Neivon tried asking questions around town, but as he expected, plenty people avoided him. Who wouldn't? He was wearing blasted beskar'gam after all. And an electrostaff and c-300 blaster for the finishing touches. Neivon could simply strip himself and wear 'civilian' clothes, but he wasn't going to waste time with Six-Eyes request. It was always weird to Neivon, he rarely had much patience for the Nautolan's missions in comparison to previous employers and himself. It was probably best shrugged off, though. Neivon continued asking around, seeing if anyone was gutsy enough to speak to him. Finally, he came across a H'drachi. Hopefully they could bring Neivon to where the majority of the species hangs out. The problem was, as Neivon approached, the H'drachi's eyes widened. They didn't bother gathering up the items they were selling. Not wanting to see anything stolen, Neivon put them in his spare pack, running off after the H'drachi.
"Hey wait!" Neivon said. "I just want to talk!" Neivon ran pass civilians, having to shove some aside as they weren't fast enough to evade him, the H'drachi had no problem though, seeming to curve through them as if they predicted whether the civilians would've or wouldn't move. The H'drachi disappeared into a white, circular building. Neivon smiled. He assumed the only exit was the entrance. What came to Neivon surprised was when he entered place, H'drachi stood around a frost-covered pool, all looking expectantly at him.
"You're here." An elderly women said. The H'rachi were all shrowed in white robes and turbans, excluding the one Neivon had been chasing. Neivon looked down to see the women extend a hand. "I assume you have a couple of valuables that belongs to one of us."
Too stunned to speak, Neivon simply nodded, giving his spare pack to the women. The women smiled, handing it to the H'drachi who ran from Neivon. The merchant didn't even look stunned or surprised anymore, as if this was all expected.
"We understand that I am to die soon," The women perked up again. "For a crystal."
Neivon stared on in surprise. He didn't know it was going to be this easy, there was still the problem of extracting it. And why was this woman so casual about the entire thing?
The women raised her three-fingered hand in the air. "Don't worry, little one, this is a better solution in getting this crystal, but first, I need your help." It was as if she could read his mind, his throughts with no difficulty at all.
Neivon continued to stare, speechless. "There is a women, she plans to be escorted with her goal in mind being nextor crystals."
Neivon finally escaped the trance. "Nextor crystals? What would she want with -" Neivon heard harsh hushes from every angle. Seemed this old lady was well respected around here.
"But," The H'drachi Seer said. "The route she takes is one that will be in ruin. Many deaths will befall if we don't lead her the right way."
"We?" Neivon said. "So you're to come with me on this?"
The old lady nodded. "Isn't it the crystal that resides as a part of me, what you desire? Help us stop the deaths of ancients and the crystal will be yours."
Great. Neivon thought. When you thought someone will become simple, it becomes complicated with the added blasted bonus of vague words. "Alright..." Neivon sighed. "I'll help you with this."
The Seer smiled. "Great." She rummaged through here robes, pulling out a datapad. It read.
[Too those who wish for a job,
I need an escort on the planet M'haeli too help me across the snowy plains towards a cave or any way into a mountain. They must have equal knowledge of survival and the planet itself. Knowledge of Nextor crystals will also be helpful, as they are what I hope too find. I will pay those who help in my quest in either credits or a number of the crystals.
Reward: 200c/10% of crystals
Location too meet: [Insert bar name here], N'croth, M'haeli.
Job made by: Zhainiah Icecore]
Zhainiah huh? Neivon sighed again. Guess there was no time like the present to continue being a frakking errand boy.
[member="David Hoxt"] | [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] | [member="Zhainah Icecore"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"]