D' Orrin
Name:: D' Orrin Kelva' Sh
Faction:: Omega Pyre
Species:: Human
Age:: 25
Gender:: Male
Height:: 6' Six foot even
Weight:: 230lbs
Eyes:: Left- Deep drown/ Right- Blue/ Cybernetic
Hair:: Black
Skin:: Mahogany
Force Sensitive:: Yes
Strengths:: Close Quarters Combat, as a result of his Zenkai training. A quick Study
Weaknesses:: The basic folly of the mortal coil. The fragility of being human, that is. Lack of interest inres people and their day to day lives and as a result he can space out and become somewhat oblivious to the less obvious things around him. Though he's by no means a lesser intelligent being.
Ship:: A ship he's deemed the Phantom. As far as a physical description goes, think of the ship that Samus Aran uses in Metroid Prime, but the size of the Millenium Falcon. A Turbostorm Class Gunship.
Engines:: Twin ion engines with light speed capabilities. . The weapons include twin quadra barreled blaster cannons that are fire linked. Twin Gatling Blasters based on the bottom section of the ship. Forward facing. One ion cannon, seldom used. A tractor beam system. And a torpedo system. Defensive systems include shielding systems as well as a real time holographic camouflage system.
Biography:: Known as the Black Spirit of Naboo, but only to those that would even know of the centuries old mythology of his Tradition. He is not the first to take up this mantle, but he is one of the greater in a long line of Vengeance Spirits. He took part in a small war that had escalated, giving aid where he could. After dealing with his Twin Brother Jathe, whom took the mantle of the White King. One of the two Spirits of Light within the Lore of his tradition. Jathe attempted to expand his influence on Naboo and as such was creating his own army of Force sensative beings under his control. Orrin defied him and for his troubles was forced to slay not only his twin brother, but the love of his life as well. Having nothing left for him on Naboo, he took to the stars. Offering help where he could, but always hiding his face behind the mask of the Black Spirit. During one mission to aid less fortunate settlers, Orrin was lured into a trap. One man against a small platoon of armed soldiers. Though he managed to take a mass of them down, he was ultimately defeated. As a result his body was carried back to a scientist that had plans for the being.
Orrin's body was reconstructed using his own genetic tissue. Though not just reconstructed, it was enhanced. His cellular mass was increased five fold with the cells now having walls of their own to add a bit of natural protection to his form. The points of cybernetic hardware that he had installed inside of his body as a result from his brother's betrayal remained. His right eye still being cybernetic to give him a mass of visual enhancements, while his spinal colum was upgraded. Now, not just something to emulate the organic portion of him that was missing, this new model was equipped with thermal couple. Converting his body's natural core heat into energy nfor itself. The extra energy was stored in small batteries that would be employed upon combat. Using the excess electrical energy to stimulate his muscle structure for increased physical performance. The scientist that altered him also gave him another cybernetic system. A brain box of sorts. A second brain that's linked to the net. This second brain was suppose to be able to allow the scientist the ability to control his new creation, but the last program that would have been used to have the brain box override the organic version was not installed. The reason behind that was that when the brain box had restored function to the body, it restored function to Orrin's brain as well. This resulted in his being quite aware of what was going on and while the scientist was in the process of downloading the program into Orrin's head, Orrin rebelled.
Freeing himself and disposing of the scientist and his small security team. It was there that Orrin had discovered what was goinhad happened. His body was changed. And now he had more thoughts running through him. Not so much as a second voice in his head, as it was a swelling of information that his organic brain was not use to processing. Due to this, he is sometimes prone to headaches, which can lead to nose bleeds. This is also a reason for his sometimes seeming aloof. Where one brain is always processing, the other, his organic brain, is simply zen. He clears his mind so that he's not over burdened with a mass of information and thought process running through his mind. The mass of electrical impulses running through his mind can cause mass damage if not checked. Though he is learned to control a bit of the brain box's basic programming via the force, he still has a ways off. And his dislike of people in general leads him to not trust anyone else with his cybernetic systems. Particularly the unwanted one in his head. If they coulkd access the brain box, then with him being unconcious due to the surgery, thhe party operating could create their own slave prgram and Orrin's personality would more than likely be overwritten. Obviously something he wouldn't want done.
