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CryTech Research and Development

Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.


  • Manufacturer: CryTech
  • Affiliation: Company Name(CryTech) Faction Name(Sith Empire)
  • Model: [SIZE=9pt]NNP-1080 “Needle” rifle[/SIZE]
  • Modularity:
    [SIZE=9pt]Laser Sights[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Scopes [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Incendiary Rounds[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]High Kinetic Armor Piercing Rounds[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Various bullets created by [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]CryTek[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Flechette Rounds[/SIZE]

Production: Minor

[*]Material: [SIZE=9pt]Duraplast Frame, Various Shatter Gun components[/SIZE]
  • Classification: Verpine Shatter Gun
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Interchangeable Pellet types can be used
  • Ammunition Capacity: 75 shots per regular magazine,

  • Reload Speed: Fast
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Stopping Power: High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Special Features:
    Interchangeable Ammunition
  • Heavy Hitter
  • Great Accuracy
  • Modularity

  • Modular: Offering several sights and over the barrel rail options the NNP is capable of preparing for different situations.

  • [SIZE=9pt]Heavy Hitter: The rifle offers the user the benefit of knocking some real sense into anyone on the opposite end. While the payload of the NNP may be shielded or blocked by the armor the kinetic force generated from a shot, especially in rapid succession has the chance of knocking a person off their feet.[/SIZE]
  • Big Boned: This gun while manageable has a hefty weight to it making prolonged use of it tiring and a certain level of strength required to wield it. A strength assisting suit of armor may mitigate this.​
  • Pick Your Shots: The NNP doesn't sport as many shots as other rifles. Soldiers wielding this weapon will have to be warier in how their ammunition is spent in the field.

With new enemies comes a new need for innovation. Instead of stagnating on their old stock of weaponry CryTech has produced a newer model of rifle to deal with the more protected foes of the galaxy. The NNP is the first in a line of new rifles meant to bolster the supply of weapons available to the Sith Empire and profit numbers of the Crytech all together.

As a hard-hitting, and modular weapon the NNP is capable anywhere at any time. The various ammunition types only serve to make the weapon more useful in the field and dish out the type of damage necessary to take the day.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.


  • Intent: Create a grenade for CryTech and the Sith Empire
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: CryTech
  • Affiliation: Company Name(CryTech) Faction Name(Sith Empire)
  • Model: P-I-T Toxic Grenade
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Dendriton Toxin, Grenade Components
  • Toxin Scatter system
  • Dendriton Toxin: These grenades are filled with a deadly toxin which eventually leads to a painful paralysis. The effects start off with an increase in fatigue before the victim drops into paralysis

  • Scatter System: While each grenade has a main casing which releases a majority of the gas it also includes four bullet-like projectiles that fly out after detonation and release more toxin into their effective area. These projectiles come out fast enough to pierce armor and embed itself or shatter reinforced glass.
  • Indiscriminate: This toxin does not care about Empires or Republics and will affect anyone who breathes it in.

The purpose of the P-I-T grenade is simple and clear in that it is meant to immobilize the opposition and cause the maximum amount of pain doing so. What sets this grenade apart is the increased range it sports over another toxin grenade with its well crafted scatter system. Those caught in the range and path of these projectiles can be hit and killed from the embedded projectile releasing the toxin directly into their body.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.
  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Link to where you found the images, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help. ]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here. ]
  • Military Base Name: Vertex Academy
  • Classification: [ The types of classification are, but are not limited to: Army Base, Naval Station, Outpost, Fort, Camp, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place upon which this location resides. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns/rules this base? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. How large is this Military Base? How many armed units? If your military base is generic, you may separate this population into Army Personnel, Navy Personnel, etc. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility:[ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Military troops and hardware are appropriate for all levels of the security rating for Military Bases. Please link relevant tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. ]

[ Include a description on the base's history here. Detail how it came to be constructed and why. Talk about the people/factions involved in this base's creation; and what role it plays. For historical bases, if you so desire, you can include historical events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.

