In Umbris Potestas Est
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Senator
SPECIES: Togruta
Homeworld: Shili
AGE: 45
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5 ft. 9 inch
EYES: Brown
HAIR: None
Strength: Fluency and Intelligence
Daesha has been well educated in the many languages of the galaxy. Her extensive education allows her to communicate with sentients from almost every other world. She uses this knowledge when arranging meetings with fellow Senators and speaking in the Senate. While training to become a Senator Daesha received a high education that informed her of the cultures and languages of the many worlds that make up the Galactic Republic. As such she is aware of the customs and traditions of many worlds different from Shili.
Weakness: Personality
Despite all of her education and wealth, Daesha has the personality of an iceberg. Stiff and aloof are two words most commonly used behind her back by her servants. Though she claims to care for her people, this Togruta has never had to experience or witness the true hardship endured by most born on Shili. She is also demanding to her servants, requiring all of their time and company.
Weakness: Vanity
Daesha would like to think of her age as 'advanced'. Still, she has worked hard to ensure that her body still boasts some beauty. She is immensely jealous of the young starlets who are flashed on the holoscreens of the capital. She is deeply insecure, even though she wears the finest gowns and has a massive credit account.
Daesha's personal starship is used when traveling between Coruscant and Shili, or when she takes vacation. The ship is sleek and small, with a silver and white exterior. The hull is always kept absolutely clean and sparkling by her servants. It does not have any weapons mounted on it, because Daesha is a pacifist.
Daesha was bred to become a representative of her planet from the very conception. Her tribe was unique from most others in that they produced philosophers, teachers, writers, actors, musicians, and senators rather than hunters. Her family was very wealthy, and so it was only natural that the young girl be pushed into the finest schools, wear the finest clothes, and have the finest manners. As a result she was very demanding and cold. Her parents gave her no room for error, the reason why she would come to resent them as she grew older.
She spent her childhood and adolescent years locked away in school, absorbing as much knowledge about the galaxy and Republic as she could. When she was not in school, the days were spent learning how to dress, speak, eat, walk, and sit properly. She was trained by the previous senators and representatives who had come before her. It was all very dull, and secretly the girl wished for a different life. There was always the promise of power, prestige, and wealth, however. If she could become a proper Senator, she would have everything she ever wanted.
The focus of traditional hunting was taken away. Instead she was taught to act 'civilized' for the rest of the galaxy so that she may one day represent the 'wild beasts' that were her people. While her peers learned to hunt and mate, she learned to read and write. For years she felt like an outsider in her own culture.
Next came the suitors. For a year males came and went, desperate to seize the hand of the young woman. Most of them were only after her money, she feared, and would turn them away. She was cold even when she did not intend to be. She supposed the years of unforgiving training had turned her into a monster.
But then - one day, he came. Daesha met a warm, handsome Togruta male. He had been a musician, so carefree and full of spirit, and so unlike the world she had been forced to see. She genuinely loved him, and progress seemed to be made in her heart. The ice was melting little by little. The two were married in their early twenties, and it was the happiest time of her life.
But, good things never last. For years the couple tried to conceive a child. It was the one piece of their puzzle that was missing. They had no idea what the problem could be. But then, a trip to the medic revealed the worst news possible - Daesha was infertile. The horror that gripped her made her sink into a depression that lasted for months.
She was cold and silent to her husband, and he stood by her side only a little while longer. He left her, vowing to find a woman who could not only give him children, but love him in return. Daesha was beyond devastated, and tried to take her own life, despite the shame she knew it would bring her clan. She was not successful, however. Another bout of depression followed, sealing up whatever remained of her heart.
Since then, she has kept herself busy with her work. She prefers to wear dark gowns these days and speaks very little, except when attending to business. On the outside she appears confident, supreme, in control - but inside, it is a different story. Inside she is angry and humiliated. Sleepless nights sometimes follow her for weeks, adding on to the pressure she feels in her career. She fills the void in her heart by attending plays and musicals with her entourage, traveling to see the most beautiful sights of the galaxy. Still, she feels an ache in her heart, an emptiness she fears she will never be able to fill.
Fortunately she found a green astromech droid named @M5-T7 who fills much of that void. The astromech accompanies her wherever she goes.