Orrin was born on Naboo within the Tradition of the Zenkai. Centuries ago Fallen Jedi and a Sith that tired of the games her master played with her found themselves in a very unlikely alliance of sorts. Having seen eye to eye on not wishing to be apart of the games that the Jedi and Sith toiled over, they all escaped to Naboo. Settling in, in an out of the way area where they gave their aid when they could. Sometime into their settlement they found that some of the budding Force Sensative Natives didn't know what to do with their forming talens, so they took to teaching the people how to hone their skills. Not wishing to draw attention any futher tha what they had for their knowledge within the Force to begin with,, they focused on a new new weapons form that would be more than likely unique to their forming culture.
In that, the Zenkai Fangs were created. The female Jedi was known as the Lady of Mercy. Having patience and understanding for those that they taught, while the female Sith was known as the Lady of Malice for her ways. Time passed and soon the female Jedi and the male that had come with her formed something of a relationship. Where the two females had taken an almost deity like stance within their forming religion, he stayed content to simply teach. That was until the time where the Lady of Malice forced the people to divide. Attacking and even killing the Lady of Mercy. This enraged the male they had come with. And through that he became the first Black Spirit.
Others took up mantles as well and aided him in his quest for vengeance. Though where as he saw revenge, they saw a point of liberation. Were Malice to succeed in her dominion, none would be safe. Mantles of Water, Fire, Ice, the Four Winds, Earth, Thunderous Sky and Twin mantles of Light, representing both the Sun and Moon's grace, were taken. All were former students of the now Black Spirit and the Lady of Mercy. He warned them all that what he would do, may go against what he has taught them. That they may see him differently after all of this. None cared.
So a great battle ensued. The Lady of Malice and her driven students fighting against the newly created Pantheon of spirit mantles. In the end, Malice was defeated. And beheaded by the first Black Spirit. After that he was going to exile himself for having taken such drastic measures, but the others wouldn't hear of it. Now they had more to teach. While Malice and Mercy were now One with The Force, those of the Zenkai Tradition now knew of spirits, forces that would come and pass judgement when they saw fit to. From time to time the mantle of the spirits had been passed down. And as a point of things, a breeding arrangement had been made. Those born of the original pantheon would keep their power as pure as possible. Breeding only with those others of the Pantheon. The original Black Spirit had no need to breed though. As after the struggle with Malice was over, he revealed that he had a Son with Mercy. Those with that blood inside of them are deemed Dragon Line. And that mating tradition has been passed down through the ages.
Jathe and his twin brother D' Orrin are apart of the Dragon Line. Descended from the original Black Spirit, they were afforded a bit more respect due to lineage status, than most in their village. Where Jathe saw it as a chance to do what he wanted, Orrin kept to the traditions of things. And had taken to courting a woman named Loren whom was descended from a lineage of Water Spirits. The only thing was that Jathe sough her hand as well. When it seemed that Orrin would have her and not Jathe, Jathe grew enraged. Placing aside the traditions of his ancestors in favor of power. And laid siege to his own people.
Orrin and Jathe fought. The battle lasted for what seemed forever in both of their eyes, but eventually Jathe came out the victor. Having Orrin at his mercy as Orrin hung over a cliff. Jathe slashed Orrin over his right eye and watched as his twin fell to what was suppose to be his death. Orrin's grandfather found him and treated his wounds. Even going as far as to take him into one of the technological sectors on Naboo and having his body repairs with cybernetics. Replacing his right eye with a cybernetic replica and replacing his spine. After Orrin could move on his own again, that's when his training renewed. He trained harder than he had ever done before. Embracing aspects of the Dark Side that he did not know existed. They all fueled his rage.
When the time came, Orrin set out as the new Black Spirit. Using all of the newly acquired techniques, tactics and gear to lay siege to what his brother controlled single handedly. But history was repeating itself all over again. Jathe took up the mantle of the White King. Claiming to be one of the Spirits of Light, as was his new Queen. Having been out of the action for a time, Orrin knew nothing of the resistance to Jathe's forces. Once in a while he would encounter them and their goals would align, but he never truly joined them. Their combined efforts worked greatly in conjunction, as the rebels weren't as suited to battling those whom were sensitive to the force like Orrin was. Soon enough they made it to Jathe's palace.
