orbs followed her every movement through the clear glass of the viewport. Slowly, he turned back to her, his expression unreadable. They exchanged a brief glance as he nodded to show his compliance with her request.
“As you wish,” he declared, the response simple yet powerful. His tone did carry a tinge of reverence, as if her words were important to him. In truth, the mere thought of committing an act that could potentially put his newfound important position in danger was unfathomable to him. The Crusaders had taken him under their wing, granting him a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose; becoming a designated guard for someone as high-ranking as Teckla was had been a significant moment in his life.

The planet of Muunilinst was unfamiliar to him; it dawned on him that one of the advantages of aiding the woman was the opportunity to explore new worlds he had yet to experience. He followed from behind, his eyes inquisitive as he scanned the bustling streets. Every detail seemed to capture his attention; he was like a hawk, observing everything, also taking it all in with a sense of curiosity.

The obsidian cloak that adorned him, trailed in his wake, a sharp contrast to the Moff's own attire; it was clear that fashion was not his forte. It also kept his lightsaber concealed. Despite the constant movement and noise around him, he remained calm. From what he gathered so far, the area didn’t pose much of a threat. The walk to the restaurant was uneventful; Drenn knew the chances of someone actually trying to attack them right now in this space were slim to none, but his vigilance never wavered. He slowly inched closer to her as well, so that by the time they arrived, he was able to open the door.

As the two engaged in a verbal exchange, Drenn mirrored the deep nod in return to Valkoryen. Despite his lack of words, a single hand automatically rose to his chest in a display of humility. A seasoned veteran would surely detect his lack of political etiquette, but that was not the reason for his presence.
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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Meet with a potential ally
Location: Muunilinst system
Outfit: Business Suit
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell | Drenn Drenn


Unsurprisingly Drenn accepted his direction with zero disagreement and minimal discussion. The acceptance of her words was all the Teckla was looking for and it was received as expected. Once their guest arrived things would get more interesting. Valkoryen’s appearance was every bit as impressive as Teckla had expected. She found herself curious as to what sort of fight would happen if she angered the man, but at the same time relieved they had come together peacefully.

After greetings were exchanged between the three, silent on the part of Teckla’s bodyguard, it was commented that the chosen site of the meeting was an odd choice. Teckla had to agree with the statement. Certain precautions were taken that Teckla would not have done if she had remained close to home. The Empire of the Lost needed to solidify its foundations while not calling too much attention to themselves. There were enough enemies brewing in their own territory getting the attention of the Protectors or the Dark Empire would not be a good outcome of this meeting even if she was able to secure an alliance with Valkoryen.

”I decided that odd was required for the time being,” Teckla responded with a nod of her head. ”I do not stray far from Imperial territory normally, as such I was not sure what to expect from a place such as Muunilinist. This place offered privacy without having to ask for any favors. I would surely rather host you in the glorious fortress of the Imperial Crusaders, or the state house of Pakuuni. The former is still a work in progress, the latter I doubt you would find very impressive.”

Teckla waved to the table set out by the proprietors of the restaurant with various drinks, snacks and entrees. She did not wait for Valkoryen to move before taking a seat herself and reaching out for a piece of small fruit that looked appetizing, but would not take too much effort to eat. ”I think that we can be great allies,” Teckla started. She might have been slowly learning the ways of politics, but she still had difficulty speaking anything less than blunt truths. ”Through the Crusaders I wish to bring an era of might and order to the Outer Rim. I think that is something that appeals to you. And I am sure that you have traits and assets that would help me to expedite my goals.”


Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane , Drenn Drenn

He listened to her cut-off elaboration, leaving out an actual reason to why she chose a place remote and yet public as it was. But it was no matter to Him. The Empire of the Lost would choose their approach as they deemed necessary and if it was to be secretive, it be is at it may. He was not interested to keep their state secrets, yet.

