Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Curiosity is Dangerous

Mos Eisley, Tatooine​
The sweet embrace of the bitter liquid tried to keep her in one place all night. It had been hours since she even moved for longer than enough time to snatch up someone else's drink. It was incredible how naive some people were, how they just assumed they finished off their drink and forgot about it rather than look for someone who might have taken it. Maybe no one assumed anyone was brave enough to drink from someone else's mug.

Amora had lost count of how many drinks she had consumed, though it was probably around five. Her alcohol tolerance was higher than the average woman's, or man's for that matter. It was strictly due to the fact that she spent most of her days indulging in some sort of beverage that would do nothing more than dehydrate her and make her feel dizzy. The thief didn't care much about her health, only about feeling good in the moment. How she was feeling then was like she was on cloud nine.

Her gaze would shift from her drink to a group of people and back down to her drink again on a regular schedule. Watching the drunken fools stumbling around and trying to hit on the less drunk was more than a little bit entertaining. The fights that broke out were quite the scene to watch as well, especially considering most of the punches thrown were wild and off target completely. They ended up crashing into each other more than actually hitting each other.

The thief brought the cool glass to her lips once more as she had done dozens of times that night. The mug was tilted back at a dangerous angle, the liquid poured into her mouth and over her tongue- only a few drops missed and found their way onto her cloak. With a louder than necessary clunk she set the empty mug down and looked around the building again in a search for another unattended drink, not like she needed it.

There were a group of men sitting in a corner that caught her eye. Typically she would stay away from people who she knew would kill her if she tried to steal from them, but she wasn't exactly at her wit's best then. Before she could lift herself off the stall she was planted in the group stood up and began to march past her and out of the tavern.

"I got more than enough credits, but it don't matter cause I know I'll win," one of the men carried on as they passed the thief. The others laughed and doubted him, shoving each other in a rough, manly, playful manner.

A bet? she wondered. If there was some sort of betting going on there was sure to be plenty of people to rob of their winnings. A sly grin formed from her thin lips and Amora pushed herself up onto her not-so-stable feet to begin her pursuit of the men.

It wasn't her best of decisions, especially considering she wasn't in the position to be stealthy enough to rob anyone, but she wanted what they had. The girl followed the group outside, sure to keep at enough distance to where they wouldn't notice her.

After a few minutes of walking they ended up at another place that looked like a mix between a brothel and a tavern, but she couldn't be sure. After the men disappeared into the building she approached the entrance with the hope that she could do the same so easily, but didn't realize there was a bouncer standing in front of the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

The thief swallowed and tried to stand up straighter to show confidence, "Inside. Where else would I be going hmm?" Her tone came off with much more attitude than she intended for it to; the alcohol intake made it difficult for her to think before the spoke.

The man growled and grabbed the thief by the shoulders before lifting her off the ground, "Oh you can go in, but I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into." With an menacing laugh he pushed open the door behind him and threw the thief inside before she had a chance to react.

Her body hit the floor hard, causing her head to spin. Amora looked up from under her hair to see the building was full of awful looking men and provocatively dressed women. Nearly every woman looked as if she were chained to the table she was dancing on. Oh no...

The realization of what the place was forced the thief onto her feet and she ran back to the door, pounding on it and pulling the handle in an attempt to get it open but found no luck. All at once her buzz was gone and she was doomed to be manhandled like nothing more than a toy.

[member="Darth Narakada"]
The darkness seemingly surrounded the dark knight as he walked deathly silent through the sand. The few souls he did pass didn't look at him for very long - if at all. Tatooine was a place that attracted the worst of the worst, which was exactly what he needed. He needed the thuggiest roughest people he could find. He had jobs that needed fulfilling.

Like a shadow, Nar'vash moved between buildings, into alleyways, letting the Force flow through him to find what he needed. He searched and poked through the brains of everyone he could. Some came close. But none were quite what he needed. What he needed was someone with skill and recklessness. Someone who didn't quite care anymore. And the sith new exactly where those people would be. Taverns, bars, clubs, brothels, and the such.

Crossing in front of one of the lowlier bars, he felt something. A woman exited the building, following a group of men as they talked of money, booze, and women. He poked some more inside the woman's head very lightly. She couldn't care less what she was doing right now. And...that was interesting. Something to be looked into later.

Following the woman following the men, Darth Narakada kept an eye on everything as he melted himself into the dark. The faint red glow flowing from his eyes was barely visible.

