Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cute IRL Star Wars Story ft. Hiss Hiss IRL

Allow me to tell you a story. At the Cafe, while I was waiting for my drink, I was sat across a small boy and his mom. When I set down my phone, which the background for is Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma. The kid's mouth opened and he went, "WOW you like Star Wars?" The mom was like , "sorry he just really likes star wars." I laughed and replied, "I like it too kid." We talked a bit about SW. But the best part was he asked, "My favorite character is Luke Skywalker who is yours?" I replied, "Darth Vader." The kid's mouth dropped and he goes, "You're with the darkside? I could never join them." I laughed and the kid looked amazed as I leaned in and joking in my deepest Vader voice replied, "If you only knew the POWER of the DARKSIDE." From the corner of my eye I could see the mom near complete cackling laughter as his son defiantly stared me down as if I was a Sith Lord before him. That kid...that kid is ok. xD

tl;dr; Hiss Hiss is just as evil in IRL as IC.


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