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Déjà vu redux ( Sky Kerberos/Jedi)


Well-Known Member
It was then as he stood peer out thru the adjusent windows from the council room doors. His arms cross over his chest and with one hand stroke hairs of his beard. As the thought linger in his mind where in it seem however hard he tried to forget. It seem the past on its own way had caught up with him for here he was again. After all those yeats since he first left the Order Ronin yet again stood outside thier council chambers. Answering their summons for a meet as per bequested by the Republic for whom he found himself engangled with.
Having apparently made a few bad deal of late had brought him back to their custody. And in turn back into the Jedi Council .......

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
Everything had seem awkward, strange to her. From being near other Jedi, to being here on Naboo. She had memories of this place, when she were a Jedi...but yet a gap so large that it seemed unpassable.

Yet, for a moment she felt peace. There was a signature of someone who she neither felt uncertainty towards nor the desire to fight.


She started to make her way to where she felt this force, for even with Darron she had felt qualms. She knew she had her life to give to Darron, and knew in the past they were connected. But there was still a block of some kind...yet towards Ronin, she felt nothing except trust.


Well-Known Member
It was then soon enough that the doors open and a lone Jedi Master approached him to speak.

" Ronin have been summoned and requested to enter."

At which time with slight turn his head he nod and then is lead into the chambers.....where a group of Jedi Master sat in a semi circular formation. Silent as they were he could not help but sense their eyes bear down on him. Sense the tension and the palpable heaviness in the air for in all account he knew all too well. Given the facts that he not only left once before and disobey a direct order by them. Letting his emotion rule over his sworn duty to uphold the tenth of the Order no less. Along with the fact of his heritage...... sired by what they believe been Kro Var Kashi and a Jedi mother was if anything less than Taboo. And was something they alone knew and kept from him all this time. Knowing all too well the implication one such as him held......the promise and ruin to all. Was a risk they so dare not wanted any rate given this seem stroke of luck. They no less believe they had a second chance to right a wrong..... to be able bring him back to the fold rather than see him fail or fall to darkness as ....
But then that was an issue best left for later as they all noted with careful steps. Ronin entered and came to stop stand in the center of the room before them. And with a slight bow of respect he then turn his gazed to the one seated before him.

" Greetings and i have come today as you have summon me Jedi Master..."

His tone no less calm and collective despite the fact deep inside he could not help feel slight pang of uneasiness. Knowing all too well the reason behind his abrupt departure from these halls once before.Knowing nothing else than the guilt of betrayal he felt in having make such a difficult choice.To be parted from her.....she who i all acounts had been more than just his Master, confidant and friend. She was if anything to him the one person who understood him the most and truly connected with. As such she held such a bond of trust in him that the deliberation soon followed. Yet his consciousness drifted away as he no less felt just wanting to get it all over with. Where in the Masters outlined the reason behind the meet along with the condition of his reinstatement into the Order. That an all too familiar sensation brush his consciousness thru the that he had not felt for seem such a long time. Not since .......before when he stood within her presence. That a bittersweet smile cross his lips knowing she lived and was no less close by. As his consciousness then slowly drifted back into focus as the last words by the Jedi Master spoke.

"....and it is the by the decision of this council that you be place back with the current padawan class for now. Untill such time that one the Masters become available or comes forward to accept take you in as their apprentice. "

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
She came to the assembly, though stayed away from the council. From the doorway she heard the verdict. It seemed legitimate, for wasn't he just recently a Padawan? It felt like that, felt like she had just knighted him only months before.

When the council asked for a Master, she quickly left the doorway and stood near to Ronin.

"He was my Padawan once, he is mine to take again."

If anyone would challenge her, she would gladly put a saber through them. She did not care if that thought was unJedi-like. Ronin was her student, that was one thing she was sure about in this life.


Well-Known Member
It was then with slight feeling trepidation he felt as the assembly handed down its verdict and hush silence filled the room. For if much was to be said about it all .Was that if anything but a hand out rather than a hand up. For as much he knew all too well....he was to them nothing less than a means to an end. A hollow promise of redemption when the fact of the matter was even before he first came here. And even now that he had come return, none them felt him be ready. That just like before their trust had be reforged anew it would seem. For even though he was be granted chance to be placed back into the current padawan class. It was not an assurance that they would take him back in. Seeing as in truth be told.....he would no less been set to have taken the trials by now. And things could have been different only a deep sigh escape his lips that he broke off from that train of thought. It was all now but the past and there seem be no use reliving it.As all that matter now was the present and if he be so fortunate to move on. Take back the broken shards and make good life life he was given.
At which time standing there in there midst Ronin could not help but feel all alone. Till seem in fleeting moment he sense her....getting faintly close.As such that he could not help feel his heart skip beat to know that she was close. Thought it was short lived and was soon mask over by the pang of regret.Of having left things as they had the last time......that when the verdict came to the part regarding Master to take him in. That it all but took him by surprise and great humility to feel her soon stand behind him speak.

