Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Custodian Ffff'liak Mik'lao

Custodian Ffff'liak Mik'lao

AgeEighteen Years Old (matured as an adult in one.
Weight52 kg
Force SensitiveYes, but see Mvil'eil submission for how their Force Sensitivity works


Aside from resembling a standard Mvil'eil, there are no known distinguishable features to them to denote them from a separate member of the race.


Shell-chassis (built-in with repulsorlift, photoreceptor-sensors, a hidden vocabulator, manipulator arms, and a synchronized mechanical nervous system to organic nervous system and brain).


A wary, if friendly, cautious, if gregarious, individual, Ffff'liak Mik'lao, otherwise known as Ffff'liak, is a Mvil'eil who desires only the best for his fleet and for his people as a whole. Seeking to form a greater "commune-fleet" with the other fleets, he has a long way to go even if he is the head of one of the larger fleets. More importantly though, his views are shaped by the generational trauma of the Galactic Empire's efforts to exterminate them. As a consequence, he is more wary and cautious than the average Mvil'eil, and he is not naive about the galaxy like most are. He's a fascinating sentient, needless to say - he enjoys technology, tinkering, and occasionally the odd mathematical contest. Private property is alien to him.


Force-Sensitive as all Mvil'eil are. He is also considerably intelligent and mechanically-inclined. That being said, he is also quite adept, if not the best, at political theory and statesmanship - he has to be as the Custodian of Fleet Kar'vaor'kis.


Physically frail. He is also vulnerable to EMP/Ion weaponry, and is not a combatant by any stretches of the means with no combat training.


While little is known about the Custodian from an outsider point of view, the Custodian, Ffff'liak, is the youngest of his race to ascend to the outsider-representative head of a commune-fleet. While he does not control the fleet nor make its decision (the will of the people dominate here), Ffff'liak is assigned to help decisions regarding outside cultures and polities, and whether or not they can be seen as trustworthy enough to trade and barter with. They are a cautious people, and with their history stained by the Empire's hands, Ffff'liak is an individual who dedicated his life solely to the betterment of his people. Raised in traditional schooling and university-commune, Ffff'liak is shaped largely by his knowledge of the past, and his mechanical inclinations.

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