Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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CT 7767 "Potshot"

Name:CT 7767 "Potshot"

Faction:Republic Clone Army


Species:Clone (Human)

Sex:Male (obviously)

Height:1.83 meters (6ft)

Force Sensitive:No

Strengths and Weaknesses:potshot has a dead on aim hence forth his name Potshot.He also always has enough ammo and follows everything to the letter.However this is also a weakness he can't adapt easily to the situation so sometimes there are casualties.

Biography:As said before Potshot sticks to protocol and always follows orders so there can be problems sometimes.He is trying to get over this but it's difficult for a clone to disobey orders.Because after all good soldiers follow orders.

Equipment:standard issue clone armor [Includes]Quick release holsters for DC-17 repeater hand blasters,DC-15 blaster rifle,DC-15x sniper rifle,Utility belt equipped with food/water rations, backup comlink, extra ammo, two Merr-Sonn V-1 Thermal Detonators, two EMP grenades, and a personal medpack

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