"He was my Padawan once, he is mine to take again."
To which given her words a great rush of silent whisper or hush tone filled the room. As from all round those in council that gathered began talk amongst themselves. Before one lone Ithorian Master turn speak from the less aware of this events implication as he carefully tread ahead with his words. Opting to err on side of caution.....knowing what he did.

"That would be but then again this once prove be too headstrong and insubordinate to authority. Having left the order once too many times and cause of much contention with Republic .....his future is clouded that much we can sense for certain as well. But then again if that is your wish and by the will of the shall be . Though granted we would wish keep him on a probationary status still. Where in he is to report and meet with various Masters till such time he be deem ready. Only then after he had proven himself could we release him for you take up again.This be not so much by us .... but in accordance to Republic. To which he has a debt to pay as well too...."

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
Despite her words to Darron to fight for him--and therefore the organization for which he served, The Republic--she hated them. Their laws, their structure. Their rules, most of which seemed simply to keep an individual under their control.

She wanted to take Ronin, the one person she seemed to instinctually trust in this world, and leave. Leave the laws behind to become the lawless.

"Headstrong? I know you wish the weak-minded to control," she said, knowing that though she may receive a hand-slap for her misconduct they couldn't through her in jail for speaking her mind.

"I motion once more--release him to me now. I will hold all responsibility for his actions, and will make certain he trains under the various masters of the Jedi."


Well-Known Member
At any rate thought he could sense some inaate connection to the Master that now stood behind him. No less embrouiled in a very articulate battle of will. Where in what was at stake as far he was concern was his own fate. Which was both a point of concern and worry for him given the fleeting memory he had from the past.For however much he tried and assume come grips with slight lingering disability. Of what he was told be the after effects of hybernation stasis sickness he incurd having been carbon frozen once before.

At which time thought his mind began wander again it no less was brought back to the present. When soon enough no less ire by the gathered council. She came forth to blurt out say....

"Headstrong? I know you wish the weak-minded to control."

To which it seem illicit a not quite indignant yet calm reply from one them, a aged human with fair tan skin and ashen grey hair. No less aged and weather by both time and experience out in the field of battle no less. A deep gash scar no less visible upon his face that cut across from the top brow of his left blinded eye down the base of his cheek.

" That it would seem be your opinion of this council Master Sky......but none the less i would hope you would reconsider and not think ill of this Council decision. We wish nothing less than have the welfare and adherance to both law and tradition be upheald.For if anything is to be said about it. We can't be to lient nor lax in deal with each every intiate that come before us as he has. There are rules and consequences ....ramification to their action that has to be dealt with.So i would advise caution in your ai ask again. What say you to the Council proceeding Master Kerberos. "

To which again she stood firmly strong behind him and spoke.

"I motion once more--release him to me now. I will hold all responsibility for his actions, and will make certain he trains under the various masters of the Jedi."

At which time with momentary pause the council members turn each other. In a seem silent unspoken motion they began to confer to each other. Puting everuthing in concideration before one them soon stood up speak.....

"Very well.....intiate Ronin Wendigo.....Master Kerberos....plese approach."

At which with deep sigh he then tried sum up the courage and stand tall as the final verdic was said.

"....its the decision of this council to grant release of initialte Ronin Wendigo to the custody of Master Kerberos. By who's decision enter will be task to guide the intiate and will be responsibe for him. As he such time that intiate Wendigo under hers and other Master tutilate........ show achives satisfactory understanding of the Jedi way and the force.
That he be officially reinstated and granted the rank of Padawan to Master Kerberos. So what say you both?"

In which time as the sentece was slowly being handed and read that . Ronin could not help feel slight tinged of it would seem thought the sin of the past had been all but forgiven. It was yet not be forgotten by some any rate it took much of his constrain and will. To hold this thought in and instead with slight bow if anything deep inside he was least thankfull be under her guaidance. She who for somehow he seem share some affinity as such that her presnce had appeare have calm effect on him unlike any other.

"I accept and would abide ..."

He then turn face her to bow his head low add....

".....i am gratefull Master and would wish nothing less than not dissapoint you again."

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
"I accept your decision," she said, though her voice held no gratitude for she despised that they would tell her to be cautious in her statements. She would say what she wanted, without the fear in which this council tried to impose nor the justice they attempt to impose it under.

She turned to Ronin, that anger turning to happiness to see him once more.

"You have never done anything to disappoint me Ronin. Trust in that, for you are the one person who could never let me down. Let's get out of here, and start our path together again."