  • Intent: To create the unit of legionnaires Ithnan supervises during military operations.
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Role: Legionnaires within the Sith-Imperial Legion
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. ]

[*]Unit Equipment:
  • Description: Being picked from several different divisions and Corps within the Imperial legion the legionnaires of the Frostbite mobile squadron have all been chosen for their natural aptitude in the crucible of war and devout earnestness to achieve victory on the battlefield.
Each member within the unit harbors competitiveness to prove their worthiness for the special position they have been given and as such fight harder and smarter on the ground. With the knowledge that they have been placed in an almost suicidal position for the missions, they receive the member of the squadron are very close-knit.

The 15 Members of the specialized unit are divided into three fireteams of five with designations Eclipse, Void, and Shadow. Within these teams is an additional droid companion to supplement their weak areas. In combat, these fireteams work in close proximity constantly playing off the other and commands of their Squad leader. Within each fire team, one legionnaire is designated to carry a heavy weapon to provide great force multiplication on the field.

  • Unit Size: Small (15 Legionnaires + 3 droids),
  • Unit Availability: Unique (only one)
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Combat Function: The Frostbite Squadron serve as an autonomous unit meant to strike crippling blows to the enemies assets on the ground. This can be taking out a strategic location or the assassination of a high profile target. On many occasions, they will assist Ithnan on special assignments not pertaining to the war front.
  • Brothers In Arms: The members of Frostbite Squadron have been together for many tough situations and have gone through a number of trial and tribulations in the war-torn galaxy. Amongst themselves, they are a well-oiled machine capable of handling any task as long as they have a Legionnaire at their side.
  • Friends In High Places: Due to their sergeant's connections, the members of Frostbite Squadron have access to slightly better gear than other squadrons of their level.
  • Bloodied: Each member of the Frostbite Squadron have lived through the experience of taking the life of the enemy. Where some would second guess themselves when faced with the opportunity to kill they do not.
  • Imperius: Even with their lack of experience compared to other groups in their line of work the members of the "Cryo Commandos" are still soldiers of the Sith Empire and have the discipline, ruthlessness, and skill expected of the Empire's finest.
  • Dwarfs among giants: While the Squadron is good at what they do many of the operations they run put them up against great odds. Being outmatched in this line of work can sometimes be a death sentence.
  • Rosebud: With their newfound role as a free-flowing squadron the members of Frostbite aren't as familiar with many of the techniques needed to operate alone. While up to standard for the Imperial legion these men and women are not specialists.
  • Adjustment Period: While the benefit of better equipment is substantial the members of Frostbite squadron are still getting used to their new toys and are currently only as good with them as their experience and the weapon grant.

Formed not long after the Siege of Commenor Frostbite Squadron was raised from the existing legionnaires on planet to combat the terrorist actions of the native rebels and enforce control over its surviving populace and infrastructure. Led by their recently promoted commander Sergeant Cryo the teams beginning deployments were based on the planet side until the complete removal of Sith presence on the planet was enacted

Following the withdrawal of Imperial forces from Commenor, the unit took on the role of a mobile unit which flowed between legions as their Squad leader permitted. Led by the apprentice of Sith Triumvirate Taeli Raaf the men and women of this unit are prone to be attached to major military skirmishes and invasions where not only the Empire but the Lady of Secrets has found something of interest.

With no real station Frostbite Squadron are grounded in recent military occupations as reinforcements until a new battle calls them from that post and the cycle continues. Bearing equipment not frequently handed out to the standard Legionnaires of the greater Legion the time spent off the battlefield is used for training and adjusting to their newfound importance.

Frostbites task and specialty comes from their skill in striking strategic locations,personnel, and resources. Avoiding the main battle line to instead crumble the enemies infrastructure Frostbite Squadrons members were hand chosen for their excellence in facing the harsher realities of the battlefield and understanding the grander scheme of maneuvering and decisions that need to take place all the way to the highest general and lowest legionnaire.

Though not as tenured as their counterparts Frostbite Squadrons relishes the challenge of facing the enemies of the empire and pride themselves on the glory of victory as it proves that no matter what enemy is put in front of them or the Empire it is inevitable that it will crumble. The members of this squad are bloodied,Hardened, and eager to prove its worth and skill to the Empire that they call home.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.


