Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cutting Back & Reduced Activity till December

Well, been putting this off for a while but it's finally caught up to me. Got to cut back on some threads and reduce activity a bit till the semester's through. The threads I'm dropping out of:

After the Beat
I Wanna go to bed
Team Building Lesson 1: Outsmart the Master

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Lan-Dai Navras"] [member="Melvand Zrimmir"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Sorry for/if there were any holdups caused by me in those, I just can't keep going along with all the threads with the schedule that I currently have, I'm just too slow of a writer :L

And for the reduced activity writers (Troubles with Tutaminis, Damsels in Distress, Comm Silence Speaks Volumes), y'all have already felt the slowdown. Thanks for bearing with me, I'll get posts up to you all soon :D

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