Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Custom Spell Requests

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
If you have a custom spell you'd like added to the factions official spell book, The Book of Shadows you must post here with the following template. A spell does not have to be in the book to be used by a character IC.
Keep in mind that all custom spells that are added to the official book must have 20 posts on the development of the spell to keep the flow of spells at a manageable level and to ensure the quality of story!
For ease of understanding, there are three types of spell activation we will be using to describe the scale and time taken to activate a spell.
At Will are least common and can be activated whenever a spellcaster pleases by willing it into action or saying a single word.
Ritualistic powers are on the other end of the spell spectrum and require a large ceremony that usually entails sacrifices, long periods of meditation/chanting and sometimes multiple participants to activate. It can require all of these, more than these or something completely different but should be scaled reasonably to the effect of the power.
Enchantments are the most common spells and are activated through the use of items, long spoken spells, drinking potions or summoning the will of a carried talisman.

Name of Spell: (What is the spell to be listed as and referred to by?)

Requirements to cast: (How is the spell cast? Is it At Will, Ritualistic or Enchantment activated If you need help with this please ask and your answer here may be up to scrutiny.)

Effects: (What does the spell do? Remember if the spell is a duplicate of a canon spell or a spell already in the book or does not fit the theme of the Nightsisters it may not be added. It is always best to consult an admin or start a discussion about a spell before you start work on it!)

Development: (The dev thread of at least 20 posts!)

All submissions will be held to the same standard, including those of faction staff!

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