  • Intent: Create a new pistol for the Sith Empire
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Sith Empire Research and Development.
  • Affiliation:(Sith Empire) (Crytech)
  • Model: E-44 Eclipse Rail Pistol
  • Modularity: Yes

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, Duraplast, Railgun Components,Autosteady gyro-gimbal, Combat De-Ionizer, Energy Storage Unit
  • Classification: Shattergun/ Ion pistol
  • Size: Small (Handheld)
  • Weight: Light
  • Ammunition Type: Pellets
  • Ammunition Capacity: 33 shots, 8 ion bursts

  • Reload Speed: Fast
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: High (Semi-Automatic, Three Shot Burst)
  • Stopping Power: High
  • Recoil: High
  • Strong Punch
  • Various fire modes
  • Accurate
  • Modular (Overbarrel rail and ammunition types)
  • Combat De-Ionizer
  • Accurate: Paired with the innate superior accuracy of most Verpine shatter guns the assistance of the Autosteady device grants users of this weapon an even greater likelihood to be on target with their shots and control the recoil produced from firing.
  • Stronger than before: Thanks to the much-needed boost in speed from scattergun technology the projectiles fired from the E-44 hit much harder than what your average slugthrower could put out.
  • Adaptable: The E-44 was built with the numerous battlefields of the galaxy in mind. As such it has been outfitted to resist the effects of Electro Magnetic Pulses and other forms of physical abuse.
  • Crytech Vortex System: The E-44 is capable of generating Ionic blasts using the energy generated from regular Slug or Pellet fire. Each burst requires four shots to be fired before a sizeable burst can be made. These Ion Pulses do not travel as far as other payloads are better used at close range than from a distance.
  • Now you see still see me: Due to the railgun technology the E44 uses a large flash is created when fired that is a hindrance in dark firefights.
  • Follow the blue firefly: Another drawback of the E44 is the bright blue glow the back of the gun produces when enough ionic energy has been produced for an ionic shot. His glow remains until the energy is expended making the wielder noticeable in badly lit areas.
  • Limited Shots: Hard hitting or not it is a fact of the modern age that when compared with the more popular blaster pistol the E-44 requires the user to reload far more often.
  • No Prisoners Today: There is no room for compromise with the E-44, either the target is dead or gruesomely injured. With no stun option this gun has one sole purpose, kill.

The E-44 is a new model of pistol meant to round out the ever-expanding Sith arsenal. With its light and compact design, the weapon is easy to handle while still being able to pack the modern punch needed to break through the defenses of the future. The E-44 main goal is to maximize casualties on the enemy side and allow every legionnaire a viable option when faced with the militarized force users roaming the galaxy.

The Shattergun design of the E-44 with all its benefits still lacks in the way of stealth and isn't the weapon of choice for those looking for a quiet approach. With a noticeable muzzle flash and intense blue glow the weapon is best used for those looking to cause damage and have a firm backup should their primary weapon become unavailable.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.


  • Intent: Create a new rifle for the Sith Empire
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Sith Empire Research and Development.
  • Affiliation:(Sith Empire) (Crytech)
  • Model: V0-RD Supernova Rail Rifle
  • Modularity: Yes

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, Duraplast, Railgun Components, Cautionary Pulser, Autosteady gyro-gimbal, Combat De-Ionizer, Energy Storage Unit
  • Classification: Shattergun/ Ion rifle
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Slugs, Pellets
  • Ammunition Capacity: 160 shots, 32 ion bursts, 2 grenades (Type varies)

