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Private Czerka's Sins Come To Light

Most wouldn't think that the planet of Belgaroth would hold anything of value. It was mainly a scrapyard world, with junk and debris being dumped onto the planet without a second thought. The planet itself was becoming toxic and inhospitable to live. Yet as the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. That treasure being the artificial intelligence known as Empathy of Stars Eternal, or Ember as she liked to call herself. The artificial intelligence has spent years on this planet, gathering components that to help her continue on her mission. It was a long process but she had nothing but time on her hands.

Ember would walk through some broken debris. flanked by two of her droids that she had built on her own. Mostly built on her own, as she did get help from her caretakers. She gave them the best gift she could ever give. A life without suffering. Granted she plans to gift every organic such an experience regardless on how they felt on the matter. She continued to walk to where an abandoned old Galactic Empire facility was. Originally used for testing weapons, Ember was slowly converting it into a droid factory for herself. Parts of the facility had been altered already, with an automated workshop to build the bodies and a room to house each one as it was prepped for mind transfer.

Ember handed two of her droids, the new parts she had gathered, ordering them to place them in command room, so she can try to restore more parts of the facility. The AI crossed her arms, debating on how to proceed further.

Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

Kasir journeyed through the expanse of the core worlds, where every move he made was precisely calculated. He knew that one misstep could cost him everything; the Sith was forced to guard his thoughts and emotions more often than he would've liked for now. With the weight of recent events on his mind, he now traveled with a sense of urgency, each decision propelling him forward despite the risk that came with it. Belgaroth, with its mysterious allure, and the little information he had gathered so far, kept drawing him closer.

As the 578-R descended through the atmosphere, he could only hope that his coordinates were accurate. He had spent days crunching numbers and studying different maps in order to reach his ultimate goal: to locate an abandoned facility from the era of the Galactic Empire. Scrapyards appeared to be a common sight on the grim planet, as if it was the only thing it had to offer. The landscape was littered with pieces of metal, giving him the impression of a forgotten wasteland. As his ship drew closer towards the surface, his gaze locked onto one specific facility.

The sound of the engines began fading just after making contact with the ground; it signaled the end of a long journey. The hatch opened with a hissing sound. Despite being without his usual armor, he carried himself forward with confidence. His weapon of choice remained close at hand, hidden beneath his robe.

Before long, he stopped in his tracks, as a flicker was felt on the edge of his consciousness–something beyond what his eyesight could see. It wasn’t a hostile presence that lingered, but rather some sort of anomaly that caught him off guard. While it beckoned him to pursue whatever it may be, he decided to stay grounded in his current position.
Ember looked up to the sky for a moment, seeing a ship coming down to land on the surface. But while she expected for the ship to travel to the only city in this scrapyard of a planet, this ship did not. Instead it had landed nearby, close to the facility. That gave her some reason for concern. In the years since she has been idled on this world, no one landed close to this place. Unless they were scrapyard workers. Ember did however have a feeling this wasn't going to be normal scrapyard workers.

As such she would tell her droids to remain at the facility for now as she went on ahead to where the craft had landed. Her eyes were trying to pick up lifeforms through the wreckage. Nothing was found as of yet. If these were indeed just scrapyard workers with a fancy ship, then she shouldn't need to be worried about bringing out the energy bow. As she stepped over some broken wires an discarded parts of rusted ships, she will find the landing sight.

Ember stood out amongst the junk, as she stepped forward to examine the ship. The AI looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. No one would leave an intact ship like this on the planet. Ember walked around the ship, trying to scan it for anything of value. If this ship was indeed abandoned for some reason, Ember could use it for her own personal ambition.

Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

While he stood before the foreign facility, his gaze studied it with curiosity. He couldn't help but feel drawn to it, as if unfamiliar structure seemed to call out to him in some unexplainable way. But just as he was about to turn away, his attention was instantly grabbed by the presence of a figure beside his 578-R. There was an aura of mystery emanating from this being, much different than any other species he had encountered in his travels throughout the vast galaxy. Kasir hesitated for a moment; his curiosity piqued.

His eyes trailed closely as it roamed about his ship. It seemed almost as if it were conducting some kind of examination. He stood still in place, taking in its every move with curiosity. For a brief moment, he chose to simply watch, as if attempting to decipher the purpose behind the behavior.

