Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Czon Xul

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Prince Czon Xul
  • Alias: Prince
  • Faction Allegiance: The Sith Empire
  • Faction Rank: Knight
  • Species: Falleen
  • Age: 51
  • Height: 6’5”
  • Build: Tall, Athletic
  • Eye Color: Purple [Biological Norm]
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Green
  • Face Claim: Xizor
  • Voice Claim: Illusive Man
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Significant Other: Unmarried
  • Parents: Zust Xul, Om Xul
  • Siblings: Caza Xul, Thozir Xul, Caza Xul, Sel Xul, Hiszat Xul
  • Offspring: N/A
  • Extended Family: Many
Charismatic. Calm. Calculating. Czon Xul is a cultured individual, one who prides himself on his enrichment in the arts, crafts, and aesthetics on the planet of Falleen, as well as his staunch and vast knowledge of other galactic cultures and appreciation for the arts. In turn, Czon Xul is a very well-educated man, and possesses a keen sense of knowledge on varying scientific and mathematical fields. Due to this level of education that's associated with cultures, Czon sees many cultures as less refined, more barbaric, and ultimately inferior to those on Falleen, and generally believes himself to be superior, due to his own sense of personal enrichment. In addition to his arrogance, Czon was born toweringly tall, handsome, with powerful pheromones, along with an exceptionally-high midichlorian count even for a force-sensitive, which only heightened his sense of superiority. Consequently, Czon generally sees many things in the galaxy through his own tinted lens on the galaxy, as has resulted from his fifty years of residency on the planet of Falleen, that has predominantly consisted of courtly intrigue and carousing. In addition, Czon is known for his calm, calculating exterior that has helped garner the attention of those he's tried to impress.​
Czon Xul, later dabbled in the practices of the Dark Jedi, for the sake of getting ahead in the game of intrigue and conversation. However, it wasn't until Czon was actually caught dabbling in the arts of the Dark Jedi, and was forced into exile from the planet of Falleen. Following his exile, Czon sought out formal training at Bastion, the capital of the Sith Empire. From there, he did not precisely become indoctrinated with the Sith ideals, as he was staunch in his reinforcement of the belief that Falleen possessed a superior culture, so he neglected the Sith ideals, and instead, the training that the Sith provided, only enhanced his power and status as a Dark Jedi, rather than molding of ideal Sith. As a result, Czon Xul is far different from any other Sith, as Sith are typically more zealous and filled with conviction, while Czon is far more calm, collected, and self-centered, rather than basing himself around the convictions of Sith culture.​
Strengths & Weaknesses

Exceptionally Force Sensitive – Czon Xul is an exceptionally force-sensitive individual, and harnesses the innate benefits of being such. Although, as a personal trade-off, Czon Xul is still very largely untrained in the force.

Charismatic – Czon Xul is a charismatic and captivating individual to listen to, and has honed his expertise in this field for many decades.

Racial Benefits – Czon Xul possesses the racial benefits of being a member of the Falleen species, which include a baseline lifespan of 250 years, a strikingly aesthetically pleasing appearance, an ability to exude powerful pheromones to make themselves near irresistible to both sexes, and a resistance to mind tricks.

Manipulative – While not necessarily a disadvantage as Czon Xul is quite a capable manipulator, it is unarguably an undesirable quality to see in another person at a platonic level. As a result, this makes Czon a difficult individual to get close to, as it takes a lesser toll on Czon’s own psyche.

Arrogant – Czon Xul is a cultured individual, and excessively prides himself on being so, and innately sees himself as superior to others with less refined cultures.

Backhanded – In addition to his arrogance that coincides within his arrogance’s boundaries in terms of culture, Czon Xul is somewhat backhanded in his remarks with a distinct level of snark and ill-intended sarcasm.

Notable Possessions
  • Armor: Layered Falleen-Cultural Robes
  • Weaponry: Lightsaber [Purple Crystal]
  • Property: N/A
  • Miscellaneous: N/A
  • Notable Vessels
The Emancipator – Belbullab-22 starfighter Customized with Hyperdrive

do this later​
Skills and Abilities

Lightsaber Combat
Form I: Shii-Cho
Although versed in the form as is any force-user that frequents the use of a lightsaber, Czon Xul disregards the Shii-Cho form as a primitive form of lightsaber combat from a bygone era of force-users who deemed the lightsaber more of a sword than for what it truly was as an instrument of war. A form dedicated to the lumbering, hot-headed oaf, as Czon Xul himself would put it, as he believes this form's only serious use is for training apprentices. At a personal level, Czon Xul dislikes the form due to it's emotional hotheadedness, as in Falleen society, it is frowned upon to behave in such a way.​
Form II: Makashi
Along with the form of Niman, Czon Xul's most prominent and mainstay form is the Makashi form, a form of combat dedicated nigh entirely to a duel with another saber/sword-wielding combatant. An accomplished duelist, Czon Xul prides himself in his elegance, efficiency, and precision of the form of Makashi; his martial style is much like that of a fencer that revolves around leverage, position, and advantage. Czon Xul emphasizes heavily on fluidity, precision, and economy of motion in order to disable, maim, or kill his adversary. In his training, the form came quite naturally to Czon Xul, as Falleen society and culture emphasizes heavily on a sense of self-control and discipline.​
Form III: Soresu
Although a cultured and arrogant Falleen with a keenness on the utilization of both Niman and Makashi, Czon Xul is not an ignorant man to the practical benefits of Soresu form. As such, Czon Xul adapts to the ideals and philosophies of the Soresu form as he deems appropriate for the tactical situation, and is well-versed in the form due to it's subtle, slow nature that blends quite well with Czon Xul's emphasis on Makashi and Niman.​
Form IV: Ataru
Although Czon Xul barely utilizes the philosophies of the Ataru form due to it's extraneous involvement of physical movement, it's not to say that he doesn't use it at all, as Czon will use the form as it's deemed appropriate to gain a tactical advantage in a duel or fight. Although, Czon dislikes the use of additive and unnecessary movement, as Czon believes it can be because of a lack of self-control.​
Form V: Shien/Djem So
Although admiring the more brisk pace of the Shien/Djem So form of lightsaber combat, Czon dislikes the application of more brute force that he needs to apply to perform whatever goal he's set his mind to in an armed engagement, as he's staunch in the philosophy of a consistent economy and balance of the body's limitations within a fight. As such, Czon uses the Shien/Djem So form less.​
Form VI: Niman
As it is described as the 'jack of all trades' form of lightsaber combat, Czon heavily utilizes the philosophies of Niman, as they blend with his martial capability and ideals of Makashi, where Czon tries to establish a more fluid, efficient, and economic style of lightsaber combat, and along with his innately powerful sense of the force that plays a staunchly prominent role in Niman, which amends for an exceptionally unique blend of offense and defense for both saber-combatants and non-force users alike.​
Form VII: Juyo
Czon possesses mixed feelings to the philosophies of the Juyo form, due it's generally unpredictable and unique level of offense, that of which, could prove useful in any linchpin situation. However, Czon dislikes the level of aggression that is required out of the user, and the sense of internal pressure when the form is being used. Czon possesses seldom reason to utilize the form towards it's fullest extent, as he's more affluent in other lightsaber forms.​
Czon possesses an exceptional aptitude in the use of the force and midichlorian-count. In terms of his various abilities, Czon utilizes many force rudimentary techniques such as force push, force jump, telekinesis, etc. As a technical dark Jedi knight, Czon is able to utilize dark-force techniques such as force choke and force lightning, but not so much to that of an especially strong extent, due to his status in the force as a knight.​

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