Well-Known Member
It was then with heald breath and silence Ronin stood before her. Unassumingly aware at some level that despite the connection he seem hold with her. There was if anything something quite off about her a seem faint disconnect that he could not explain. Which at any rate was soon swept away by the elation his heart felt upon hear her words.

"I accept your decision,"

Of acceptance of the verdict and him that was soon followed by her no less heartfelt words.

"You have never done anything to disappoint me Ronin. Trust in that, for you are the one person who could never let me down. Let's get out of here, and start our path together again."

To which with gentle smile on his face as he lifted his head face her replied in brief yet respectful tone.

"As you wish Master....."

He then with seem great fidelty and respect followed her out of the council halls.

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
Once outside the halls, she turned to him and threw her arms around him in embrace. She wondered what had happened to him...he looked so much older than she remembered him--so full of life's tragedy and pain. Of him, she remembered a male younger than herself, and now their roles reversed as she looked up into his eyes.

"Ronin, I am so thankful you are here," she said, glad that her memory of him seemed to be uncompromised.

"How are you? What happened? Tell me how you have been?" So many questions, but she could not help herself after what had happened in the council meeting. Concern filled her heart greatly over how he was doing.


Well-Known Member
It was then seem all the while as they walked out Ronin could not help struggle to contain himself. As wave of ebb tide intense emotion seem wash over him. For if anything else could be said about him despite fact most thought him brash,distant, cold and uncouth. It was if anything far from the truth...passionate,honorable and down right idealistic was he under her care.Just that as fate would have it....time and tide season past was if anything kind to him of late. Painfull sting of betrayal and such had all but rob him of what little light she had instilled in him. Outside her care and guidance he had somewhat changes......with it had leaft it mark in him. One which judging from the sudden rush of Sky turn round. And suddenly wrap her arms round him all but spoke volume as to how this had no less escape her notice.

That in an instant he was all but left speachless and unable believe the instantatious bond. That the two in reality would appear. It had all but full Master and Apprentice once again reunited ....where in there was once a child stood a young man no less in his prime. With so much promise but held back by the scars and ghost of past. He himself had all but tried burry and erased from memory.With some sucess though it left his memory of the events all but jaded or surreal. That it left him at that time delay in his reaction. Steping forward as he did and raise his own arm to encompass her.....and come realize how somewhat diffrent it all was from last he assume remember. That standing all but couple inches taller than her.....reversly looking down on her rather than up. He then burries his head onto her shoulders. Not wanting to let her go at first.....but no less grip in the mix of disbelief and emotion that time.
That he eventually did and came to pasue stare strait onto her eyes. When she then came speak......

"Ronin, I am so thankful you are here,"

As he then in turn smiled and lost for words came to all was able utter.

" As am i thankfull be back as well..with you.."

He then for moment pause unsure how best proceed as he gaze even deeper into her eyes. See the youth and concern in her face all but doubt if it was all real. When she then came to speak next.

"How are you? What happened? Tell me how you have been?"

And he then hesitantly at first bow his head in shame to comply.

" I guess i still live......thought the shame that day still haunts me. Despite the fact i have their blood stain my hands.......that in way guess its rightfully so that they be cautious.....thought unwilling at the same time have me out their sights."

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
"Do not bow your head in shame," she said, hating to see her old padawan like this. Even more so she tried not to let the anger of hers toward the council grow. They should not have stripped him of his title, they should not of harrassed him so. Did he deserve it? She honestly did not care if he had or not, Ronin was hers and it maddened her to have him treated as such.

"Tell me the good, if any, of what I have missed from you," she said softly, trying to hold on to the light that still coursed through her, not her own light, what little there was-- but Ben's. She still felt the warmth from their time together and tried to use that to keep her from her anger.

ooc. I will be leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks. I'm really hoping I will have net access, though it may be limited to my phone, especially at least for the first several days.


Well-Known Member
It was then while he spoke and paused with the pang of guilt no less still lingered. That with kind word and firm conviction she spoke to him unlike anyone could and can .

"Do not bow your head in shame,"

Reach out to help him break free from the doubt and anger he no less felt at the moment...swirl within him as such like poison. Threat him to teether near the edge of the light if but briefly. Awake unknowingly the faint humanity and light in him as such reel back his gaze at her. He then spoke with seem same conviction as she.

"Yes Master."

To which she then continued on speak no less not wanting to linger further on the past lost. And instead hold on to the faint light .....that he could no less glance upon in her eyes.

"Tell me the good, if any, of what I have missed from you,"

To which he then take a momentary pause to think and recall spoke.

