Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Metellos - The Coruscant That Wasn't. Selka's birthplace and home for much of her life. Metellos had never really featured highly on the Republic's agenda so far as Selka had ever noticed. The bulk of the planet was still a slum, with portions grown up to a Nar Shaddaa-esque verticality and level of affluence, and a few islands of serious wealth. It was in the midrange, the Nar Shaddaa regions, that Selka had decided to open for business.
The standard iBorg Prosthetic Augments distribution center had a sales area, a surgery ward for getting whatever implants you saw fit, and a shipping function that distributed to nearby medical offices. Today, the grand opening saw iBorg products jacked into a stream of happy customers.
It wasn't often that a corporation made a point of prioritizing Metellos. Despite its position in the Core, Metellos' economy was largely comprised of hand-me-downs. Based on Selka's intimate knowledge of this place, iBorg's finance department had worked out the discrepancy, the opportunity.
The front desk (and the staff) had all manner of gear on display -- cybernetic arms, palm comlinks, several kinds of neural implants, and a whole host of elite modular attachments. All of it was on sale. White-coated lab assistants and medical droids ushered customers into the secure back rooms for their operations, which varied in length but were guaranteed to be painless, sterile, and private. Selka oversaw it all with a grin from ear to ear.
The standard iBorg Prosthetic Augments distribution center had a sales area, a surgery ward for getting whatever implants you saw fit, and a shipping function that distributed to nearby medical offices. Today, the grand opening saw iBorg products jacked into a stream of happy customers.
It wasn't often that a corporation made a point of prioritizing Metellos. Despite its position in the Core, Metellos' economy was largely comprised of hand-me-downs. Based on Selka's intimate knowledge of this place, iBorg's finance department had worked out the discrepancy, the opportunity.
The front desk (and the staff) had all manner of gear on display -- cybernetic arms, palm comlinks, several kinds of neural implants, and a whole host of elite modular attachments. All of it was on sale. White-coated lab assistants and medical droids ushered customers into the secure back rooms for their operations, which varied in length but were guaranteed to be painless, sterile, and private. Selka oversaw it all with a grin from ear to ear.