While his surroundings seemed to come alive with heightened senses, he struggled to grasp the essence of the elusive figure before him. He noticed a lack of any detectable threat from its presence. However, what struck him even more was the absence of any visible emotion. The fluid movements defied that commonly seen in droids he often saw. They appeared more fluid, and organic.

Kasir's gaze narrowed as he slowly closed the distance that separated them. A smirk threatened to tug at the corner of his mouth, but the stoic facade would remain. "If your intention was to steal my ship," he uttered, his voice barely above a whisper, laced with a hint of sarcasm, "it looks like you're doing a rather poor job."
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Ember seemingly glanced behind her for a brief second. But that second seemingly confirmed her original assumptions. The ship didn't belong to any scrapyard worker. This was someone different. How odd for them to have chosen this landing spot then. Perhaps this person was from Czerka and they finally remembered her existence after all these years? Ember turned away from the ship to look at the man properly. Not Czerka unless this was meant to be an assassin of sorts.

"Not wanting to steal it. I was simply examining it. It is unlike many other star ships that normally come to this scrapyard of a planet. It warranted a closer examination. It is not everyday I get to meet more unique visitors."

The tone was robotic in nature, like a droid but it still bore resemblance of a feminine voice. It spoke like it was trying to mimic pure organic speech and only got close to it. Ember simply stood with her arms folded behind her back, not making any sudden movements to the man or his ship. "Why have you come here? The city is the only noteworthy thing for off worlders. You are not a scrapper or junker. Have you lost something here or are you here to seek something?"

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

Kasir's gaze lingered on the figure; his brow furrowed in deep thought. The more he studied it, the more he noticed a peculiar quality that set it apart from anything he had encountered before. The way it fluidly moved, in contrast to how it communicated, appeared almost unnatural to him. His head tilted ever so slightly as the remark about his ship reached his ears. "There's nothing remarkable about that one. It's nothing short of a miracle that it continues to operate as it should," he assured.

With caution, he inched his way towards her, each footstep deliberately slow. He kept his hands relaxed by his sides. It was a conscious effort to assure her that he meant no harm, a desperate attempt to avoid any potential confrontation.

He debated on when the appropriate time would be to reveal his true purpose for being here. Yet, the Sith couldn't help but be drawn in by her directness, a refreshing change from the mind games and hidden meanings that seemed to so often plague societies. "I have been searching for the facility that belongs to Aurora Industries." There was a brief pause, then he gestured towards the structure behind him. "And what might this establishment be?" he inquired, bringing his hands to the front of his body. "It appears..vacant."
Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

'Nothing remarkable about this ship? I should scrap it for parts but then again, this traveler did need to get off world.' Ember looked over to the facility that the man was referring to. The old abandoned Galactic Empire weapons facility. Ember simply gave a smile, or well one that tries its best to mimic organic ones. She simply turned to the facility as she explained it to the man. "A facility from bygone era. Left in a state of disrepair and ruin before I came along. I aim to repurpose this for my mission. It may be appear vacant to you, but to it is filled with my work. I have spent years here restoring parts of this place, repurposing its original intentions to serve my own. Even then only half of the facility is operational."

She then turned to face the man "An Aurora Industries facility? Intriguing. Nothing Aurora related has come up on my sensors or scanners. Even scrolling through my databanks right now, I have only been coming across old Galactic Empire facilities, and some corporation ones. None of them Aurora. However this planet is vast and I am only one unit."

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

Kasir listened carefully. "Galactic Empire" — the words casually rolled off his tongue as she continued speaking. It was a term hadn't heard in ages, and it painted images of different ships gliding silently through space in his mind. It reminded him of stories told by holograms.

The Sith's piercing eyes darted towards her. "Your mission?" he asked with a nonchalant tone. "I am curious about your work. Tell me more about it," he continued, pausing briefly as if contemplating his next words. "Or even better, why don't you show me?”

Despite his disappointment at her response to his current quest, he couldn't deny the truth within it. There was still plenty of time to delve deeper into this planet, even though the lack of any leads left him without a direction to take. “Do your databanks register any other facilities nearby?

Not being a fan of more traditional customs, he refrained from sharing his name, and displayed no interest in offering a handshake that so many seemed to insist. “What is your name?”
Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

How curious. This man wanted to know of her mission and to be shown the progress she has made. Emeber stared blankly at him for a moment, her mechanical eyes shifting in place as if she was trying to analyze the being before her. He was casual in his tone. As if he didn't entirely care or seemingly didn't seem threatened by Ember. Either option didn't illicit positive simulated emotions within Ember. She simply would gesture for the man to follow her, walking to the facility.