But that was when things took a twist for the worst within Orrin's life. The Queen that Jathe had taken was in fact Loren. He twisted her midn into thinking that Jathe was in fact Orrin, and that Orrin was Jathe, whom attacked the village and caused so much destruction. Orrin was forced to battle her. And with tears in his eyes he managed to succeed. It was in her last moments that her mind cleared and she realized what had been going on. That moment generated a great and deep sadness within Orrin that could not be healed. Almost feral, he roared into the air. The force lending its aid in expressing his pain as it echoed out into the area. Even those that were in the close area could feel his pain that were not well connected to the force as a sensitive was. Now the only one that stood in his way was Jathe. And just like before, they clashed in a great battle. Evil intentions focused and fought against unbridled rage as sparks flew off each time their blades met. But where Jathe had simply been attempting to expand on what he knew, Orrin expanded his knowledge of different techniques and strategies. The heat that was radiating from their blades was put to use as it became a literal and physical manifestation of the rage that burned inside of Orrin. Blade lit aflame and in his surprise, Jathe was not prepared for what happened next. Orrin controlled the flames and used them to set Jathe on fire. Using that split moment when Jathe's attention was diverted and struck him down.
Now with little connecting him to his humble origins he travels the universe, still bearing the mantle of the Black Spirit. As he and Jathe were twins, he does not wish to have his identity mistaken for his deceased brother. So he wears some sort of mask almost everywhere he goes.
The Zenkai heavily favor the Matukai, with exceptions of weapons focus and their ability to actually make a decision to tap into the Dark Side. Those of the Zenkai Tradition that turn fully to the Dark Side are known as Zenkari.
Twin Zenkai Fangs
Twin stun batons held between his Zenkai Fangs
Augmented power armor. The only real change done to it is a magnetic counter weight balance that suspends the armor somewhat off of the wearer's form by mere centimeters. Allowing for full functionality without the weight of the armor itself bearing down on the wearer. A stealth option that bends light around the user. The armor consists of Duraplast armor plating. The gauntlets of the armor have been augmented so that they have an electro magnetic shifter, allowing them to shift through the electro magnetic spectrum for different energy frequencies and wave lengths, not being confined to just one type of energy. That section rests on the top forearm of the gauntlets. The bottom section houses minor repulsor/ tractor systems to aid in combat and holding one's weapon(s)
The helmet is equipped with a comm link as well as a cryptographic sequencer. After scanning a piece of equipment the helmet attempts to attune itself to the exact frequency being used and forces an overload to hack into the system or completely destroy it by shorting it out. A filter system as well as a rebreather that lasts for thirty minutes. Polarized visor to help avoid being blinded from bright lights
A utility belt that carries in it::
Smoke screen orbs
Vials of various fluids including poisons and acids used for his Zenkai Fangs
Bacta ointment treatments
explosive tipped slugs
Liquid Cable dispencer cartridge
The "Buckle" of the belt holds a number of six alkaline alloy shuriken.
E- Clips for his blasters
Twin T-6 Blaster pistols held on his thighs
Explosive Blaster Pistols held behind him on belt.
A small number of proton mini missles
His right eye is equipped with a multi optic function that includes telescopic sight, Macro lense function, passive night vision, thermal imaging with a targetting display and infrared vision.
Equipment Edit. Since it's a simple edit, I didn't see the need to start an thread about it. The T-6 blasteris replaced with the OPP-1 blaster pistol. Orrin's fangs have been changed. The molecules are spaced out less, as well as the density being changed. Allowing for a harder metallic alloy being used to aid in being strong enough to take the increased vibration speeds. This is due to Orrin's level of physical strength. Allowing his fangs to be better cutting tools than the standrad vibro swords.
Orrin now also carries in liu of his stun batons, a tripple sectioned spear, kept together with a power coupling unit. An electric current is run through the weapon equal to a force pike.
Orrin's armor has been changed. Augmenting his gauntlets with a customized discharge unit set for the liquid cable used for spike launchers. Orrin carries extra cartridges to be used within the armor.
The cybernetic brain augmentation that Orrin has, has been upgraded as well. While the cyber brain is constantly running, it now works with Orrin, instead of always pushing information into his organic brain. Which once forced Orrin to try and space out mentally, just to process all of the information being sent to him. This resulted in an upgrade in Orrin's optical augmentation as well.
The Phantom has been upgraded as well. Orrin has added an artificial intelligence to the ship and allowed it to run it and an old Jedi Fighter that's being upgraded as well. self from time to time. A few droids have been added to the AI's running routine to allow the ship to ship to be able to perform hands on maintainance when needed. The Phantom Droid ships have been added to the cargo bay.
