Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder

SPECIES: Anzati/Arkanian
AGE: 358
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'6"
WEIGHT: 216lbs
HAIR: White
SKIN: Grey-Ashen hue
Tall and muscular, Dûvain represents the pinnacle of human strength. His red eyes, a byproduct of his unorthodox heritage, are unnerving to some, however they are unavailable for questioning as those who get close enough to see the color of his eyes usually end up dead. He possesses sharper than normal canines and his fingers are clawed. Flaps in his cheek hide two proboscises and when they are retracted his face resembles an average humanoid. He is an abominable union between Anzati and Arkanian, with Stennes Shifter genes thrown in.
He is possessed of a calculating intellect and a cold fury to those who disrespect him.
He despises humans and Arkanians, but applies his derision to basically every species. Due to his hybrid nature and three hundred plus years of isolation he has developed into a secluded introvert, resentful at the galaxy for not understanding him.
Because he was created and not born, Dûvain was initially at a loss for his destiny in living. Eventually he came to the conclusion that he was the natural progression of humanoid-made evolution and that as the apex predator it was his job to secure his place in the circle of life as its ruler. He believed the subjugation of others to his will to be an evolutionary imperative. However, as the number of his victims increased, so too did the knowledge he tore from their minds. The sheer amount of textual information in his mind beggars comparison, yet the knowledge came with a price. He no longer believes in natural progression of the species. In fact, he doesn't believe much of anything at all. To him, history is a massive textbook of insatiable violence and repetitive cycles. His conclusion? Apathy. Apathy and personal gain. He does not wish to rule nations, for he knows that rulers will always fail. Rather, he has given himself over to entropy, the life of a pirate, with no cares, no laws, no gain but his own.
- Nihilistic
- Apathetic
- Avaricious
- Mercurial
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- +Vision: He is only capable of seeing in the infrared spectrum, which is very useful on cold worlds.
- +Rapid Healing: His Anzati nature is dominant and includes a heightened healing process.
- -Vision: As he is only capable of seeing in infrared, he is easily susceptible to harsh lights that can range from blinding him for a few minutes to blinding him for days. If he were to step out into the Tatooine sands during a particularly hot day, for instance, and stare up into the sun he would be blinded for the rest of that day. If a flashbang grenade went off in front of him he would be blind for several days.
- -Starvation: requires a steady diet of humanoid brains in order to survive, 12 every month to be healthy.
- -Sterile: An amalgamation of various entities spliced into a single being and grown in a tube, Dûvain is unable to reproduce.
- -Disease: He is highly susceptible to any diseases plaguing the Anzati and Arkanian species. As he was grown in a tube his immune system has been unable to develop resistances to many types of bacteria and viruses. The common cold could indeed be dangerous to him. In addition, if/when he ever does catch a disease he will have to be treated by specialists. No simple hospital will suffice as the wrong medication and treatment could easily kill him.
- -Bacta Allergy: He is severely allergic to bacta, which itself is a bacteria that helps the healing process. Unfortunately, inhis case it will cause swelling in the throat that can suffocate and kill him.
- -Aggressiveness: The scientists who created Dûvain intended for him to be the genetic blueprint an Arkanian warrior subspecies. As such, they focused on activating genes that increased aggressiveness. However, they also completely shut off the genes that enable compassion. Thus, Dûvain is hyper-aggressive and tends to react violently to 'fix' situations.
- Ultraviolet Exposure: Dûvain is very sensitive to ultraviolet light, which is capable of giving him severe sunburns in minutes and melanoma from prolonged exposure.
Force Powers:
Mental -
Tund Illusion Sorcery - Can transform one object to another, materialize beings, and cause objects to disappear. The illusion cannot be discerned by computer systems. - Spell of Concealment - Can hide his presence in the Force.
- Torture by Chagrin - Causes the victim to experience their worst fears to the point of hysteria. It is a very powerful ability, and the duration and intensity varied depending on the caster. The spell was called upon when the caster moved their fingers in an intricate pattern, taking seconds to produce effects after focusing the Force in a particular way. The victim’s deepest and most primal fears were made seemingly alive, often taking the form of demons or monsters that relentlessly torment the victim. The longer the spell is held the more realistic and terrifying the illusions become. To the outside viewer, the victim appears to suddenly seize and go insane. The body goes into comatose if held for a long amount of time.
- Force Fear - The wielder can strike directly at the deepest parts of the target's mind, causing an uncontrollable shaking fear that wreaks havoc with the target's capabilities. Through pure force of will alone, a user could cause them to lose their courage completely, and if left undefended, the effects could be severe, rapidly demoralizing the enemy with a feeling of hopelessness and regret. Depending on the victim, it can cause them to either cower defenselessly or flee from their opponent outright.
Force Horror - This enables the user cause multiple enemies to enter a catatonic state of panic that is more severe and more difficult to defend against than basic Force fear.
- Aura of Uneasiness - This projects a field of vague unease around the caster. Sentients experience intense malaise. Non-sentients flee, while Force-sensitives experience an inability to concentrate. Restricted to line of sight.
- Qâzoi Kyantuska, Suppress Thought
- Mind Shard
- Sutta, Chwituskak, Bolt of Hatred - A blast of pure dark side that can hurt sentients, non-sentients, and spirits. Burns the user’s hands.
- Cryokinesis
- Rudimentary at best
- The Soulsaber
- Sergeti Amulet
- Wraps of Frost
The lab experiment of an insane group of Arkanian scientists holed up on Alzoc III, Dûvain was intended to be the ultimate predator and meant to serve as a blueprint for a whole subspecies of Arkanian warriors. Instead, he came into the galaxy with the knowledge that he was nothing more than an unloved creation and subsequently slaughtered the scientists.
Since then he has wandered the tundras of Alzoc III for over 300 years, trying to find a way off the planet. He preys upon the native Talz, the only sapient species who reside in Alzoc III's frozen wasteland. They call him the Grey Hunter, on account of his ashen skin. The scarcity of sapients makes living on the planet incredibly difficult for Dûvain. The average Anzati requires twelve sapients a day in order to remain healthy, but Dûvain counts himself lucky if he finds one or two. Thus his abilities are significantly weakened and he is constantly on the brink of starvation.
[*]Children of Ice: Duvain devours Anaudius' brain, absorbing his power and memories along with it.