With some more interest and curiosity He followed her opening to the actual topic. Valkoryen sat across from her, the chair looking dangerously under-equipped to deal with the large figure, but it made no sign of protest, no squeak escaped its structure. The food in front was a curious mixture but while she picked up something, He would not for now. It was not adequate to chew through an appetizer while she spoke.

Great allies. Might and order. She was not using a lot of elaboration or elaborate words to get to the point, she simply did. "Tell me about your Crusaders, I have only heard scarcely about them and with one present, it would be an honour to experience a first hand iteration of their philosophy and doctrine." His golden eyes also gazed towards Drenn Drenn , fully intending to include the 'mere bodyguard' into this. "The Outer Rim saw many rise and fall at the attempts to tame it, either through violent force or forceful sanctions. How the Empire envision its might and order to change and improve life? What role do you see Me taking in that when you speak of my traits and assets?"

He mirrored her direct approach in seeking elaboration and explanation of what she offered, without taking any detours, the worth of her answers determining how these talks would proceed.
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Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell

His sharp gaze automatically shifted towards the Moff's direction as she reached for the fruit, a habit ingrained in him from years of training with the Crusaders; it was a natural reaction he couldn't seem to rid himself of, even in a seemingly safe environment such as this. Any thoughts that may have felt irrational were removed; he quickly reminded himself that they arrived unexpectedly to a foreign restaurant, and it was highly unlikely that any of the food would be poisoned.

In a different corner of the universe, a dark cloak trailing behind a person in a more elegant outfit may have raised some eyebrows; yet in this place, it was nothing out of the ordinary. As he stepped further into the restaurant, his piercing dark green eyes swept across the interior with the precision of a predator. Not a single detail escaped him as he went from one corner to the other, taking each exit and window to memory. The layout of the room quickly became a map for him with multiple escape routes already forming in the back of his mind. Tapping into the encompassing energy of the Force, Drenn would attempt to further determine the safety of their surroundings; he tried to detect the slightest disturbances that could reveal threats or danger.

He observed the two individuals once more. With a curious tilt of his head, he shifted his attention to the towering figure who had directed a question his way. A flicker of surprise rolled across his features at being drawn into the exchange; calm washed over his body. Both feet remained planted on the ground, his body firm in the current position as he took in the scene before him.

Compared to the harsh realities of the past and history as he understood it, the Empire had personally provided him with opportunities and transformed his life in a positive manner. He had also seen other refugees rise and improve the quality of their own life. "Although I can only speak from my own personal journey, I have been taught by individuals who are not bound by the constraints of either the light or dark side," he said, taking a deep breath as he tried to think of an authentic way to deliver his message. "Their approach to every situation feels more practical, rather than being based only on idealism.”

Drenn found the last part of the question to be particularly challenging. Despite his training in combat, he was more accustomed to following orders than engaging in deep discussions. "To work together and serve the greater good of the Outer Rim and its people," he responded. He kept the answer straightforward, not wanting to overstep any boundaries
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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Meet with a potential ally
Location: Muunilinst system
Outfit: Business Suit
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell | Drenn Drenn


Valkoryen did not flinch from anything that Moff Tane said, nor did she expect it. His reticence to partake in the refreshments immediately was also something that Teckla had expected. Whether it was etiquette or distrust the Crusaders’ Grandmaster didn’t know, nor did she care. She hoped eventually resistance would lighten and the giant of a man would accept that this was a diplomatic mission. The fact that Teckla was inexperienced at diplomacy might become an issue, but for now it was a feeling out process. Just like a battle would be.

Teckla’s guest asked for information on the Crusaders. She wasn’t sure whether it was a request for a history lesson, a recitation of some creed that ruled over her organization or something more. The fact that the question was also posed of her bodyguard was a relief. Drenn could start the ball rolling and Teckla could fill in gaps. Though if she were honest with Valkoryen, the Crusaders currently were a lump of clay for molding. Drenn gave the basics in his answer. Teckla wasn’t entirely sure if she should expand or not when her time to speak came. Drenn’s answer to the bigger question was much more vague. It was good that her bodyguard was connected to the process. She would have to remind herself to inquire if he had interest in learning more of the strategies and politics that she would employ, or if he wanted to merely be a sword at her disposal.