Faction:: Omega Pyre
Species:: Human
Age:: 25
Gender:: Male
Height:: 6' Six foot even
Weight:: 230lbs
Eyes:: Left- Deep drown/ Right- Blue/ Cybernetic
Hair:: Black
Skin:: Mahogany
Force Sensitive:: Yes
Strengths:: Close Quarters Combat, as a result of his Zenkai training. A quick Study
Weaknesses:: The basic folly of the mortal coil. The fragility of being human, that is. Lack of interest inres people and their day to day lives and as a result he can space out and become somewhat oblivious to the less obvious things around him. Though he's by no means a lesser intelligent being.
Ship:: A ship he's deemed the Phantom. As far as a physical description goes, think of the ship that Samus Aran uses in Metroid Prime, but the size of the Millenium Falcon. A Turbostorm Class Gunship.
Engines:: Twin ion engines with light speed capabilities. . The weapons include twin quadra barreled blaster cannons that are fire linked. Twin Gatling Blasters based on the bottom section of the ship. Forward facing. One ion cannon, seldom used. A tractor beam system. And a torpedo system. Defensive systems include shielding systems as well as a real time holographic camouflage system.
Biography:: Known as the Black Spirit of Naboo, but only to those that would even know of the centuries old mythology of his Tradition. He is not the first to take up this mantle, but he is one of the greater in a long line of Vengeance Spirits. He took part in a small war that had escalated, giving aid where he could. After dealing with his Twin Brother Jathe, whom took the mantle of the White King. One of the two Spirits of Light within the Lore of his tradition. Jathe attempted to expand his influence on Naboo and as such was creating his own army of Force sensative beings under his control. Orrin defied him and for his troubles was forced to slay not only his twin brother, but the love of his life as well. Having nothing left for him on Naboo, he took to the stars. Offering help where he could, but always hiding his face behind the mask of the Black Spirit. During one mission to aid less fortunate settlers, Orrin was lured into a trap. One man against a small platoon of armed soldiers. Though he managed to take a mass of them down, he was ultimately defeated. As a result his body was carried back to a scientist that had plans for the being.
Orrin's body was reconstructed using his own genetic tissue. Though not just reconstructed, it was enhanced. His cellular mass was increased five fold with the cells now having walls of their own to add a bit of natural protection to his form. The points of cybernetic hardware that he had installed inside of his body as a result from his brother's betrayal remained. His right eye still being cybernetic to give him a mass of visual enhancements, while his spinal colum was upgraded. Now, not just something to emulate the organic portion of him that was missing, this new model was equipped with thermal couple. Converting his body's natural core heat into energy nfor itself. The extra energy was stored in small batteries that would be employed upon combat. Using the excess electrical energy to stimulate his muscle structure for increased physical performance. The scientist that altered him also gave him another cybernetic system. A brain box of sorts. A second brain that's linked to the net. This second brain was suppose to be able to allow the scientist the ability to control his new creation, but the last program that would have been used to have the brain box override the organic version was not installed. The reason behind that was that when the brain box had restored function to the body, it restored function to Orrin's brain as well. This resulted in his being quite aware of what was going on and while the scientist was in the process of downloading the program into Orrin's head, Orrin rebelled.
Freeing himself and disposing of the scientist and his small security team. It was there that Orrin had discovered what was goinhad happened. His body was changed. And now he had more thoughts running through him. Not so much as a second voice in his head, as it was a swelling of information that his organic brain was not use to processing. Due to this, he is sometimes prone to headaches, which can lead to nose bleeds. This is also a reason for his sometimes seeming aloof. Where one brain is always processing, the other, his organic brain, is simply zen. He clears his mind so that he's not over burdened with a mass of information and thought process running through his mind. The mass of electrical impulses running through his mind can cause mass damage if not checked. Though he is learned to control a bit of the brain box's basic programming via the force, he still has a ways off. And his dislike of people in general leads him to not trust anyone else with his cybernetic systems. Particularly the unwanted one in his head. If they coulkd access the brain box, then with him being unconcious due to the surgery, thhe party operating could create their own slave prgram and Orrin's personality would more than likely be overwritten. Obviously something he wouldn't want done.
