Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Cults Down Below


"So this is what you've been up to on my.. Soul search? Sith and cults. I really should get some of my own, it seems to be worth it." Alina turned her gaze around the undercity of Coruscant, a smile soft on her face. She hadn't expected a cult down here of all places, but where better than where the light of the sun and stars don't reach? Her gaze turned back to Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua , offering her a fanged smile. Her sister. It took some time for those memories to properly return, so she could remember, so she could actually be herself again.

"How many do you have? What do they do? I'm very curious on all you've done while I've been away."


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Lower Levels of Coruscant

Tag | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

Alina was like a sister to her, for she had been the catalyst that unleashed Adeline upon the galaxy many years ago... At times she wondered if her sister had ever figured the once low blood mercenary for hire would some day dip her claws into many pies..


She places aside a book, turning her attention to Alina.

"Oh my dear the numbers are almost beyond control, I give my followers boons of knowledge, and their sweetest dreams. All who challenge them are entombed in nightmare, which just so happens to be many gangs that onced ruled the areas.. Which reminds me, a fair few of those gangs were under the payroll of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . It would seem I am not the only one who has an interest in being down here, I suspect we both need to hash out a deal... Perhaps over a nice coffee?"

Adeline smirks a bit, tapping a claw upon a strange effigy. It being made of scraps and bone, built to look like some winged beast with a large red eye.

"If I had expected you I would have had us meet on Yalara, what brings you to Coruscant my dear?"

She uses the force to pull a chair over for Alina, Adeline herself taking a seat at a table. Within her hand she offered a cup of coffee, black.. A nice iron smell touches your nostrils..



"Curiosity, mostly. So many Sith have cults these days that I'm starting to rethink my own choices on how to run an organization. Faith is powerful. Even now the Wonosa continue to follow their dead leader's will. So, consider me here to learn from you this time around." She took a seat, smiling softer as she looked towards the effigy. Cults were a lot of work, to be what they worshiped, to keep their attention, their faith, strong and just. Some were an act, she knew. But there were others she'd seen that were anything but.

"So, will you teach me?"

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

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