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Theseus sat down quietly at a local bar in Nar Shaddaa. He'd finally found a master, and though the master would be his primary teacher. Theseus had cut a deal with a person who he had briefly ran across. He didn't quite remember their name. Only that they'd offered to teach him how to craft a light saber, and that he was to meet him here. Back on the planet he'd once called home. Luckily upon arrival his informants from within the crime chain here. Mentioned that his previous Jedi master had left the planet. To attend to some republic affairs. In which provided him a window of opportunity to safely reside here. Until he could acquire the knowledge he came for. That, and Theseus already decided that as a repayment he'd offer his services to this teacher, as long as it didn't conflict with his master's agenda.
Theseus was dressed in his normal outfit. (ooc: the one described in his character template) Theseus looked around the bar, waiting patiently. Finally a Twi'lek who was currently on Theseus' recovering from bad side list. Ran up to him informing him the person he was to meet was nearing the area. Therefore Theseus took the time to make sure his hair was fairly well groomed. That his robes were in good condition, and that he appeared presentable for the sith knight that would be instructing him, over the next few weeks, or months on how he was to gather the materials for a light saber, and then how to craft it properly.
Theseus was dressed in his normal outfit. (ooc: the one described in his character template) Theseus looked around the bar, waiting patiently. Finally a Twi'lek who was currently on Theseus' recovering from bad side list. Ran up to him informing him the person he was to meet was nearing the area. Therefore Theseus took the time to make sure his hair was fairly well groomed. That his robes were in good condition, and that he appeared presentable for the sith knight that would be instructing him, over the next few weeks, or months on how he was to gather the materials for a light saber, and then how to craft it properly.