I'm scarier with my mask off.

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"
LOCATION : Denon | OBJECTIVE : Crystal Retrieval | TAG (FRIENDLY) :

“I need backup here!”
No response.
“Quellin! Baryn! Where are you Nerf-herders?!”
They’re not coming.
Around the corner walked Connel, he was dragging an unconscious, probably “Quellin” by the foot, and the one who yelled out for “backup” knew that he was even deeper over his head than he was a moment ago. Dropping his “baggage”, Connel took out the “friend” who was coming around after being knocked out by Ran. He was thrown into a dumpster.

”Little Jedi”... look away… now…
Graclin didn’t argue this time. It was serious and he needed to listen. However when he did, he saw someone else coming down the escape. So did Connel. It was the final mercenary, and he moved, knowing Ran could easily handle these two, Graclin, shield and stun baton or not, was in trouble.
Sprinting at the ladder and shimmying up, the Shadow beat the mercenary to the kid and shot the criminal’s rifle with his lightblaster before the Weequay could get a shot off. Reaching out through the Force, “grabbing” the mercenary and throwing him up to the roof, Vanagor met him there, not before pointing at Graclin in the same manner as before.
The boy “got it”, he would not look at what was about to happen.
~Trust me.~
Speaking to Ran through the Force, he was about to do something that was not fun, but absolutely necessary here.
“Listen, let me go and I… I won’t say anything… I promise…”
You kill innocents, you threaten children and you want mercy from me? Connel stalked his prey like an animal, the merc was slowly sliding backwards, trying to keep as much distance as he could, not aware of his surroundings.
“Yeah? What are you gonna do? “Arrest” me?”
I’m going to get information out of you.
Still backing away, he was getting desperate but trying to stay bold. “I ain’t sayin’ nothin! I’m no snitch!”
In a blur, Connel grabbed the merc, picked him up by the lapels, dragged and draped him over the side of the building. Now the Weequay, we’ll call him “Pocs” , was reliant on the “shaky hand” of this assailant to keep him from falling a couple of stories to the ground.
“Www What are you doing? You can’t do this you idiot! You’re a weak-azz Jedi!”
Name calling? Connel indeed let him go, but reached and grabbed him fast enough so that gravity only took over for about a second and a half and he only fell backward a couple of inches.
“You… you can’t do this! You’re a Jedi! Don’t!!” He wouldn’t do it, but this guy didn’t need to know that.
You are assuming an awful lot. Let’s just say that I am a “Jedi”... Which he is. ... and I am doing this to you. Do you think that you might want to tell me what I want to know? I’m going to get it out of you one way or the other.
“If I talk, they’ll kill me!”
WHO HAS THEIR HANDS ON YOU NOW?! Now, Connel was completely holding the merc out over the side, he didn’t even have footing. He was hanging in the air.
“TELKIM! Telkim hired us!”
He is?
“Get me back on the roof and I’ll talk.”
“Aw, c’mon man! I’m helping you. You have to give me SOMETHING…”
You keep asking for mercy you haven’t earned…
“Telkim’s this fishead(Mon Calamari), he’s got a vault on Nar Shaddaa… he hired us to move the crystals…”
“We… we figured we could make a little side money…”
I’ll be sure and tell him when I find him.
Just as the roof access door opened and authorities were coming out, Connel threw “Pocs” back onto the roof. The Weequay merc was never so happy to be arrested. He was ready to tell the cops whatever they needed to know.