Wandering Naval Officer
The Accuser lumbered out of the ship yards around Dosuun. Aran was on the bridge and had orders to meet up with the Ren on their way back from the Planet Lothal. They had the final pieces to complete the Custom Resurgent Class. Aran heard of them making a incursion into Alliance space for some Kyber crystals, and asked the head of the Incursion forces [member="Castor Ren"] to pick some up for his planned Command ship for his new promotion. With that promotion going though, it was time to finish the plans, and get the ship underway. The only thing missing now was the Kyber Focusing Crystals.
It was a skeleton crew on the FIV Accuser, most of the Command crew were not present, there were few of the gunnery crews as well. Reports said the boarder was calm so there wouldn't be much of opposition at the designated Rendezvous point. So the skeleton crew would be fine. It wasn't like they were going into a warzone.
[member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]