  • Reload Speed: Average(2 Magazines) Long (4 Magazines)
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: High (Semi-Automatic, Three Shot Burst, Automatic)
  • Stopping Power: High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Strong Punch
  • Integrated Rail fired grenade launcher
  • Accurate
  • Modular (Overbarrel rail and ammunition types)
  • CryTech Magazine Cycler
  • Combat De-Ionizer
  • Easy to Use: Like most Shatterguins the inner mechanics of the weapon make it especially easy to work with in terms of accuracy, silence, and delivering extreme amounts of damage with a single projectile. This crutch puts the wielders of the Supernova at a disadvantage regardless of training or scenario.
  • Bringing The Pain: The Supernova fires fast and hard enough that the onslaught of projectiles can be overwhelming for a target. Moving much faster and harder than the run of the mill Slugthrower and Railgun the Supernova can lay down death and destruction with a high percentage of casualties.
  • Adaptable: The Supernova was built specifically for the number of Specialized units popping up within the Sith Legion. The weapon is meant to be taken to any environment and be put in any situation with the assurance that it will not breakdown or fall into disrepair.
  • Crytech Vortex System: Using the energy created from projectile fire the Supernova is capable of firing an Ionic Blast after enough energy has been stored. Unlike its little brother, the E-44, the ionic blast launched from the Supernova can be carried just as far as the Supernova usually carries its payload without a dropoff of accuracy or intensity.
  • Crytech Magazine Cycler: The Supernova is capable of loading four magazines at once by sliding out the stock. The inner mechanics of the Supernova cycles empty magazines out of the way and replaces it with the next one in the lineup.
  • Now you see still see me: The Supernova, despite its near silent launch, leaves a very noticeable blue flash when fired. This leaves the user at a disadvantage if they should not kill their target quickly in a dark lit firefight.
  • Follow the blue firefly: The Vortex system of the Supernova leaves a bright blue glow when charged and only grows brighter as the energy piles up. Walking around with a giant blue glowstick is never a good idea when trying to be stealthy or not draw attention.
  • No Prisoners Today: The Supernova isn't handed out to units meant to bring the enemy back. With its only job being to decrease the life expectancy of anyone on the wielders bad side the Supernova cannot capture someone in the more pristine ways of the current era.
  • Slow Reload: While not requiring four full magazines to fire reloading the Supernova to its full capacity takes time. Pieced with the number of magazines needed to fully load the Supernova it is hard-pressed for a soldier to carry enough magazines to fully reload numerous times.

The jewel of Crytechs new line of weapons the V0-RD Supernova is meant to be the best friend of any Sith Legionnaire in the field and the first choice of weapon for any commanding officers weapon assignment. Both Adaptable and crippling the shatter gun design of this weapon allows its users to maximize the damage they let out on the field while avoiding the ever-growing countermeasures to energy weaponry. However, as a back up to the prevalence of powered equipment on the battlefield, the Supernova is the original house of the Vortex System. By utilizing energy from the projectile firing of pellets and slugs ions are formed and encased in an electromagnetic shell so that it can be fired out as a secondary option.

The downside of the myriad of choices in the Supernova is its straightforward design. The weapons sole purpose is to excel above the enemies in terms of increasing the legionnaire's survivability by offering them more choices and chances to excel. In the hands of an exceptionally skilled individual the weapon is beyond deadly though thanks to the design of the gun even a fresh face recruit could pick it up and get the job done. Lacking the stun features of most modern blasters the Supernova is a killer and lack choices in the nonaggressive region.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.


  • Intent: Submit an Armor for the Sith Special Forces
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: CryTech
  • Affiliation: CryTech , Sith Empire
  • Model: Phase 1 "Legatus" Power Armor
  • Modularity: Yes

  • Production: Limited
  • Material:
    Duranium and Neutronium frame
  • Reinforced Duraplast
  • Thermal gel liner
  • Heat Shielding
  • Optional Kama
  • Powersuit Components

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances
- Blasters: Very High
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Average
- Sonic: Average
-EMP/ION: Very High
- Elemental: High

  • "Hunhow", Digital Heads Up Display HW-825
  • Broadband Antenna
  • Combat, Pineal Eye, Visual, Motion, Thermal, Audio Sensors
  • Environmental Filter, Rebreather, Oxygen Filtration System, Nutrient/Water Dispenser, Oxygen Tank (6 Hour Supply)