Orrin was born on Naboo within the Tradition of the Zenkai. Centuries ago Fallen Jedi and a Sith that tired of the games her master played with her found themselves in a very unlikely alliance of sorts. Having seen eye to eye on not wishing to be apart of the games that the Jedi and Sith toiled over, they all escaped to Naboo. Settling in, in an out of the way area where they gave their aid when they could. Sometime into their settlement they found that some of the budding Force Sensative Natives didn't know what to do with their forming talens, so they took to teaching the people how to hone their skills. Not wishing to draw attention any futher tha what they had for their knowledge within the Force to begin with,, they focused on a new new weapons form that would be more than likely unique to their forming culture.
In that, the Zenkai Fangs were created. The female Jedi was known as the Lady of Mercy. Having patience and understanding for those that they taught, while the female Sith was known as the Lady of Malice for her ways. Time passed and soon the female Jedi and the male that had come with her formed something of a relationship. Where the two females had taken an almost deity like stance within their forming religion, he stayed content to simply teach. That was until the time where the Lady of Malice forced the people to divide. Attacking and even killing the Lady of Mercy. This enraged the male they had come with. And through that he became the first Black Spirit.
Others took up mantles as well and aided him in his quest for vengeance. Though where as he saw revenge, they saw a point of liberation. Were Malice to succeed in her dominion, none would be safe. Mantles of Water, Fire, Ice, the Four Winds, Earth, Thunderous Sky and Twin mantles of Light, representing both the Sun and Moon's grace, were taken. All were former students of the now Black Spirit and the Lady of Mercy. He warned them all that what he would do, may go against what he has taught them. That they may see him differently after all of this. None cared.
So a great battle ensued. The Lady of Malice and her driven students fighting against the newly created Pantheon of spirit mantles. In the end, Malice was defeated. And beheaded by the first Black Spirit. After that he was going to exile himself for having taken such drastic measures, but the others wouldn't hear of it. Now they had more to teach. While Malice and Mercy were now One with The Force, those of the Zenkai Tradition now knew of spirits, forces that would come and pass judgement when they saw fit to. From time to time the mantle of the spirits had been passed down. And as a point of things, a breeding arrangement had been made. Those born of the original pantheon would keep their power as pure as possible. Breeding only with those others of the Pantheon. The original Black Spirit had no need to breed though. As after the struggle with Malice was over, he revealed that he had a Son with Mercy. Those with that blood inside of them are deemed Dragon Line. And that mating tradition has been passed down through the ages.
Jathe and his twin brother D' Orrin are apart of the Dragon Line. Descended from the original Black Spirit, they were afforded a bit more respect due to lineage status, than most in their village. Where Jathe saw it as a chance to do what he wanted, Orrin kept to the traditions of things. And had taken to courting a woman named Loren whom was descended from a lineage of Water Spirits. The only thing was that Jathe sough her hand as well. When it seemed that Orrin would have her and not Jathe, Jathe grew enraged. Placing aside the traditions of his ancestors in favor of power. And laid siege to his own people.
Orrin and Jathe fought. The battle lasted for what seemed forever in both of their eyes, but eventually Jathe came out the victor. Having Orrin at his mercy as Orrin hung over a cliff. Jathe slashed Orrin over his right eye and watched as his twin fell to what was suppose to be his death. Orrin's grandfather found him and treated his wounds. Even going as far as to take him into one of the technological sectors on Naboo and having his body repairs with cybernetics. Replacing his right eye with a cybernetic replica and replacing his spine. After Orrin could move on his own again, that's when his training renewed. He trained harder than he had ever done before. Embracing aspects of the Dark Side that he did not know existed. They all fueled his rage.
When the time came, Orrin set out as the new Black Spirit. Using all of the newly acquired techniques, tactics and gear to lay siege to what his brother controlled single handedly. But history was repeating itself all over again. Jathe took up the mantle of the White King. Claiming to be one of the Spirits of Light, as was his new Queen. Having been out of the action for a time, Orrin knew nothing of the resistance to Jathe's forces. Once in a while he would encounter them and their goals would align, but he never truly joined them. Their combined efforts worked greatly in conjunction, as the rebels weren't as suited to battling those whom were sensitive to the force like Orrin was. Soon enough they made it to Jathe's palace.