”As Drenn has mentioned we’re an organization without alignment within the Force. We are a military organization who happen to be able to wield the power of the Force. The Crusaders are driven by the needs of the Empire, not that of the Force.” It was a wide generalization. Teckla was not a part of the group's formation, she took them on as a response to the Sith invasion of Tion. It was obvious to her that if the Empire was going to be a supreme power in the galaxy it would need its Force Users to be the spear head to make that mark. There would be some molding of the group to make that happen. But the basics would remain the same. ”As I said, our goal is to bring order.”

The role that Teckla saw Valkoryen actually taking in her plans was not quite clear. ”Many have tried and failed to bring what I suggest to the Outer Rim,” Teckla responded with a nod. The outskirts of the galaxy were vast, it would take much time and huge resources to “tame” it entirely. ”And there are multiple voices of authority reaching out to worlds now. The Sith, Mandalorians and even this Dark Empire are major forces that will need to be overcome. The Sith gave our Emperor a punch in the nose on Tion. It has awoken a writhing beast. Velran Kilran Velran Kilran has given me the Crusaders to make an example of the Sith, and once that is complete we will start to take the Rim bit by bit, system by system.”

As she pontificated on her purpose she still had not reached his part in her plans. Teckla wasn’t entirely sure that she could put it into a clear definition of her needs. ”Our goal is expansion. To be the Empire of the Galaxy. Those within the Empire have been forced into a mode of fortification. Keeping our focus close to home. Until such time as the Sith have been punched back we cannot afford to look too far from Lianna.” She looked at Valkoryen and gave a confident smirk. ”Zakuul is far from Lianna with no obvious threat to its power. You can start to spread the word of the coming of the true Empire. You can back that word with a firm grasp. When the Sith are inevitably dispatched by the Crusaders the expansion will begin in earnest. We can meet in the middle.”


Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane , Drenn Drenn

Their ambitions were strong, their targets clear and yet He could not help but wonder if their unity and cohesion was backing up such bold claims. They aspired to establish themselves as the dominant imperial realm, defeat the Sith and claim the Outer Rim. Reasonable but their pitch between Mandalorians, other Imperials, Sith and maybe even the Trade Federation was daring.

"Why do you believe you and your Empire of the Lost will succeed where others did not?"

One player was left unspoken. Their ambitions highlighted that they had no interest to challenge the Alliance. Curious, as the Alliance and imperial governments usually were at odds with each other. Maybe these Lost Imperials had agreements He did not know about. Or maybe their desinterest towards the Core had different reasons.

"The ideology of your Crusaders rings resonant to that of the Knights of Zakuul. Dogma overcomes practice too often for Force orders and organisations, setting expectations and claims which are impossible to achieve and lay the foundation for hypocrisy and blindness. I appreciate to hear of a same-minded approach in your ranks."

They sought another force to join their crusade, a partner or a puppet? Difficult to judge by now without completely understanding the direction this Empire was taking.

"I will not pledge any material or manpower to a far nation either nor am I following ambitions of territorial expansion. My goal is to find and establish connections of people and realms who share views similar to mine, who share a sense of order and prosperity. War is a constant, an inevitability, too many unique forces are at play to achieve peace in a life-time but striving for it is nevertheless a necessity. A necessity only unity can bring."

Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell

Drenn's ears attuned to every word that fell from Teckla's lips, his attention solely focused on her as she spoke. With an exhale, he lifted his gaze from the table, his feet planted firmly on the ground, his stance still unwavering. His eyes scanned the restaurant, taking in the atmosphere and the people around them, before returning to the Moff. His expression was one of deep concentration, as if he were searching for something in the bustling crowd around them.