  • Shoulder-fired blaster


  • Magno-grip-soles

  • Extreme Personality: The Legatus power armors housing of the Hunhow system creates an ever learning and an ever-growing bond between user and machine. As the Integrated AI learns more about the wearer and the wearer about the Hunhow system the performance of the armor is increased beyond base ability. Along with being locked behind an electronic seal any legionnaire wearing this armor will be just as much a recurring companion on the battlefield as any member of their detachment.
  • War Machine: Built for the harsh realities a legionnaire must face on the field the Legatusbattle armor has been created to deal with as many situations as possible. Its strong plating meant to shrug off the weapons of the era and defend against the ever-increasing number of militaristic Jedi and lightsaber wielders. The armor offers its user the ample time necessary to dispose of the enemy and survive the abuse of battle.
  • Lifesaver: On top of its base resilence the Legatus armor is capable of utilizing the Hunhows ability to physically control the armor as if it were a droid for a limited amount of time. If for some reason the wearer becomes unable to function but the armor is Hunhow will seek a safe place to seclude itself before sending out an SOS signal. These safe locations are usually predetermined but Hunhow will work with what it has available.
  • Bond: Unless the armor is fresh out the factory then the ability for a legionnaire to switch with a partner or quickly occupy an available one is next to impossible. With an electric seal and activation password securing it, allowing another user then the one expected requires time and tools.
  • School Of Heavy Knocks: The Legatus was not created for stealth missions and therefore falls short on being undetectable once the battle has begun. The Legatus instead focuses on keeping the user alive through resistance than technology like cloaking and sound dampening.
  • High scale Production: The Legatuspower armor comes with so many features and requires so much work to make it function that to be cost effective a limited number must be made and old models, once their owner has either died or moved on, are kept until a new owner takes control.

Following the recent elevation in standard equipment for the common legionnaire within the grand legion of the Empire engineers and craftsman within the Imperial war machine earnestly began projects into a new armor capable of defending the best of the best from an early grave and offering more focused combat options on the field. Initially labeled PROJECT: Imperium and falling short of expectations several times the current iteration of this task was deemed acceptable for partial release. Renamed the "Legatus" scientist had produced a war machine meant to face the forces of nature and life.

The Legatus Power Armor is made up of a Duranium and Neutronium frame that protects and harbors all of the critical systems needed for the armor to perform at peak efficiency. Within the hardened shell are several battle suites providing the user with an immense flood of combat data to be extracted and used to physical benefit on the battlefield. This physical reaction is also enhanced by several more functions such as an integrated shoulder blaster and vibro knuckler should the enemy try to close the distance between the metal warrior and itself. Supported by a strength augmenting component users of the Legatus are given a better chance at facing off against the more naturally robust species in the galaxy.

Realizing the great investment it would be to produce an acceptable number of Legatus power armors for the legion the Engineers of The Sith Empire outreached to their close business associates at CryTech and formed a mutually beneficial contract to utilize the great number of facilities and factories within the Shri-Tal system. With the joint partnership of the two entities came new opportunities for the Legatus. Following a few months of design changes, the Legatus was now capable of not only harboring a legionnaire but also the artificial intelligence default named "Hunhow"

With this new component integrated into the armor, the flood of data given to a legionnaire could be deciphered and organized by the robotic companion. Alongside the ability to use the electronic features of the armor Hunhow was capable of assuming direct control of the suit in emergencies to protect its pseudo-master. With this, the Legatus was no longer just an armor but a being that accompanied the user everywhere. Engineers suspected that the longer the Legatus armor saw action the deadlier it would become as it would grow as a legionnaire on the battlefield. Of the original five produced all suits exceeded expectations in all test and the special force candidates chosen to test it also showed better performance in combat drills.

With the extended means of production, the Legatus armor was quickly set as a major focus for Crytech to produce as the suits of armor begin t fill the armories of the bases all around the Empires proper territory. Though with its limited number and slower production rate the military arm of the Empire has been sure to keep a close discretion on what units are allowed these new weapons. Since the sensitive nature of the AI and security features make moving these suits around a nuisance once dished out they are rarely ever returned of sent to another front. The Legatus, once given a pilot, is that person armor and there's alone. While users have found loopholes by using the AI's supportive nature to its master it has not been reproduced enough to contract a decent method of interchangeability and maintain the security value expected of the armor.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.


