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Approved Armor Cytoplasmic Cataphract

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Manufacturer: Ykaradan Colony
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Very Light


Tinea Lupus est Homini



  • INTENT: To create a standard form of armor used by the Myka who are affiliated with the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
  • IMAGE SOURCE: Headers by Teresa Zambrano | Top Image by Stranger Dimensions

  • MANUFACTURER: Ykaradan Colony (History Section)
  • AFFILIATION: The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate | Allies of the Ykaradan Colony
  • MARKET STATUS: Closed-Market
  • MODEL: First Batch
  • MODULARITY: The portions of the body that the Cytoplasmic Cataphract covers are extremely modular. One could dip their hand into it, or their whole body. The only real restrictions involve keeping one's eyes unblocked, ears unclogged, and nostrils or mouth from being filled with rapidly solidifying goo.
  • MATERIAL: Assorted generic and extra-galactic chemicals, derivatives taken from Neti sap, assorted minor organic substances.

  • CLASSIFICATION: Multi-Purpose
  • WEIGHT: Very Light
    • ENERGY: Very High
    • KINETIC: Very High
    • LIGHTSABERS: Average
    • SONIC: None
    • ELECTROMAGNETIC: None (No Electronic Features, but also doesn't block EMP/Ion Effects)
    • ELEMENTAL: Average
    • TIME: Low
    • TELEKINESIS: Very Low

  • Self-Sealing
  • Easy to Equip - even over other armor.
  • Lightweight
  • Small items may be placed under the Cytoplasmic Cataphract to receive its protection.

Painted Armor - The Cytoplasmic Cataphract is very easy to wear and can be placed over other forms of clothing or armor with relative ease. Donning the Cytoplasmic Cataphract is as simple as painting it onto the body and ensuring it doesn't cover anything too important (eyes/ears/etc)
Energy Dispersal - After the armor finishes its "hardening" it becomes exceptionally good at dispersing sudden changes in both temperature and pressure. This allows it to absorb kinetic force and blaster bolts with relative ease. Notably, items such as slugthrower rounds can become stuck inside of the armor for later retrieval.
A Coat of Goo - The Cytoplasmic armor is remarkably lightweight. Though the moisture that seeps from it can feel somewhat uncomfortable to the unready, it is nevertheless quite easy to maneuver and move about in.


Exposed Senses - While the Cytoplasmic Cataphract is easy to apply to the body, if it seeps into any exposed orifice it can cause disastrous effects. For this reason, a combatant must keep a small area clear around their eyes, nostrils, mouth, etc - unless they do not intend to open these throughout the conflict.
Sonic Trigger - The Cytoplasm is kept in its more liquid state using high-intensity vibrations. If these are applied to the more solidified version of the Cytoplasmic Cataphract, it will return to its wetter state, and subsequently slide directly off of the body of its wearer.
Grip and Pull - The thick goo of the Cataphract is attached decently well to the body - but can still more easily be torn off through telepathic gripping as there are no metallic locks or hooks to hold the armor closer to the body.
Ticking Clock - The Cytoplasmic Cataphract naturally begins to degrade into ineffective sludge after about three hours in its solid state. Approximately an hour after this process has begun, the Cataphract will leak from the body in thick gooey clumps and become completely unusable.
Stick to Me - Slightly sticky and sludge-like, the goo that comprises the Cataphract has a nasty habit of catching onto things that strike it. While something like a hand or a knife can be withdrawn fairly easily, this does mean that something like a grenade or explosive can be stuck to the Cataphract.

When the Myka learned that they would be undertaking the conquest of a galaxy's worth of sapient lifeforms, they knew that they would need to deal with a significant degree of adversity and danger. The Ykaradan colony; the same colony who had initiated the membership of their species into the Protectorate, began to quickly explore various options to dispel or minimize the lethal force that could be thrown against them.

As much of the galaxy relied upon kinetic and thermal forces to kill, the Myka knew that they would need to fixate on these two methods of damage-dealing first and foremost. Nevertheless, the constrictive and heavy suits of armor worn by the Draelvasier and Thrum'dral seemed unappealing to the airborne Myka, and they hoped for an option that could prove efficient but lightweight.

Research gained from the torment of the Neti who had once landed on their world now proved vital to discovering materials that could be molded and shifted to more suitable forms. Utilizing their mastery of chemical concoctions and the presence of many galactic and extra-galactic materials as well as key ingredients derived from the lifeblood of the vivisected Neti, the Ykaradan colony was able to devise a kind of sludge that could be used as armor for their warriors.

The liquid chemistry was created in large pools of dark green and light amber, stirred up alongside industrial quantities of other ingredients until the Cytoplasmic materials were formed. These were kept in their liquid states by reverberating sonic instruments beneath them which replicated the battle-songs of the Ykaradan at higher frequencies, both stirring the hearts and minds of the Myka, and simultaneously keeping the Cytoplasm ready for use.

When it is time for battle, the Cytoplasmic pool is made available to the warriors who promptly bathe themselves in the messy liquid, allowing it to enter a state of partial viscous solidity, thickening like glue or non-Newtonian fluids upon their bodies. In particularly long campaigns, it is common for a pool of this liquid to be transported to the battlefield near the forward-operating base of the Myka so that retreating warriors can reapply more of the Cataphract to themselves if they have been exposed or had their armor damaged in the fighting.

Though the derivatives taken from the Neti are still vital for the production of the Cataphract, the Myka have become far less murderous toward their allies - though it is not uncommon to find several Nanitics scanning the battleground for slain allies who might still be politely emptied of their precious saps.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a standard form of armor used by the Myka who are affiliated with the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Modular: Yes
Material: Assorted generic and extra-galactic chemicals, derivatives taken from Neti sap, assorted minor organic substances
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: None
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Low
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gristle Gristle

Disgusting and cool!
  • I would like to ask you to link the Ykaradan Colony to the Manufacturer.
  • And there is no Very strong rating, that is "very high", I would like to ask you to edit it.


Tinea Lupus est Homini

Thank you!

Edited the ratings to be correct (whoopsy).

There isn't an official Ykaradan Colony writeup right now, but they are briefly described in Gristle's history, so I've linked that. I hope that's sufficient. If not, I'll need to look into doing a proper writeup for the Ykaradan and then I can link that over.
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