Daella Apparine was a Force-sensitive Human female who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi and later served the One Sith as the Sith Lord Darth Junra. Details of her life before joining the Jedi Order are scarce. She was born in 818 ABY. She made implied claims of being a slave on Balmorra and was shipped to the Jedi Order by Balmorran officials. Beyond that, the only certainty was that she was the apprentice to the One Sith's Dark Lord before joining the Jedi Order and acted as a sleeper agent from 830 ABY to 837 ABY. Known for being reserved yet diligent, Apparine quickly rose the ranks of the Jedi and became a Councilor under Selena Halcyon's term as Grand Master. She became notable for her actions causing the Republic's military action against the Black Sun and taking control of Nar Shaddaa. She fought against Sith while as a Jedi Master - such as Kaine Zambrano and Karin Dorn - as she assisted the Republic in destroying the Sith Empire.
Following the fall of the Sith Empire, a period of peace followed after the Fringe signed a peace treaty with the Republic. From that moment onward, Daella formed a stronger bond with the Republic military as she quelled Sith presence from her base on Ossus and responded to threats to the Republic such as Darth Vulcanus's Graug armies. Because of these actions, Carn Dista and Joshua Dragonsflame grew distrustful of her and attempted to oust her from the Jedi High Council unilaterally. They also sought to pull the Jedi's support in almost all endeavors of the Republic.
Up until the One Sith's invasion of Coruscant, Daella seemed to fully support the Republic. Yet as the One Sith attacked the Jedi Temple, Daella showed up and quickly revealed herself to serve the One Sith for the purpose of unifying the galaxy. After a duel against Ben Watts, she then assisted the One Sith to secure Coruscant. Once they conquered Coruscant, Daella began handling a lot of military and diplomatic duties of the One Sith as they attempted to destroy the Republic.
As a Jedi, Apparine had a very distinct set of skills. She was one of the Order's best duelists due to her technique and athletic ability. She was not one of brute strength, and thus used her small stature to maneuver around her opponents as well as her mind to outplay them. She also seemed to have an indomitable will - best displayed in her fight against Karin Dorn as she resisted her attempts to make her fearful. Yet, Apparine had issues cooperating with her teammates - initially at least. Once she was recognized as a leader, this became a non-issue as others would follow her rather than having Apparine follow others. It did cause some friction with the Jedi Council after the war against the Sith Empire. Finally, Apparine seemed to be completely inept with the Force in exerting her will and influence upon things - as far as the Jedi Trainers could see.
Yet after Apparine's revelation that she was a Sith, her weakness in the Force was revealed to be just a farce. Why she suppressed her ability to use the Force in an extensive manner had not been revealed by Apparine . Yet as soon as she was free to tap into the dark side of the Force, she displayed the ability to master Force telekinesis and lightning. Retaining her excellent lightsaber skills and unconquerable mind, it seemed as if Apparine was an unstoppable being much like her Master.
The galaxy held surprises for her, though. Known as a liar and a betrayer, her ability to gain the trust of those outside the One Sith greatly decreased. Not only that, yet her act of betray brought upon swaths of enemies. Her behavior as a Sith was clearly geared toward utilitarianism at the expense of the lives and safety of those around her so long as her goals were achieved. As was the case with Ayden Cater, it clearly made her ability to negotiate with those not already favorable to the One Sith's cause extremely wary of her. For one whose goal was to unify the galaxy for a new era of order and prosperity, this was a definite fault that could escalate even further in the future.
In the end as well, time was not on Apparine's side. Despite claiming to have noble ideas that would benefit the galaxy and that the dark side of the Force was merely her means to such an end, it was still an undeniable fact that the dark side corrupted all. Even as Apparine suppressed the corrupting nature of the dark side, she simply delayed the inevitable end to the purity of her dream. She was a time bomb - slowly ticking away. The dark side would consume her.
Some time after her birth, Daella came under tutelage of the Dark Lord of the One Sith. Through him, she learned much about the Force and how to defeat her enemies. She was sent to the Jedi on Coruscant at just the age of twelve (830 ABY), Daella spent most of her adolescence under the care of Jedi instructors. Jedi documents state that her home world was Balmorra and that she was sent to Coruscant upon the police discovering her ability to manipulate the Force. No record of her family from Balmorra could have been found, and the Balmorran police never disclosed if there were people that were searching for her. Blood and DNA analysis suggested that she had human ancestors somehow from the region of the galaxy near Bakura and that her parents were also adepts in the Force.
