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Approved NPC Daemos, The Crimson Devil

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  • Intent: To add an NPC for Gold Lotus and an NPC guard for Myra which can help in roleplay.
  • ​Image Credit: Sviatoslav Gerasimchuk
  • Role: Daemos is Myra's personal body guard and a skilled mechanic/slicer helping as both her guard and assistant on missions across the galaxy.
  • Links: Myra, Gold Lotus, Tygerii
  • Age: 42
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Tygerii
  • Appearance:
    Daemos is, to say the least, very distinguishable in a crowd. Covered in crimson durasteel plating, glistening metallic horns and tusks, all while standing at the intimidating height of 2.3 meters. He usually comes dressed in his signature trench coat which usually hides his various weapons hidden on his person.
  • Name: Daemos, The Crimson Devil, Veryn Qreytii, Veryn Thaeleon
  • Loyalties: Loytal to the head of Gold Lotus
  • Wealth: Daemos himself is rather impoverished, using most of the money he earns through the organization to feed back to his small fiefdom back on Tygeria. However, most of his needs are taken care of by Myra to both ensure his loyalty and as a sign of friendship.
  • Notable Possessions:

    Daemos Glaedii: Like all Tygerii nobles, Daemos has a customized Glaedii (a type of ceremonial blade) that represents his noble house. As he was adopted into the Thaeleon noble family the Glaedii serves no real purpose other than a symbol of the past and as a weapon. His, unlike many Tygerii nobles, is more function than it is form. The small dagger, although simplistic looking, is actually a quite advanced piece of technology. Within itis a small droid brain as well as wires capable of connecting to both his cybernetic implants and other computers. Through this dagger he is able to slice into many devices across the universe similar to an astromech.
  • Skills:
Brawling: Daemos is a skilled brawler, having travelled the galaxy to learn many street brawling techniques as well as boxing, and a limited understanding of Jedi/Sith saber techniques.

Slicing: Daemos is a skilled mechanic, especially when it comes to computers and their coding. His skill and cybernetic implants have made him renowned as one of the best slicers to have come from the Tygerii.

  • Personality: Daemos really has two sides to his character: His personal and professional sides. His professional side is best described as strong and silent, the large brooding body guard meant to intimidate anyone Myra is working with. However, in person, he is rather loud and boisterous and very social.
  • Weapon of Choice: Daemos prefers to use his fists above most weapons, yet he keeps a blaster and his Glaedii on hand just in case.
  • Combat Function: Daemos is a brawler, he prefers to get up close and personal and use his metallic fists to deal as much damage as possible.

Strength of the Demon: Daemos is heavily cybernetically enhanced, he has replaced most of the weaker parts of his Tygerii body with durasteel and technology, making him incredibly strong, roughly that of a wookiee.

Skin of the Dragon: Daemos' cybernetic durasteel skin is incredibly tough and capable of receiving quite a lot of damage.

Skills of the New Age: Daemos has a thorough understanding of computers and mechanics, and is capable of small space ship repairs as well as slicing many computers across the galaxy.


Ion Means Bygone: Ion and EMP technology can easily knock out much of Daemos cybernetics, rendering him helpless

Weakened Guts: Although he has technology built in to prevent infection via breathing or natural means, if any bacteria is directly injected into what biology he has left will not meet much resistance and could easily kill him.

No Blade Forte: Daemos has little skill with blades, so light sabers and vibroblades tend to be a weakness for him.


Daemos was never a wealthy individual. Born to a noble house of Mountainers, he was tasked with defending his mountain fortress home upon his father's early death. His father was not a great man, he had squandered what little wealth they had on gambling and frivolities resolved for the Dragon Kin, and his legacy was not a kind one. Yet this did not dishearten Daemos, he would sell much of his families personal belongings and invest much of this money back into his community, into businesses, specifically those that still mined the mountain and the ground underneath. What meager profits he began to gain through taxes through this investment paying off he would begin his ascension, slowly replacing himself piece by piece until all that really remained was his most crucial organs in a metallic shell. He would leave his home in the hands of his capable but elderly mother, and leave to Corucsant.

It was here he learned much of his boxing and street brawling, it was here he learned the harsh realities of the underprivileged and poor as what money he did have soon ran out. It was here that he would join his first few criminal organizations. His notoriety would rise slowly, and soon reach the ears of Myra. As she was just putting the Gold Lotus back together, she heard of him a powerful individual who was Tygerii no less. She would contact him, and find a cynical uninterested older man wanting nothing to do with her. Yet.. she would not give up so easily. Months of chasing after him, and proving her worth, she would slowly convince him to join Gold Lotus as her personal guard.
[member="Myra"] | [member="Veino Garn"]

Another great sub, I can't wait to see him in action. I do love you you put the time into thinking what his cybernetics would mean.

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