Cynthia Alucard
Sin's Child

Name: Cynthia Alucard
Faction: Galactic Alliance
Rank: Commodore
Species: Human
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Height: 5’6
Weight: 103lb
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Blonde
Skin: White/Tan
Force Sensitive: Not anymore

- Very athletic, a superb gymnastic specialist
- Ambidextrous, the ability to use both hands/arms equally
- Slow to anger, quick to listen
- Ace Pilot, trained through several different Academies and Raced with very fast starships
- Traumatic experience will lead to a complete shutdown
- An inner vendetta will trigger a hidden rage and lose focus/sense
- Strength and power are her weak points
- Unrealistic, will often overestimate opponents along with underestimate herself
Young looking but her eyes show years of maturity, always wearing long clothing that cover up to her knuckles and below her ankles. Hiding away scars of her early childhood surgery and the experiments done unto her. She often lets her long hair fall loose but at times she would properly brush and tie her hair.
Born inside a hospital, well that was pretty much it of her life. Up to the point she managed to escape her prison. The circumstance of her birth was never explained fully, but all she could remember were the white walls and nurses. These doctors would do check ups on her and other scientists to review her test results. Small and fragile she was called, and her education was simply learning enough Galactic Basic to answer her doctor's questions. It was until she was around age six did she meet another child, a human child. The child had short white hair, never combed or brushed but to her it looked strange and sort of awesome. The boy would often talk with her about any sort of things, from why he was here, (Apparently his parents just wanted to make sure he was growing up proper and strong) to strange things of galaxies and other solar systems. The impact of learning such grand new things filled Cyn with joy and awe.
She would often ask questions about certain words he would use, never attaining a proper education in the hospital. It was a struggle at first but the boy would explain and be somewhat happy that he could teach her things. Though after around her eleventh year, her nurse explained to her that the young boy would no longer be showing up. The girl had free roam around most of the hospital around this time and often tried

Years later, growing smarter as she was given more freedoms such as training in the gyms and reading a variety of topics she would find enjoyment in reading. Her own training continued, it wasn’t until the scientist noticed something that had gotten them excited. Cynthia’s training continued to improve her body and ability but it wasn’t until she neared her eighteenth birthday did something actually meaningful happen that shook her entire world. The hospital began to flash red lights, people scrambling and new strange people dressed in what Cynthia could tell was armor and held blaster weapons began marching inside.
They issued the order of evacuation, this was her time she knew, Cynthia rushed and snuck away into different storage rooms to find equipment and other useful information. Finding clothing to dress herself as a nurse and few other badges she managed to escape unnoticed and undetected by the guards as she was rushed out. Cynthia finally learned something, she finally saw the outside world. Oh she knew she would never go back, she would never allow herself to be taken back. Cynthia Alucard had found a reason to live, finally to live, to live her life as she wanted.
Reading more about the truths of the galaxy of what she found she noted little information of importance. The hospital held little value to her now, as Cyn had only know it as a prison. Nothing more to her but a place to escape, and now her she was able to explore the expansive galaxy. The stolen credits in her pocket and several datapads in her bag she swiped were her only possessions. Cynthia finally saw the chance to make her life into something, to be more than just a passive observer in the galaxy. The stars of this universe were now closer to her fingertips, Cyn simply had to take another step forward to get closer.
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