In little time, it became apparent that Daella had combat training beforehand. The instructors deemed her as extremely precocious for a thirteen-year-old, as she could even use a practice saber beyond what was normal for her age. Upon questioning if she had previous training, Daella's answer was that her father did so. This reinforced the theory, started due to her blood examinations, that her parents were Force adepts. Investigations into the Apparine family name did not turn up conclusive results, leading to the conclusion that Daella's father was likely never a Jedi. Further inquiry on her father resulted in no definitive answers from Daella, with most of her answers being addled with uncertainty on her part - even to the question of whether or not the individual she regarded as a father was truly her own.
Though such a fact would have distressed the instructors, it was comforting that Daella did not seem to draw power from passion - as one would expect of one trained by the Sith. Even as a young teenager, Daella demonstrated an extreme purity of will derived from reason and responsibility. When Daella was the age of fifteen, the instructors placed the Younglings through a week-long training regimen meant to push their patience to the breaking point. Daella was one of the few Younglings that did not break down.
However at the age of seventeen, there was little more than the Youngling instructors could provide. In order to further develop her abilities in the Force and create a sense of moral obligation in her, it was time for Daella to be assigned to a Jedi as a Padawan. It was expected that she would grow as a Jedi with real experiences instead of further exercises.
((Writer Note: If you wish to incorporate the backstory of Daella Apparine's into your own character's, feel free the contact me. I am open to having other characters have previous relations with Daella Apparine, provided they are not in conflict with what other characters have incorporated. I am also amendable to creating original backstory content to get around such conflicts.))
In chronological order:
- Fought in the Battle of Metalorn as a Padawan. Her Jedi Master, Master Ettevy, at the time was assumed to have died in the battle. She was saved by Fabula Cavataio and fought against Anaya Fen.
- While on Ilum, she fought a Gorgodon and killed it.
- After being promoted to a Jedi Knight, Daella formed a bond with Diana Moridena - who seemed to be as unsociable as her.
- The Sith Lord Velok stole Holocrons from the Jedi. Daella assisted the raid against the auction house selling these holocrons and the eventual fight against him - where Diana slew him.
- As one of her duties, Daella trained several Padawans. A notable example was Vulpesen, who eventually became a Jedi Master.
- Before the Republic invaded the Sith Empire, Daella went to the Black Sun on Nar Shaddaa to issue a warning to have them not interfere. Taking offense to this, Domino attacked Daella and her entourage, which included Diana and Daella's Padawan, Sopher. This forced Daella and her crew to go into hiding on Nar Shaddaa.
- Shortly after her encounter with Domino, the Republic attacked Nar Shaddaa. Daella destroyed the shield generator of the planet after a vicious fight.
- As the Jedi Covenant was made, Daella was one of the first members to join.
- While on a mission to Dantooine, Daella and Diana came across Karin Dorn. Daella proceeded to slay Karin. The reasons for her doing so had not been revealed.
- As Hion the Herglic attempted to bring the Jedi to court, Daella was among the group of enforcers to attempt to bring him in for murdering a Jedi.
- At the eve of the Imperial War, Daella and a Republic strike team took Saleucami from the warlord that ruled it in order to have a strategic point to launch their attack against the Sith Empire.
- In the first battle of the Imperial War, the Liberation of Ossus, Daella fought against the Emperor - Kaine Zambrano - along with others. She had an injury to her face during the battle and had it covered up via artificial skin.
- After the Liberation of Ossus, Daella rebuilt the Jedi Temple there and made her base.
- The Republic soon sought to liberate Dac. Daella assisted the Forces there as well as Diana, who captured the Sith Emperor, Kaine Zambrano.
- In the final battle of the Imperial War, Daella again assisted Republic forces at Korriban. She witnessed Tefka's fall to the dark side.
- Despite the Sith Empire destroyed, Daella kept the Jedi Covenant alive and moved their operations to Ossus.