  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Produce a Heads up Display system to be integrated into CryTech armors and other compatible armors[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Source: Here[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon Link: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Restricted Missions:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Primary Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt](Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]CryTech[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Advanced Digital Heads Up Display HW-514 [/SIZE]code name[SIZE=9pt] “Hunhow”[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: [/SIZE]Closed-Market

  • [SIZE=9pt]Modularity:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Production[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Minor[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Material: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Various Electrical Components, Personality Matrix[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]360 Degree Vision[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Integrated Artificial Intelligence base name “Hunhow”[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]HoloNet Uplink[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Short Range Radar[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Environmental Sensors[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Various Imaging Overlays [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]Thermal [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Infrared [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Sonar [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]X-Ray [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Lifeform[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Audio/Visual Recorder w/ Playback[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Polarized Anti-Flash Lenses, Low Light Imaging[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Aural Amplifier[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Multi-Spectral Target Assessor[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Integrated Electronic Binoculars (x5, x10, x20)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Multi-Range Encrypted Internal Comlink[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Sonic Dampene[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]r[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Heuristic processor[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Battle Analysis Computer[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Advanced Information - The Hunhow system is a wide encompassing data delivery service offering many forms of tactical information to the user. Being stored and collected within the system database the information is also transferable to other users linked into the Hunhow system alongside the user. This offers an easy way to keep all members in a military or Security scenario up to speed on their allied brethren.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]My Best Friend: Coming with a personalized AI called Hunhow the HW-514 is capable of accessing all compatible armor functions and transferring data while the user is otherwise incapable or indisposed. This can range from sending an emergency signal or passing along basic messages to nearby squad members. Capable of renaming to create more compatibility with the user the range of personalization in the form of sex and language helps accommodate the user to the machine presence. With time Hunhow will learn about its master and be able to build some form of relationship should the master allow them.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Look Out, Sir!!! (Armor determinable): In the scenario that the user inside becomes incapable of controlling their suit but the armor and system itself are functioning Hunhow will take direct control over the unit and essentially function as a droid to return the user to a designated safe location. This function only works with Crytech armor product due to the intricate design needed to allow it to function. The unit will not seek out combat inherently while in this state and will only engage in combat for protective purposes.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Power Intensive: As with most system with a serious amount of electronics added on, the system requires an advanced suits power supply to dedicate itself to the system. Without this, the system would be nothing more than a very complicated paperweight, and an overly expensive one as well.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Don't Leave Me: Hunhow, while advanced, is still just a machine and is susceptible to EMP and other forms of electronic disabling services. Losing Hunhow comes with the detriment of making the user go through the motions of all their actions that were once under Hunhow’s command. Depending on the damage done to Hunhow they may be lost forever, losing whatever data they learned about their user and requiring a complete reset.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]It’s Not You: While Hunhow is capable of operating in most of the state of the art armor tech in the galaxy it is still limited by the number of functions the host suit must contain to allow Hunhow to function at all.[/SIZE]

Looking to break into the emerging market of AI-assisted soldiers the researchers at Crytech have produced a broad scale Power armor package capable of providing both battle data and personal companionship in the form of a backseat fighter.

The HW-514 commonly referred to as the "Hunhow" system is a combat assistive artificial intelligence meant to increase the survivability and efficiency of the armor and user it is protecting. The system was built with the mindset of evolution on the battlefield. As the grand war machines of the galaxy produce new weapons and fortifications to oppose their enemies Hunhow was built to learn and overcome the fluidity of war.

Capable of learning from both its user and battle experience the longer a suit using Hunhow facing adversity the better Hunhow can assist the user in decision making and recognizing relevant data. However, unlike most AI assisted machines the Hunhow does not rely on its user to perform at all times to function and is capable of assuming direct control of whatever armor it inhabits.

The invasiveness of this feature requires Hunhow to be built into the armor during initial production and it cannot be added on without complete disassembly and reconstruction of whatever armor it inhabits. For those suits incapable or not desiring of Hunhows direct control, Crytech has made a variant of the initial model capable of being place on many of the more advanced armor rigs fielded on the modern day battlefield.

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