Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cynan Hague

Cynan Hague

NAME: Cynan Hague
FACTION: The Sovereignty

RANK: Sergeant


AGE: 31

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'10

WEIGHT: 181lbs

EYES: Green

HAIR: Black

SKIN: White

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (unaware).


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Fast thinker, Adaptable, Hardy.

Weaknesses: Quick to anger, fast to make mistakes, over-zealous.

A muscular man almost continuously donning a uniform and armor.

Cynan is a beaten man, a disgraced man. The kind of man who is somehow, always and inexplicably, pissed off. Time and time again he has struggled to build a life for himself, a few years here and there. It always ends in disaster, not the tragic kind, the dull existentially crushing failure of your own bitter loss. Cynan is an apathetic man, his last promising threads of hope as a miner destroyed by the ravages of war and growing piracy in the Galaxy. Cynan found himself a refugee in this brave and sickening new world, ignored and left to eke out a meager existence. The threads of hope are cruel and taunting, malignant and unkind, once more they taunt a broken man, the Sovereignty, that was his last chance, his only and final hope. This time there would be no failure, no bitter defeat, no quiet escape into mediocrity. This time it was victory or death, death or dishonor.
(I'll add more when I stop being a lazy piece of human garbage.)





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