- During the Battle of Oreen, Daella fought against Spencer Jacobs and insulted her lack of ambition before retreating with the Republic.
- In the interbellum, Daella participated pursued the actions of Evelynn and Namene without much results besides discovering their aftermath. She saved her former Padawan, Vulpesen, from near death by uncharacteristically utilizing the Force.
- With the Republic military, Daella assisted their efforts to secure planets such as Etti IV and Ord Mantell despite the disapproval of a couple members of the Jedi Council.
- As Darth Junra, Daella had a being claim to be Darth Apparatus and die during an attack on a Fondor space station.
- During the interbellum period, Daella met with Darth Isolda. The Sith claimed to be Daella's mother. The claim resulted in Daella lashing out at Darth Isolda with the Force - revealing her competency in it despite notably being unable to use it in such a manner.
- During the Battle of Coruscant, Daella revealed herself to be a Sith and fought Ben Watts. Sopher Jakobs defected to her side, along with a few other Jedi for their own reasons.
Some behind the scenes information:
- The character was created on October 21, 2013.
- Daella Apparine's avatar is Annie Leonhardt from Attack on Titan, who was revealed to be an enemy to the protagonists after working with them since the beginning of the series.
- The first letter of each paragraph for Back Story, Strengths & Weaknesses, and RP History for Daella's original biography spell SITH for each section. This has been the case since the biography's creation.
- Since Daella was intended to be a Sith since her creation, there are several instances since her creation that contribute to this. The most noticeable examples would be her use of the Force when she was not supposed to be so gifted.
- Several theories for Daella included her being Darth Apparatus or a Child of the Emperor. Despite being revealed to be a Sith, neither of these have been revealed to be true.
Several tropes related to Daella:
- Action Girl: One of the better fighters that the Jedi Order has to offer.Dark Action Girl: And then she became a Sith.
[*]Badass: Rated top of her Initiate class, fought the Sith Emperor and lived, and helped blow up the planetary shields of Nar Shaddaa.
[*]Beneath the Mask: Much of her time as a Jedi was simply an act, with glimpses of her true self very rare.
[*]Cleopatra Nose: Sports a distinctive aquiline nose.
[*]Dead Person Impersonation: Daella had someone take on the appearance of Darth Apparatus to later claim that the Sith Lord had been dead.
[*]Death Glare: Gave Karin Dorn one to give the Sith Master chills.
[*]Determinator: She holds a strength of will and resolve higher than most and does not seem to ever consider giving up when there is a goal before her.
[*]Emotionless Girl: As a Jedi, she went to lengths to suppress her emotions.
[*]Evil Former Friend: To Diana and many other Jedi, Daella is such to them.
[*]Evil Virtues: Daella displays Ambitions, Determination, Diligence, Humility (or at least the willingness to appear as humble), Patience, Resourcefulness, Responsibility, and Valor despite using them all for the purpose of conquering the galaxy.
[*]Fallen Hero: Used to be a leading Jedi. Now, she's bent on destroyed them and the Republic.
[*]Icy Blue Eyes: In line with her stoic personality.
[*]Knight Templar: Daella is convinced she completely right in her actions as a Sith.
[*]Lady of War: When not in a rush, Daella's style of fighting keeps her in graceful control her body.
[*]Mixed Martial Arts: From the perspective of one used to Lightsaber Forms, Daella's fighting style is a mix across the entire spectrum.
[*]Obvious Judas: To several Writers, there being more to Daella was a natural conclusion if the history of Darth Apparatus and their Writer was known.
[*]Peek-a-Bangs: Of the solitary and treacherous kind.
[*]Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Few adult, humanoid characters are as short or even more so than her, and just as few seem as strong as her.
[*]Red Oni, Blue Oni: The cool Blue to Diana Moridena's passionate Red.
[*]The Stoic: Her face barely shifts in tone.
- Not So Stoic: Even before her betrayal, Daella had been growing more boisterous and commanding. Once she switched sides, the floodgates opened.
[*]Waif-Fu: She cannot fight with pure strength, and thus has to resort to high mobility moves that require exceptional control to pull off.
[*]Visionary Villain: A dream to unite the galaxy is no small feat, nor any guarantee.