The tall Dathomir watched as a man approached the woman he was tracking and threw he into the whore house they had approached. He would not allow this to happen. A loud buzzing hiss sounded as the long blade used by the knight shot out from its hilt. He sliced the hinges on both sides of the door, pulled it to him with the Force, then shot it away far over the buildings.

His voice echoed loudly from beneath his hood, "Let it be known. That any that touch this lady shall receive a very, very painful death." Then, looking at the lady, he said, "Come with me. We need"

[member="Amora Jade"]
The thief turned around to face the people that inhabited the shabby building. The women weren't in the least bit fazed by the fact that another one had gotten thrown in, they just kept dancing. The men though, they turned their eyes to see the new body they thought they would get to take advantage of. A few that were sitting around one of the tables father back began to make their trip up to the door.

Amora prepared herself. She balled up her fists and stood in a way that she knew she would be able to cause a fight if one tried to grab at her. They didn't get half way to her before a deafening sound came from behind the thief. Her hands flew up to her ears and she pressed them against her head hard in an attempt to rid the sudden ringing in them.

Somehow her heart began to beat even harder than it had before, she was frozen in fear and couldn't force herself to turn around until a voice was sounded. It wasn't friendly. The thief jumped and pressed herself against the left left wall of the entrance. Her gaze swept up and down the figure that had intruded the establishment. His appearance absolutely freaked her out.

Amora could feel her limbs shaking, and she wasn't sure that she'd be able to fulfill the requests of the man even if she wanted to. Or was he even a man at all? To her he looked like something straight out of her nightmares, something she'd definitely never willingly come into contact with. The thief had the urge to run but no matter how desperately she willed her feet they wouldn't budge.

Something inside her told her if she even attempted something that hasty she'd be the next body fed to a sarlacc. Instead, when she was able to take control of herself again, she shimmied against the wall she was pressed against to exit the building. Her intention was to stay as far away from the creature that she possibly could manage. It was only then that she realized what exactly the awful sound had come from. The door had been ripped clean off its hinges!

The fear that had her consumed before now changed into a sickening feeling. Amora had to fight back the urge to throw up, though she guessed is was also partly because of the amount of ale she had consumed earlier. Once she was outside she stayed against the wall of the building while slowly backing away and trying to let the shadows consume her.

[member="Darth Narakada"]
Inwardly, Narakada chuckled at the gawking faces of all the other people in the building. No one was moving. The man who had thrown the young woman into the building was drained of color. Turning his head, the ancient being looked directly at the man. "And. Let this also be known. If anyone is to see this man defiling women like that again, you send word to the One Sith and I will come end his life. Personally." The last word was drawn out.

Normally sith like himself were considered to be very unforgiving and uncaring. But sometimes certain things just really got to him. This kinda of disrespect for women was unacceptable in his book. Turning to the woman, he lowered his voice to a very calm tone. "You need not worry, young one. I shall keep you safe. I assure you that mean no harm. I would like you to walk with me." As he said this, he sent calming waves of Force to her in small dosages. He turned to walk away and waited for her to join him.

[member="Amora Jade"]
So many conflicting thoughts began to run through the girl's head. For some reason that she couldn't in the slightest bit begin to explain she felt as if she should follow the man, even though he looked like someone who would tear her apart and not give a second thought about it. At the same time her brain kept screaming at her legs to run, to leave. Amora needed to get away from him before she got herself into more trouble with people she didn't know.

How was she supposed to just trust his word? Sure he spoke to her as an elder and not in a crazy intimidating way he had the other people but that didn't mean she wanted to give him the chance to. The thought of why in the world he wanted her to follow him began to tug at her, and the answers to her query that came up after weren't exactly friendly ones. Still, she followed. Slowly. The thief allowed for five paces worth of space to be gained between the two before she began to walk as well. Something made her, curiosity maybe? That is what had gotten her into trouble just moments before though.

"Who are you? the words rushed out of her mouth before she had a chance to stop them. Amora was afraid, yet her mouth was still brave.

[member="Darth Narakada"]
The fear still was present. Maybe he had only given her just enough strength to say that much. Under his mask he smiled. Too bad no one would ever see his smile again...but that was of no importance. His mission here was prominent.