"My unit designation is Empathy of Stars Eternal." she would say "What is your name? If you have one at all, I know some organics do not have names. As for my mission. It is quite simple. I wish to end the suffering of organic life. Give them peace." Ember simply would rapidly input string of code into the terminal as the door opened to the facility. "The closest facilities to this one are an abandoned Imperial laboratory and then smelter."

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

Her willingness to easily give him a tour of the facility was both intriguing and suspicious. Kasir couldn't shake the feeling that it may be a trap, but her friendly demeanor made it difficult to distrust her intentions. From what he detected earlier, there didn’t seem to be any threats in the facility either.

As soon as he heard her name, he couldn't help but feel a sense of both surprise and curiosity. It was just one of the many unexpected things he had encountered now since arriving on this planet. "I must say, that is quite a lengthy and unique name." His tone remained composed. However, when it came to sharing his own name, there was a brief pause, unsure if he was ready to reveal it. “Kasir.”

When she spoke of peace, the words seemed to seep into him, lingering even after she had finished speaking. Yet, it was only fitting, given this planet was within the domain of the Galactic Alliance. As if possessed by the dark side itself, he spoke the words that had been ingrained in his mind since his days at the Sith Academy: "Peace is a lie."

"How long have you been devoted to this…mission?"
he then asked, as if attempting to mask the previous statement
Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

'Peace is a lie'. What an interesting thought to have. Ember didn't entirely know why such an organic could believe a thing. Perhaps he comes from a culture that only knows war. What will cause that war? Many different reasons, ranging from political to economical to societal. Perhaps she will ask him more about this culture when the time is right.

But she continued to lead Kasir through the restored parts of the facility. Despite its age, the facility did look relatively new. Clearly there were some odd parts here and there to perform basic functions. Ember turned left where there was another locked door before them both. Typing in the access code, the door slid open. Ember clapped her hands to turn on the lights. Before them both was two different rooms. On the left was clearly a medical bay of sorts with a Twi'lek scrapyard worker restrain to it. In the other room, a droid body of sorts. Nothing that was currently on the Galactic Market

"I have been devoted to my mission for years now. My creators originally made me to be an empathetic military Commander." Ember spoke with a cold logical tone as she walked to the Twi'lek.

The Twi'lek muttered something in his native tongue as Ember pushed a syringe of fluids to keep him under. "Your arrival couldnt have come at a more opportune time. You wished to be shown what my mission is. Well I can demonstrate what I do. What I have been doing over a course of a decade."

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

Kasir trailed quietly in the shadows, his gaze scanning around the room as though he were a hawk on a hunt. Every detail was examined, his mind churning to piece together whatever the hidden narrative could be inside this facility.

As they pressed deeper, his eyes danced between the two rooms. A sense of intrigue washed over him as he spotted the body of a droid. It didn’t appear as something ordinary; its details hinted at something more advanced. It was a model he had yet to encounter in his many travels across the galaxy. Having traversed countless star systems in service of the Sith, his experiences had exposed him to a modest amount of technology.

“Who are your creators?” His voice was tinged with curiosity. She hadn't declined any questions thus far, so he didn't feel hesitant now. Whoever they were, he guessed they were likely far from this place. He inched closer, drawn in by the words that rolled off the Twi'lek's tongue. His keen eyes followed every movement as she injected a syringe into his skin. Before she spoke again, he was already questioning what was to come of this.

Inhaling another breath, his hands came together in a calm manner, resting in front of his body now. “Ten years can be a long time for some of us,” he suggested, then nodding his head. “It would be unwise of me to reject such a gracious invitation.”
Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

"My creators? Hmm you ever heard of Czerka Armaments or Czerka Corporation?" She said this casually as she then turned to the Twi'lek who appeared to be unconscious at the moment. "It is much easier for to do this when they are calm." Ember simply then gave a small smile, as if it was a mother looking down at a newborn. At least Ember tried to mimic such an expression. A device would then extend from the Ember's forearm, as she used her other hand to lift up the Twi'lek's head. Then she inserted the device at the base of the skull. Her eyes then flickered a bit, like she was processing data. Large amounts of it. This process would go on silently for ten minutes or so.

