Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Veiere Arenais"]
The CSA would not be around at all if it weren't for you. You're my right hand man, my bad cop when we needed to take a stand on any issue, and my organizer for the forum. Couldn't of done all of this without you. <3
Thank you for your words. It hasn't sunken in yet, but eventually it will. Life has kept me busy and distracted, giving me less time to think about this decision. I will miss certain aspects of being Major, but who knows? I could grow to love being minor again.
Our stories are evolving and I look forward to what we can all accomplish next together as a group and individually.

The CSA would not be around at all if it weren't for you. You're my right hand man, my bad cop when we needed to take a stand on any issue, and my organizer for the forum. Couldn't of done all of this without you. <3
Thank you for your words. It hasn't sunken in yet, but eventually it will. Life has kept me busy and distracted, giving me less time to think about this decision. I will miss certain aspects of being Major, but who knows? I could grow to love being minor again.
Our stories are evolving and I look forward to what we can all accomplish next together as a group and individually.