Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crystal Clear(Take Two, Dev Thread)(Complete)


Well-Known Member
Kazahna Asteroid Field
As his starfighter exited hyperspace Katbiyre ran through his pla one more time, now that he had the location of the Stygium mining facility he would land a mile away from it before iniating space mode on his fully charged armor, and jetpack his way to a quaryter of a mile away and walk the rest, he would then jumppack over the fence, into the artifical gravity and find a air vent in order to enter upon entering he would locate the storage area and set charges semi faraway, which would distract the guards so that he could steal enough stygium to power his new ship's cloaking device(and hopefully for his new lightsaber as well) once he obtained the crystals he would detonate the secondary charges he had placed on his way to the primary charges location, and make his way to the place where he had entered and escape.


Well-Known Member
The landing approach was ecspecially nerve racking, Katbiyre not only had to worry about the facilites scanners, but he also had to worry about the other astroids in the field. When he entered the field the astroids were so dense that they nearly always clipped his wings, "But at least they haven't." he thought, and then an astroid did hit his wing. "Shouldn't of jinxed it" he thought as he stabilized his wing. Upon entering the close area of his target, astroid Ar-02x, he initiated the jammers he had built into his fighter so that he would have a lower chance of being detected.

"Here we are, finally." He touched down on the astroid pressurizing his armor as he did so.


Well-Known Member
As he exited his ship Katbiyre drew his rfile, and grabbed a "few" of his grenades. He ran, jumped, and activated his stealth jetpack. Upon reaching a quarter mile he dropped down and deactivated his jetpack. "Wait, won't I attract Myknocks?" He thought as he fell, and was then immediately grabbed by a mynock. He reached out with the force and threw the mynock at the ground, "This better work" was all he had time to think before he hit the ground. He got up, only slightly worse for the wear.


Well-Known Member
As he ran to the fence he saw that their were actually a few more guards at the wall than hetough, as in 20 of them, the only logical course of action was to run away ad try and find some backup. So of course Katbiyre threw one of his imploders and used the force to have it be in their midsts. Tick Tick *BOOM* went the grenade as it imploded sending what remained the body's into a slow fall. As he approached the fence he realized that he had blon a hole in it, so he just walked righ through. After he entered the artifical gravity and atmosphere, he jetpacked cautiosly onto the top of the storage building. Once he landed he spent a few minuets on top of the roof, trying to find a vent to the inside.


Well-Known Member
Once he found the vent Katbiyre entered it and his anxiety levels went up. Once he found an exit that wasn't surrounded by guards, he dropped down. He then went to find a directory, trying to avoid all the guards at the same time. When he was able to acess one, "The storage area is down this hall and to the right, so I need to put the charges here, near the mess hall." Katbiyre closed the map, after thinking about where he needed to put the charges. He ran down the opposite end of the hall took a right, then a left, then two more rights, then two ledts then a right and he was at the mess hall, "Wow, it realy is a mess." Katbiyre muttered as he set the charges, when he saw how big of a mess the mess hall was. As he traveled back to where the directory was, he set charges at strategic locations on his route. When he reched the directory console he hit the detonate button.


Well-Known Member
*BOOM*BOOM*BOOM* came the explosions, and as the guards went there, Katbiyre ran into the storage area "I wonder how much stygium there is? Must be a lot they've been here a while." He thought as rapidly executed a systematic algorithm of passwords, turns out the code was 1,2,3,4. He entered the vault and saw only a few crystals, "That was unexpected." Katbiyre proceeded to grab all of them. He ran outof the vault hopped into the vent, hit the detonate button for the secondary charges.


Well-Known Member
After the secondaries detonated, Katbiyre ran through the vents, taking lefts and rights at random. "Here's an exit" he thought and dropped out of the duct. "Hold it right there, saboteur." Apparently there was a guard behind him, "This is sentry 49-73-675, requesting backup in quadrant 3.4635354. Don't turn around, and keep your arms where I can see them! You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you!" Apparently he had been found out, "Only thing to do is escape before more people show up." Katbiyre reached for his gun, right as more guards showed up. He immediately changed direction to reach for his smoke grenade. *deet* *shhh* came the noise as the grenade released its smoke.


Well-Known Member
Katbiyre fired round after round into the guards, making sure every shot counted. He took out 8 guards with as many shots, and administered two quick jabs too the last ones. "Well I didn't plan on THAT." Katbiyre ran towards the gate. "Intruder alert, intruder alert." Came a femenine voice, "Why! Why! Why!!!" Katbiyre yelled when he heard the voice, "Why, why wuld this happen to me!" and then a guard came around the corner, "I have located the intruder at, repeat alpha point." *Smack* Kaybiyre's punch stopped the man short. "I need to hurry." Katbiyre thought.


Well-Known Member
As he ran through the facility, killing everything in sight, Katbiyre changed direction amd ran for the fence.hoping to escape fast. "We have the intruder located! He's in vector seven!" yelled one of the guards, and then the sound of speeders started "And they probably have guns." Katbiyre thought as about faced, dodged to the side and dropped a grenade in the first speeder, in one quick series of movements. *BOOM* "Now, who's next?" He yelled at the guards, who proceded to kall for back up. "Karabast." Katbiyre muttered, "So, I guess I'll have to take you all out then?" he continued in a louder tone. And then the second speeder came at him from the side. He got in its way and, when it was mere inches away,fliped into its cockit on the drivers head and elbowed the gunner in the face with his hard, metal armor. Katbiyre grabbed the driver and threw him out, then did a flip to dump the gunner. He then changed directiln and headed towards the fence once again.


Well-Known Member
As he headed for the fence Katbiyre grabbed his pistol and started firing backwards at the guards. When they stopped pursuing he headed immediately for his ship. Sure he ran into a few more mynocks on the way, but he was able to kill them quickly enough. Once reached his Mk.II Cabur-class starfighter, he hopped in put the Stygium Crystals in the cargo container he had added, and initiated the takeoff sequence. As Katbiyre took off, he set course for the mining facility, planning to destroy so there would be no witnesses. "Well I guess I should open fire now." Katbiyre hit the "fire" button and watched the destruction unfold, he saw countless lasser blasts pour into the area followed by missiles and torpedoes. "Well I think I'm done here." Katbiyre turned his ship around, maunuvered through the asteroids, and entered hyperspace.

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