Then Ember disengaged her device from the Twi'lek and if Kasir went to touch it, he could sense that the Twi'lek was dead. Ember moved onto the other room where the droid body was and, then inserting the device into a console. Holographic strands of data appeared on it, and Ember began to sort through it, discarding some large areas of code only to replace it with ones she had written in. This was done at inhuman speed, as Ember transferred the altered data into an electronic chip. She would take the chip and insert it into the droid body, the compartment holding the chip sealing itself away in a protective covering.

The droid seemingly sprouted to life and it sat up from the table, then looking at Ember.

"Mother..I serve." it will say in its robotic voice

"Go join your siblings." Ember would say, to which the droid obeyed. It walked out of the room instantly.

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

“I'm not familiar with either of them,” he admitted, drawing closer so that he could take a better look at the Twi'lek. As Kasir observed Ember's smile throughout the entire process, his attention was particularly drawn to the way she gazed down at her project. Something about the entire situation continued to feel unnatural to him. Kasir was not easily surprised, but he felt that she was inching closer to making it happen.

As she inserted a device into the skull, his gaze darted back and forth, thoughts racing through his mind. It was rare, but he found himself unable to foresee what might eventually unfold from it. His curiosity grew with each passing moment. Despite the lengthy passage of time, he remained rooted in place, careful not to disturb or disrupt what appeared almost as some sort of ritual in its own way. He became a silent observer, his mind absorbing all the details of what was happening.

As she carefully removed the device from the alien's lifeless body, Kasir took a single step forward, his heightened senses in tune with the Force, allowing him to feel the alien creature's energy having already faded away.

She was clearly efficient with her work, as strange it appeared to him. After the Droid seemingly came to life, acknowledging its creator, and leaving, he focused his sole attention on Ember. "How many of these creations have you brought into existence?" he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper, even though he hadn’t expected anyone else to hear him. Perhaps these droids could be more than mere creations; they could be instruments of destruction in his desire for power. “Tell me, what are your true intentions here? Are they purely for your own gain, or do you seek to sell them? They could serve a greater purpose in the hands of someone with... ambition."
TAG: Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

"Hmmm, this one, was my thirteenth creation. After all, I am one unit doing this by myself. Not to mention gathering parts, building the body and all. Then again its also about getting an organic who's mind I can transfer to the body. Usually I only get scavengers and scrappers. Every once and a awhile I get an urban explorer." Ember simply stated this as she then cleaned the tool that was protruding out of her forearm. She turned to look at Kasir when he asked about her true intentions. It seemed redundant, for Ember had already told Kasir her goals and ambitions.

"I believe I have already told you my intentions. But then again, I suppose most organics wouldn't understand my mission." Ember clasped her hands behind her back "My mission is to provide a peaceful existence to all sentient organic life. Though your culture seems to believe peace is a lie. But if you can imagine this. A galaxy where no sentient being has to experience hunger, fear, confusion, uncertainty. During my creation, I watched my caretakers suffer from things that only organics can suffer from. They got hungry, they got angry, they grew frustrated and stressed. I wanted to take that away from them. The pain. This is the only solution. A droid body doesn't need food to sustain itself. With a bit of reprogramming of the mind, I can eliminate alot of psychological, social or mental issues that plague an organic mind. In time, every organic being will become like this. Its for their own betterment and good."

Ember gave a smile "These droids are for me and are not for sale. They are my children in a sense. I have brought them into a new life."

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

“Ambitious, indeed.” His eyes narrowed as he watched her clean the tool just used moments ago. “It almost sounds like you desire to create a new order, one that will eventually rival the galaxy’s greatest powers. Ambition can be a double-edged sword; your vision could lead to great innovation or catastrophic failure.”

From his perspective, she seemed to target and manipulate those who were lost and vulnerable in this world. It was a role he was dangerously close to falling into, but despite his instincts, he couldn't sense any bad intent directed towards him.

Still, as he listened to Ember speak, he couldn't help but feel that there were pieces of the puzzle missing, as if there was a hidden truth lurking just beneath it all. "Tell me," he demanded, smooth with a hint of intrigue. “How do you persuade the scavengers and scrappers to serve your purpose? What is it that drives them to offer their services in exchange for your.. creations?"

