- Intent: To create the unit of legionnaires Ithnan supervises during military operations.
- Image Credit: Here
- Role: Legionnaires within the Sith-Imperial Legion
- Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. ]
Unit Equipment:
- Description: Being picked from several different divisions and Corps within the Imperial legion the legionnaires of the Frostbite mobile squadron have all been chosen for their natural aptitude in the crucible of war and devout earnestness to achieve victory on the battlefield.
Each member within the unit harbors competitiveness to prove their worthiness for the special position they have been given and as such fight harder and smarter on the ground. With the knowledge that they have been placed in an almost suicidal position for the missions, they receive the member of the squadron are very close-knit.
The 15 Members of the specialized unit are divided into three fireteams of five with designations Eclipse, Void, and Shadow. Within these teams is an additional droid companion to supplement their weak areas. In combat, these fireteams work in close proximity constantly playing off the other and commands of their Squad leader. Within each fire team, one legionnaire is designated to carry a heavy weapon to provide great force multiplication on the field.
- Unit Size: Small (15 Legionnaires + 3 droids),
- Unit Availability: Unique (only one)
- Unit Experience: Trained
- Combat Function: The Frostbite Squadron serve as an autonomous unit meant to strike crippling blows to the enemies assets on the ground. This can be taking out a strategic location or the assassination of a high profile target. On many occasions, they will assist Ithnan on special assignments not pertaining to the war front.
- Brothers In Arms: The members of Frostbite Squadron have been together for many tough situations and have gone through a number of trial and tribulations in the war-torn galaxy. Amongst themselves, they are a well-oiled machine capable of handling any task as long as they have a Legionnaire at their side.
- Friends In High Places: Due to their sergeant's connections, the members of Frostbite Squadron have access to slightly better gear than other squadrons of their level.
- Bloodied: Each member of the Frostbite Squadron have lived through the experience of taking the life of the enemy. Where some would second guess themselves when faced with the opportunity to kill they do not.
- Imperius: Even with their lack of experience compared to other groups in their line of work the members of the "Cryo Commandos" are still soldiers of the Sith Empire and have the discipline, ruthlessness, and skill expected of the Empire's finest.
- Dwarfs among giants: While the Squadron is good at what they do many of the operations they run put them up against great odds. Being outmatched in this line of work can sometimes be a death sentence.
- Rosebud: With their newfound role as a free-flowing squadron the members of Frostbite aren't as familiar with many of the techniques needed to operate alone. While up to standard for the Imperial legion these men and women are not specialists.
- Adjustment Period: While the benefit of better equipment is substantial the members of Frostbite squadron are still getting used to their new toys and are currently only as good with them as their experience and the weapon grant.
Formed not long after the Siege of Commenor Frostbite Squadron was raised from the existing legionnaires on planet to combat the terrorist actions of the native rebels and enforce control over its surviving populace and infrastructure. Led by their recently promoted commander Sergeant Cryo the teams beginning deployments were based on the planet side until the complete removal of Sith presence on the planet was enacted
Following the withdrawal of Imperial forces from Commenor, the unit took on the role of a mobile unit which flowed between legions as their Squad leader permitted. Led by the apprentice of Sith Triumvirate Taeli Raaf the men and women of this unit are prone to be attached to major military skirmishes and invasions where not only the Empire but the Lady of Secrets has found something of interest.
With no real station Frostbite Squadron are grounded in recent military occupations as reinforcements until a new battle calls them from that post and the cycle continues. Bearing equipment not frequently handed out to the standard Legionnaires of the greater Legion the time spent off the battlefield is used for training and adjusting to their newfound importance.
Frostbites task and specialty comes from their skill in striking strategic locations,personnel, and resources. Avoiding the main battle line to instead crumble the enemies infrastructure Frostbite Squadrons members were hand chosen for their excellence in facing the harsher realities of the battlefield and understanding the grander scheme of maneuvering and decisions that need to take place all the way to the highest general and lowest legionnaire.
Though not as tenured as their counterparts Frostbite Squadrons relishes the challenge of facing the enemies of the empire and pride themselves on the glory of victory as it proves that no matter what enemy is put in front of them or the Empire it is inevitable that it will crumble. The members of this squad are bloodied,Hardened, and eager to prove its worth and skill to the Empire that they call home.