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Approved Species Dùil

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Out of Character Information

INTENT | To create a unique species for personal threads and storylines.
LINKS | [member=Áine] - [member=Kerstan Blackmoore] - Melodie - Shi’ido - Zeltron - K’paur


General Information

NAME | Dúil
ORIGINS | Yavin 8 - [member=Kerstan Blackmoore]
AVERAGE LIFESPAN | The precise lifespan is unknown due to the variety of species the Dúil are created from. But the creator estimates the Dúil live anywhere between 1200 - 3000 years due to the K’paur and Shi’ido genes he used.
DESCRIPTION | Dúil are incredibly beautiful. With flawless skin, bright eyes and healthy hair they are the picture of perfection. Most, if not all, are attracted to them on first sight. While there is only one in existence the Dúil were designed to come in many different forms. Skin, eye and hair colour can range from stark white to raven black and anything in between. They are often slender and shorter in stature to give the appearance that they are not able to defend themselves.


Physical Information

BREATHES | Type One [Breathable]
AVERAGE HEIGHT OF ADULTS | Between 5’1” and 6’0”.
SKIN | Designed to replicate humans, their skin colour can range from milk-white to dark chocolate.
HAIR | Designed to replicate humans, their hair colours can range from pure white to raven black.


Strengths & Weaknesses

+ | Sirens Call |
The Dúil have natural pheromones that have the potential to draw in any and all lifeforms. Like bees drawn to sweet nectar, the attraction is exceedingly hard to resist though it is capable of being done. Everything about the Dúil is seemingly perfect. Their hair, their eyes, their voice, their smile. When in the presence of one some find it incredibly difficult to not feel enamoured by them and even more so to escape their magnetic pull.

+ | Subjective Beauty | +
One of the species that the Dúil derive from is the Shi’ido. The creator took the genes that were responsible for their telepathic abilities and implement them into the Dúil. When the Dúil are looked upon they are capable of projecting an image of the beholders ‘perfect’ mate. This telepathic ability does not rely on the force to be cast, and has the highest chance of working if the person is human. The further away from human-like a species gets the smaller the chance telepathic ability has to work.

+ | Child’s Charm | +
The Dúil are created to be the perfect hunters. Ones that draw in their prey through trust and desire. They are purposefully built to look and sound childlike to create the illusion that they are perfectly helpless. Coupled with the powerful pheromones the Dúil project the idea that they are entirely trustworthy and incapable of causing any harm. How could something so innocent, pure and naive possibly cause any damage?

+ | Black Widow’s Kiss | +
One of the things that make the Dúil so dangerous are the specifically designed poison glands on their lips. One kiss can be enough to kill you. The poison itself is designed to make you feel like you are drowning by filling your lungs with fluids. Fortunately the creator decided that the Dúil should have the ability to turn this on and off at will.

+ | Dark Ties | +
The Dùil are naturally gifted in the dark side of the force. What the creator purposefully lacked to provide them in stature, he made up for in their magical abilities. The Dùil are naturally drawn toward the force and magic, meaning that most who hatch will go on to be powerful sorcerers if trained correctly.

- | When False Faces Become Real |
Because of their lack of muscle mass the Dùil rely entirely on their force capabilities to defend themselves. This means that when faced with force dampening objects or creatures such as the Ysalamir, the Dùil are rendered entirely useless. Without their force powers they are little more than the childlike images of innocence and naivety that they appear to be.

- | Visible Attraction | -
The Dúil’s pheromones are only designed to work when in eyesight or earshot of them. While most people are left with natural psychological effects of the intense pheromones, the actual magic wears off the moment the Dúil step out of sight.

- | Desire’s Vengeance | -
The Dúil are purpose built to attract any and all lifeforms (including all animals). While the telepathic abilities do not work on species that aren’t similar to humans, the pheromones still do. This ability cannot be turned off, as in the case of Zeltrons, and instead is constantly projected whether the Dúil wish it or not. This means that along with wanted attention they attract quite a bit of unwanted attention as well.

- | Failure to Thrive | -
While the Dúil are incredibly gifted in the force, they are not so gifted in matters of physical strength. Done purposefully to keep true to their air of innocence, their muscle mass is generally weaker than the average human, and no amount of training can seem to boost it.

- | Crazy in Lust | -
Sometimes there is such a thing as too much desire. Prolonged exposure to the Dúil pheromones can have serious effects on the mind. The Dúil unknowingly and slowly, over many many many years, degrade the mental capabilities of any (including themselves) who spend an excessive amount of time with them.



As there is only one of the Dúil in existence they have no notable cultural distinctions.


Historical Information
Conjured and crafted by [member=Kerstan Blackmoore], the Dúil were made in an attempt to create something so perfect no living creature could resist. When Kerstan was young he fell so deeply in love with a maiden that nothing could compare to her beauty, but the love was not too last. Only a year or two after meeting his beloved, she left him for another man. Angered and enraged by the unjust actions of the woman he loved, Kerstan left home and sealed himself in a cave on Yavin 8. As the madness descended on the K’paur he came up with a plan to ensure that his lover would never again know a day of happiness, to ensure that she would endure the pain that she had caused him.

In the depths of the caves, where no light or man could reach him, Kerstan threw himself into the perfect plan for revenge. She would feel his pain, she would know the suffering her actions had caused him. He would create a being so beautiful that none could resist, not even the heart of the man who stole his happiness from him. With the goal in mind, he relished at the idea of the torment it would put her through. The road was long and troubling. Most of his creations never saw the light of day, or were burned before they even had the chance to hatch. Kerstan trawled through thousands of different species looking for ones that would culminate in the perfect assassin.

Many different combinations of dna were tried and tested before he finally stumbled across the right one that lead to the Dúil. The first of such species in the final egg that resulted in [member=[/FONT]Áine] were the Melodies. Fortunately for Kerstan their eggs were perfect for creating a new life, and were in plenty good supply on Yavin 8. Already very versed in the art of creating life, Kerstan pulled inspiration from many different species. From the Shi’ido he borrowed the telepathic genes, to give the Dúil the ability to project an image of the ‘perfect’ mate. The Zeltrons gave him idea, and the blood samples, to give the Dúil the powerful pheromones they use to draw people in. The final piece of the puzzle was his own dna, K’paur to ensure the creation lived a long life. In this process of creating the lifeform Kerstan had poured in so much emotion and energy into it that the effects rubbed off on them. Because of this the Dúil are unequivocally and irreversibly linked to the dark side.

His first success, the one and only Dúil in existence, was
Áine. When she emerged from the pod Kerstan threw himself into crafting the perfect assassin. When Áine reached maturity a series of events lead Kerstan to ruthlessly abandon Áine and all he created on Yavin 8. While he was merciful enough to allow Áine her life, he sealed away the rest of the unfertilised eggs in the cave he created them in to ensure that no other Dúil would see the light of day.
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