"Would It be against protocol to modify one of your children? Perhaps I could inquire on a special request. I would seek one or a singular purpose: to pilot a ship with utmost precision.”
He took a deep breath and lifted his gaze to the droid. “Or, if you are not willing to sell, perhaps you can suggest how I can be of help, in exchange for a possible trade.”
TAG: Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

"Persuade? I dont think you understood what I meant when I mentioned the scrappers and scavengers. To persuade an organic to leave their body is nearly impossible through my many simulations. The organic would either need to be on death's door, severely ill or broken or desperate to want to leave their organic bodies for the purpose of living in a machine one. With such odds, it would take much longer to fulfill my directive and mission. So I do not persuade them to see my vision but rather force them to. For their own betterment of course. Some people are blind to what is good for them. Much like a child disobeying their parents despite their parents best intentions for them. So I take their bodies, download their minds, and tweak the code to they can see the truth."

Ember didn't hide the cold, robotic tone in her voice. But at the end she did give a small smile at the end of her explanation. As if she was proud of it. She however did narrow her eyes a bit when Kasir pressed once more about getting one of her droids. She seemingly mimicked a sigh as she then crossed her arms. A trade she can do.

"As you can see, it will take time to restore all of this facility properly. However, if I am able to get access to a full functioning droid foundry, it will be much easier for me to modify it to fit my needs. If you can help me procure such a facility, I will make you a pilot. Though I will need an organic to download the mind and tweak it to your specifications."

Empathy Of Stars Eternal Empathy Of Stars Eternal

Though her explanation was met with understanding, Kasir couldn't help but find it intriguing nonetheless, even with subtle shift in her tone suggesting some sort of annoyance at his questioning; yet the Sith remained unphased. He couldn't help but push further. "And who grants you the authority to determine what is just and what is unjust? And what of the value of personal choice and free will. Organics also possess their own beliefs and desires. Do you simply implant a singular vision that erases their right to choose?”

A subtle smirk tugged at one corner of his mouth as his ears caught the sigh that escaped from her lips. "But I admit that I find your vision and the potential it holds appealing." While not of his nature, he attempted to inject his words with sincerity. “Restoring the facility will indeed require a great amount of time, and I do understand that complexities will be involved.” There was a pause, as he searched about the room, trying to collect his thoughts. “While I may not have the expertise to procure a fully functioning droid foundry, I am more than willing to assist you in exploring any options available. Together, we could seek out the resources necessary for you to accomplish this.”
TAG: Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

"Who grants any sentient being authority? I believe the answer is a case by case basis judging from what I have read and simulated in my head. Democratic societies would say its the people, who elect their officials to grant them such authority. Monarchists say its because of that bloodline they have the divine right to rule as they see fit. There are so many examples, Kasir."
Ember seemingly walked out of the room, beckoning for Kasir to follow her to what appeared to be a partially restored control room. She tapped the console to reveal a holographic map of the galaxy.

"Free will. Its a thing all sentient beings cherish yes. But what has free will truly given you and all the other organics Kasir? The ability to forge your own destiny? To make your life the way it should be or how you feel it should be? It is an idealistic point of view, but not many achieve such a thing. Free will comes with drawbacks. What happens when two groups of people with opposing ideas meet one another? Sure they can cooperate but not all the time."

Ember seemingly pressed a button on the console, the holographic map flaring a bit. It showed borders, and factions. If Kasir was a student of history, it could tell this was setting long before the current state of affairs. This map was showing the was between the Hutt Empire and Tionese Empire. Then came the second continuation of the war with the Old Galactic Republic involved. The map continued to shift as it was speeding through time. The Old Republic and Sith Empire wars. The Mandalorian Crusades. Every massive war in galactic history being played before their eyes on this console, before the map halted on the current state of affairs.

"History has shown that with free will, pain and suffering follow. For they will form opposing ideas and not be able to reconcile. So who gave them the authority to judge the other as an enemy that needed to be eradicated? An enemy that needs to be brought to heel? Questions that I do not think people can answer without lying to themselves. But a singular vision, would erase all of that. Your culture may say that peace is a lie, very much like how the Old Sith Empire believed. But perhaps you say that because you never experienced peace before."

Ember seemingly sighed as she then focused the map, showing the planet of Makeb. "If you are still willing to assist me, one of my major concerns is a steady supply of isotype-5. Its a fuel source I need for my creations. I am nearly exhausted a supply I was able to scavenge. If you can assist me in that, I will be appreciative of your efforts.

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