Though his mind raced in agreement with her, he kept his mouth tightly sealed, aware that this was not his moment. He sensed the weight of the room's delicate dynamics, and any attempt to interject would only disrupt the rhythm. Instead, he stood in quiet support, all while remaining a ghostly figure in the background, ready to contribute if called upon. In that moment, he understood the power of silence, recognizing that sometimes the best support comes not from words spoken, but from a loyal presence.

Soon after, his green orbs were drawn towards Valkoryen's figure, yet it was only a fleeting moment before his eyes wandered elsewhere. He effortlessly roamed the space, absorbing the lively atmosphere and observing the waitstaff skillfully balancing trays of food in their hands. Despite the distractions around him, he remained keenly aware of the responsibilities resting on his shoulders. His focus was sharp in this moment, for threats could be lurking in any corner.

As the guard absorbed the man's words, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. After all, it was not the first time he had heard such sentiments since joining the ranks of the Crusaders. The experiences and events he had witnessed in the past, both in his homeland and during his time with the Empire, confirmed the ideas being presented to him. With a barely noticeable nod of his head, he silently expressed his agreement with the notion of unity being crucial.
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Meet with a potential ally
Location: Muunilinst system
Outfit: Business Suit
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell | Drenn Drenn
Dialogue Key: ”Galactic Basic” | <<Telepathic Communication>>


Drenn’s paranoia was a slight distraction to Grandmaster Tane. Her confidence that her advanced team had done their job and the restaurant was secure made it a pleasant statement that her bodyguard was very committed to his task and did not take any assurance as true security. It was a good trait in a bodyguard. Though his thoughts were a bit too hectic for Teckla’s liking. <<You are right to be aware, Drenn. Be ready for trouble. Don’t look for it. You’ll know when to act when it is needed,>> Teckla communicated with the young knight through the Force sending along with the thoughts a sense of calm.

The question of the ability of the Empire of the Lost to follow through with its plans to subjugate the Outer Rim and once secured there, collapse on the rest of the galaxy was a bit comical to Teckla. Though to be fair an outsider seeing the public actions of the Emperor might question some stability of the group as a whole. ”I could give you the same answer that all failed attempts have. The truth is that I believe in myself. There is a good mix of innovators and doers. But if the group can’t keep things running on a steady path, I will take charge myself and make it happen.” What Teckla deemed from the man’s appearance she guessed he would appreciate confidence. And Teckla had plenty of that.

The voicing of a shared philosophy within the Force was welcome, but not unexpected. Sure there were light and dark side cults that existed in the galaxy, but anything that grew to reasonable size and strength other than the Sith and the Jedi seemed to focus on the Force as a tool rather than a reason for being. ”Those that rely on Dogma deify the Force. If I’m to be honest a deity that would allow its creations to use and abuse its own essence is something I could not follow. The Force may have a living spirit, but that spirit will not influence my behavior. That is the path to slavery.”

Valkoryen continued openly stating that he was not looking to contribute to the Imperial Manifest Destiny as it was. Teckla wasn’t sure that was exactly what she was after in this meeting. For her part she didn’t trust outsiders to do the work of the Empire, and she had severe doubts that Valkoryen would ever completely join. ”I would not expect you to give your resources freely. And I do not handle the economics of the Empire, so a deal to purchase is also not on the table at the moment. I would be very interested in a continued open dialogue. A sharing of ideas and philosophies. Perhaps joint learning expeditions. Though as you say. Until the unity is achieved war is inevitable, and the Crusaders are a part of the Imperial war effort. We are an edge sharpened by battle, so these interactions between us would of course have some basis in war. In my sight the only way to achieve unity is to force my way of life to be the way of life. To that end there will be many wars in the history of the Empire. As long as you are not an enemy, I foresee the Knights of Zakuul as friends.”

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