".....for any good from it i have say though would be that. Outside these halls i sort found out bits clue of my heritage.....thought it came if but briefly from an old hermit. I somehow came across during my sojourn alone Master......far off into the depth of wild space. A trader he once was in his youth.He spoke of a small colony of human beings unlike that he had seen or known of since. Living a far stranger culture he only later on came known or told been of Kashi Mer Dynasty. Long lost and thought of instinct from days of old.......they wielded such command and skills far from his understanding. That he apparently escape them one day when a passing republic ship came seem in time rescue them. He gave me the coordinates as best he could recall. So i went but found them gone.....most likely relocated someplace else. Though was fortunate to gather few interesting artifacts to help piece together what i can. It was slow going first but i eventually i got enough to start with for now. "

occ: no worry will be here....and hope you have safe trip.Take care and stay safe........

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
"Perhaps we can use those clues to see where they relocated," she said, walking with him though changing course slightly to the hangar bay. Only so much can be learnt from one world, and if she could help Ronin find this tribe, perhaps it will help him find solace.

"Get your clues, and meet me at the hangar bay. We'll learn nothing staying stagnant."


Well-Known Member
"Perhaps we can use those clues to see where they relocated,"

She then said to him at which time thought it brought him such joy have her back. That she at least understood him well and was no less sincerely look out for his welfare unlike the others.There was still no less a slight dilemma, a hitch on the road that he was now hesitant to cross. To which with complete affinity to her Ronin no less spoke.

"That would be if anything something i have long do and hope so......but as far they're concern i am restricted and forbidden to wander outside the republic unescorted.... as part my plea deal. Figure i guess they don't trust me do right this time and in turn have all but confiscated all my things or so they thought...."

He paused and weary glance about make sure the coast was clear before continue on speak.

"....for it seem this time my hunches had prove me right. In that i was able to stash them away for safekeeping when they caught up with me."

It was then that by chance instead of head off to the Temple proper he could not help get the sinking suspicion. That something else was up as she then lead him down one the many corridors lead to side receiving chamber. To which barely halfway down the hall that forked to both side.....where in the left lead back into the temple quarters. And the other suspiciously down towards the hangar bay that she then turn him speak.

"Get your clues, and meet me at the hangar bay. We'll learn nothing staying stagnant."

To which with smile on his face he gave her a respectful bow .

" Will be back in one second Master....."

He then turns off and rush back to his quarters to retrieve his satchel and the small bundle he had hidden well in the air duct. Before he then rush back to meet with her in the hangar. A little bit out breath but none the less happy to be at her side once again. Thought strange as it would seem for some. That he should be follow her lead that more willingness and see her succeed when others failed. That though other might speculate and read into this with some doubt or not so nice idea.

They no less would have been wrong....for if nothing else. There was no escape the fact that despite all the time and events that had transpire between the two. Clone or not she was to him still the same person he'd met before.....that the once scared and lost child in him still looked up to her as he once did. That no matter how much time and tide separated them there was no escaping the bond he form with her since the moment they more than just his Master but partly as kin .......

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
She waited tentatively for him at the hangar bay, having obtained a ship. That was one thing she had not received from the Jedi, and one thing that it was odd to be without. Did they not trust her enough to issue her a ship? Had she not enough credits to buy one herself?

So she did what any normal (for her at least) Force user would do and used a mind trick to be able to 'borrow' a ship indefinitely. At least she did not kill anyone to get it and she did plan to return it--so no one should mind.

Hopefully Ronin would get here soon though, just in case any authority figures started asking her about her rights to fly this thing.


Well-Known Member
It didn't take long before eventually Ronin made it back to the hangar seem just in time. As Master Sky seem have secured for them a decent enough transport for their intended travel. That he soon approached her to speak....

"I got them here with me now Master...."

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
She hurried Ronin inside the ship and readied it for takeoff. She could not wait to get off planet and away from all of the stress of it.

Finally as they exited the atmosphere, she turned to him. It was just like old times, and she hoped that she could help him in his quest. "What do you think your clues say? Try to follow what your mind tells you...but also your instinct. The Force. Try to decode these clues at least enough to give us a destination."


Well-Known Member
It was then no sooner had he arrived that Master Sky hurried him into the ship to which he no less obliged. Seeing as if anything he himself could not wait be off be far away from the confines of the council. To be once again by his Master side and guidance was all that he could hope for at this point. As soon enough when all was said and done with the two them pilot the ship of planet. And they were on hold flying in a planet outer atmospher for now that she turn him speak.

"What do you think your clues say? Try to follow what your mind tells you...but also your instinct. The Force. Try to decode these clues at least enough to give us a destination."

To which take a momentary pause to think thru her question before eventually pull out small polished shard in hand to show her.

"Well far clue are concern Master.... strange as it would seem search round as best i could.....though there were few structures left and such as one expect from any former settlement. There was by far no written physical or otherwise..... artifacts of that settlement to suggest what kind of civilization they were from....make it hard for one to gauge their number. I was about give up when i don't know.....something lead me to a clearing not far off side......there was barely anything that i could see out the ordinary other than this."

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