"That, my young friend, is a complicated answer. Right now I am a knight of the One Sith. But I have not always been this way. My story begins a long time ago. See, I am currently almost a millennium and a half in age. In reality I am beyond reality. I exist on more than one plane of existence. How this all works is very cumbersome and hard to explain. But why I asked you to follow me," he began, turning back to what he needed, "is two reasons. One. I wanted you away from those people. I may do evil things. But that is an evil that I will not leave unchecked." Memories flashed through his head as he said this. Simply pushing these aside, he trudged on, "And two. I am curious to learn about you. You see, I have detected a certain personality in you that I am in need of. For a job. And not one like what the guys back there were going to put you through. So answer me this: Who are you? And, do you like money?" One again he grinned at this under his mask. But the fact that it was permanently stuck to his face prevented his grin from being remotely visible.

[member="Amora Jade"]
As she walked behind him she found that her nerves were easing just a bit and she could relax enough to walk at a regular pace and not keep her gaze so sharp towards the man it hurt. As he began to explain who he was the thief's eyebrows raised and pushed towards each other in confusion. At first it was directed towards his willingness to share more than just a name and occupation, then it was towards his actual explanation.

Nothing about it made any sense to her at all. How could someone possibly live that long? How could they exist in two different places. It hurt Amora to think about it, the ale was started to catch up to her for sure, so she decided to just let it be. He was an insane being and she left it at that in her mind.

As he began to explain why he wanted her to follow him her confusion began to mix with the curiosity before. How could he detect her personality? Ugh it hurt to think...

As for his question, well, the thief was more than happy to provide that answer, "I am a woman who has a long standing and intimate relationship with money, to answer both your questions." The sides of her mouth began to tug and form into a slight grin. She was still uncomfortable but how could she still be nervous when the talk of credits was coming up?

[member="Darth Narakada"]
The emotions of the woman flew around as he talked. His story was a very confusing one. No wonder she was confused. Oh well. If things went the way he predicted they would, she would learn more in time. But now was not the time nor place. The answer she gave was interesting. Perfect. He liked the way she thought. "Well I offer you the chance to earn credits. A lot of them. I am very rich and very powerful. I command large vessels and many troops. I can make you experience some of this wealth. Now I understand you don't necessarily trust me. And I haven't quite given you reason to. But. Let me prove myself." And my theory, he thought to himself. "Over there," he said, directing his attention to a late night fruit vendor who was packing up his goods. "Steal one of his largest fruits without getting caught. I will give you 5,000 credits for that."

The vendor was bustling about under an overhanging tarp held up with some metal rods. His wide display area was slowly getting condensed down into a single cart on wheels. Soon he would be away. There was little time left. If she was going to it, it would have to be soon. Without waiting for a response, he walked off down the sandy road which was fairly devoid of life. She would catch up if she would complete the task.

[member="Amora Jade"]
At the first mention of credits the thief's ears perked up and she stood up straight. It was almost like an animal hearing of food the way she reacted to the word, but she couldn't help it. Her greedy nature always loved the thought of getting more money to indulge herself in. When he presented her with a challenge she was all but excited about it. Why would she go through the trouble- Five thousand credits for a piece of fruit?!

That was a good a reason as any. Before she could question why he would pay so much for a piece of fruit he had already disappeared into the shadows of the night. Amora let her gaze rest on her target. The stand was nearly all packed and only one little bit of fruit was still sitting in the open. It wouldn't be easy for her to steal it, especially considering there weren't many people out that late and no one to really distract the merchant.

A distraction of a different sort would definitely be in order. The thief walked as quietly as she could to near the merchant. She stopped about three yards out and watched him in a sort of rushed panic manner due to the fact that he was going for the last bit of food he had left out. Frantically she began to search for something- anything to use to her benefit. All that was near was a large rock.

Amora sighed and squatted to pick up the object. It had some weight to it and she could surely just knock the man out with it, but she wasn't that sort of person. The thief enjoyed taking from people but she would never intentionally hurt someone. Her eyes traveled to a person who was walking very near her target, and an idea came to mind.

The thief chucked the rock as hard as she could manage. It came down with a thump on the newcomers foot and he let out a wail in despair. The old merchant snapped his attention away from his wares to see where the cry had come from. Perfect. Quickly Amora slipped in behind the wagon and grabbed onto the leafy part on a pineapple before sliding away and around a corner.

For a moment she stayed to listen for any sign that the man knew he was missing something, but he didn't seem to so she pressed on casually. The thought that she should just run home instead of taking her chances with the strange man, but she was scared he would find her later and might not be happy. Also, she really did want those credits. It didn't take long for her to find the man in the dark, she just followed the strange sense she felt like was radiating from him, "Is this what you wanted?"

[member="Darth Narakada"]

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