But that was when things took a twist for the worst within Orrin's life. The Queen that Jathe had taken was in fact Loren. He twisted her midn into thinking that Jathe was in fact Orrin, and that Orrin was Jathe, whom attacked the village and caused so much destruction. Orrin was forced to battle her. And with tears in his eyes he managed to succeed. It was in her last moments that her mind cleared and she realized what had been going on. That moment generated a great and deep sadness within Orrin that could not be healed. Almost feral, he roared into the air. The force lending its aid in expressing his pain as it echoed out into the area. Even those that were in the close area could feel his pain that were not well connected to the force as a sensitive was. Now the only one that stood in his way was Jathe. And just like before, they clashed in a great battle. Evil intentions focused and fought against unbridled rage as sparks flew off each time their blades met. But where Jathe had simply been attempting to expand on what he knew, Orrin expanded his knowledge of different techniques and strategies. The heat that was radiating from their blades was put to use as it became a literal and physical manifestation of the rage that burned inside of Orrin. Blade lit aflame and in his surprise, Jathe was not prepared for what happened next. Orrin controlled the flames and used them to set Jathe on fire. Using that split moment when Jathe's attention was diverted and struck him down.
Now with little connecting him to his humble origins he travels the universe, still bearing the mantle of the Black Spirit. As he and Jathe were twins, he does not wish to have his identity mistaken for his deceased brother. So he wears some sort of mask almost everywhere he goes.
The Zenkai heavily favor the Matukai, with exceptions of weapons focus and their ability to actually make a decision to tap into the Dark Side. Those of the Zenkai Tradition that turn fully to the Dark Side are known as Zenkari.
Twin Zenkai Fangs
Twin stun batons held between his Zenkai Fangs
Augmented power armor. The only real change done to it is a magnetic counter weight balance that suspends the armor somewhat off of the wearer's form by mere centimeters. Allowing for full functionality without the weight of the armor itself bearing down on the wearer. A stealth option that bends light around the user. The armor consists of Duraplast armor plating. The gauntlets of the armor have been augmented so that they have an electro magnetic shifter, allowing them to shift through the electro magnetic spectrum for different energy frequencies and wave lengths, not being confined to just one type of energy. That section rests on the top forearm of the gauntlets. The bottom section houses minor repulsor/ tractor systems to aid in combat and holding one's weapon(s)
The helmet is equipped with a comm link as well as a cryptographic sequencer. After scanning a piece of equipment the helmet attempts to attune itself to the exact frequency being used and forces an overload to hack into the system or completely destroy it by shorting it out. A filter system as well as a rebreather that lasts for thirty minutes. Polarized visor to help avoid being blinded from bright lights
A utility belt that carries in it::
Smoke screen orbs
Vials of various fluids including poisons and acids used for his Zenkai Fangs
Bacta ointment treatments
explosive tipped slugs
Liquid Cable dispencer cartridge
The "Buckle" of the belt holds a number of six alkaline alloy shuriken.
E- Clips for his blasters
Twin T-6 Blaster pistols held on his thighs
Explosive Blaster Pistols held behind him on belt.
A small number of proton mini missles
His right eye is equipped with a multi optic function that includes telescopic sight, Macro lense function, passive night vision, thermal imaging with a targetting display and infrared vision.
Equipment Edit. Since it's a simple edit, I didn't see the need to start an thread about it. The T-6 blasteris replaced with the OPP-1 blaster pistol. Orrin's fangs have been changed. The molecules are spaced out less, as well as the density being changed. Allowing for a harder metallic alloy being used to aid in being strong enough to take the increased vibration speeds. This is due to Orrin's level of physical strength. Allowing his fangs to be better cutting tools than the standrad vibro swords.
Orrin now also carries in liu of his stun batons, a tripple sectioned spear, kept together with a power coupling unit. An electric current is run through the weapon equal to a force pike.
Orrin's armor has been changed. Augmenting his gauntlets with a customized discharge unit set for the liquid cable used for spike launchers. Orrin carries extra cartridges to be used within the armor.
The cybernetic brain augmentation that Orrin has, has been upgraded as well. While the cyber brain is constantly running, it now works with Orrin, instead of always pushing information into his organic brain. Which once forced Orrin to try and space out mentally, just to process all of the information being sent to him. This resulted in an upgrade in Orrin's optical augmentation as well.
The Phantom has been upgraded as well. Orrin has added an artificial intelligence to the ship and allowed it to run it and an old Jedi Fighter that's being upgraded as well. self from time to time. A few droids have been added to the AI's running routine to allow the ship to ship to be able to perform hands on maintainance when needed. The Phantom Droid ships have been added to the cargo bay.