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Approved Tech Czerka Aries Class: Hyper Intelligent Artificial Intelligence

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Manufacturer: Czerka Arms
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average


OOC Writer Account
  • Mind Transfer Device
    This artificial intelligence's body is equipped with a mind transfer device. This is used to "download" the minds of people, to prepare them for Mind Uploading. It also allows her to tamper with the minds of people before they are fully uploaded.
  • Ray Shielded
    Thanks to the isotype-5 rod that powers the body, this allows the body to project a ray shield around itself to help defend itself against most attacks.
  • VDV-100 Holo Display
    The VDV-100 Holo Display was an extremely powerful and compact holographic comlink that could receive transmissions from the opposite side of the galaxy. It could also receive HoloNet transmissions. This has been modified to be smaller to be implanted within the AI's body.
  • Hyper Intelligent Sentient Matrix, allowing the AI to be self aware and adapt to ever changing situations
  • Extensive knowledge of military tactics
  • Extensive knowledge of organic bodies, mannerisms and needs.
  • The body can survive hostile environments without wear and tear.
  • Severe weakness to Ion weaponry and EMP Blasts
  • Reliant on Isotype-5 fuel rods

On the planet of Belgaroth, a secret facility underneath the Czerka Arms company would be charged with producing a tactical droid. But unlike the tactical droids of the CIS of old, this would be the most advanced and comprehensive tactical droid to ever be conceived. The goals of the Czerka Arms Corporation is that one day this brand new droid will be a great addition to any military and rake in profits. A machine that can command like any organic could and be produced in larger numbrs. In violation intergalactic law, the Czerka specialists would begin to develop a sentient artificial intelligence that would be able to rival their organic counterparts across the board. Not only in a battlefield tactical sense, but also in ways of being empathetic to the needs of organics.

Czerka specialists also equipped it with a advanced isotype-5 fuel rods to give it a better power source, with allowed the addition of ray shields to the artificial intelligence's body. A smaller version of the VDV-100 Holo Display can be installed as well for communications. A controversial adddition, the mind transfer device was also installed. This was given as a means for the AI to save valiant wounded soldier's minds and place them into new bodies so they can continue fighting. Though the true reason for this, was never found out.

The body was designed as a human female, complete with mostly metal parts but has synthetic skin on her face and holographic blonde hair to give her a more organic appeal. The design of this was assumed to be the facility's head's daughter would she have survived a terrible accident that took her own life.

Named as an Aries-Class Artificial intelligence, Czerka Arms designed this artificial intelligence to be the epitome of an empathetic military commander. To be produced and used by any faction, as commander for its forces. One that doesn't take years to develop in an Academy or in the field of battle. One that is programmed and trained on years of tactics and battles as soon as they are off the production line.

Though grand as this ambition was there was only one ever produced. Since then Czerka Arms has denied everything about it.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: My intent with this submission, to create a OC that is the artifical intelligence I am submitting. From there I hope to one day affect the galaxy with the arc I have planned for this AI.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empathy of Stars Eternal
Model: Czerka Aries Class: Hyper Intelligent Artificial Intelligence
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Bronzium, Isotype 5 Fuel Rod. Kelsh, Electronic Components. Computing Components
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