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Approved NPC Dagatan Raiders

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Intent: To sub a tough, heavy shock troop for future RP.
Image Credit: [X]
Role: Heavy Shock Infantry Troops, Special Operations Capable
Links: N/A


Unit Name: Dagatan Raiders
Affiliation: Visanj T’shkali / Dagatan Militia Corps
Classification: Shock Infantry, Special Operations Capable
Equipment: (All Colored in Shades of Grey)
Description: Hand-picked recruits, selected for their exceptional motivation, aggressiveness, fearlessness, and extreme loyalty, are subjected to a brutal and grueling year-long training program which includes training in infantry tactics, breaching/boarding, survival training, marksmanship, unarmed combat, demolitions, dropship insertion and extraction, etc. Noted for their high esprit-de-corps, tough-minded resilience, and near-fanaticism, those who complete the program (50%) are each and every to the last man willing to take on the toughest missions and hardest challenges available. It is rumored that these troops are secretly a cult, worshipping Dagata’s famed Grey Lady, and her descendants, the Barons and Baronesses of Dagata, as being living gods. If these rumors and reports could be confirmed true, it would account for their fanatical devotion and willingness to die in battle rather than retreat under (most) any circumstance.


Unit Size: Medium
Unit Availability: Common
Unit Experience: Trained
Combat Function: Trained for frontline combat, these troops serve as the vanguard of the Dagatan Militia Corps and constitute the backbone of its expeditionary forces. Able to operate in most any environment, they are notable for their absolute loyalty and fervor, rarely known to take prisoners and finding great joy in committing acts which others might consider ‘war crimes’. These forces are experts at breaking through enemy fortifications and breaking up enemy counter-attacks, making them perfectly-suited for leading landing attacks on enemy forces. They are highly trained and well-disciplined, accustomed to fighting while outnumbered and unsupported, they will break through enemy lines and wreak havoc on their foes, often causing panic and desertion among their enemies, leaving only the most hardened foes to contend with. They’re marines, whose only goal is decisive victory and the preservation of the Dagatan Free State.

  • Fanatical: The loyalty, fearlessness, and zeal of these soldiers sets them apart from even other Dagatan soldiers, and to date, not one has ever succumbed to torture, deserted his post, or retreated from a battle without being explicitly ordered to do so!
  • Highly-Trained: Raiders are put through a training program which would be unsettlingly brutal – if not illegal – by the standards of most civilized worlds; they are accustomed to adversity, being outnumbered, unsupported, and faced with almost certain death, and yet able to operate at the highest levels of disciplined professionalism and skills on par with the forces of some of the galaxies greatest forces.
  • Well-Equipped: The armor, weapons, and equipment used by these Raiders makes them an awesome sight to behold and a fearsome foe to contend with on the battlefield.
  • Bloodthirsty: Raiders don’t take prisoners, and that’s likely a good thing, since they really have no compunctions against ultra-aggressive and frequently questionable treatment toward their enemies. Torture, abuse, murder, and massacres of enemy civilians are not unknown in their history.
  • Berserkers: The joke is that Raiders go first because they kill everything in front of them. Sadly, this isn’t really a joke. It isn’t hard to get them to fight, it is however very hard to make them stop. These troops only respect their own, and their Baron(ess), and won’t take orders from anyone else – ever.
  • Please, no Rogues: Due to the cult-like environment of the Raiders and their exhaustive, brutal training, they are just too dangerous to be returned to civilian life or even to be integrated into other units. When a Raider reaches the point where he can no longer keep up, he will calmly submit to be ritually killed by his comrades – an honorable death for a Raider. Likewise, a Raider candidate who can’t cut it, or a Raider who disobeys orders, is simply put down like a rabid animal. The very thought of one breaking away and going rogue is – and ought to be – a terrifying idea, basically releasing a killing machine into a target-rich galaxy.
Dagatan Raiders were originally recruited from among slaves and refugees, freed and given asylum on Dagata during the war against the Empire. Those selected were utterly loyal and absolutely willing to spend their lives in warfare against the enemies of their new homeworld. The culture which emerged among them was one of almost fanatical devotion, so much that rumors began to spread that the Raiders had secretly become a cult, worshipping their Baron (and liberator) Haras Mazah, and later they reportedly became convinced that his daughter, the Baroness Shalya Mazah was a living goddess. Even today, when a Raider ‘retires’, or submits stoically to being ritually slain by his comrades, whispers tell that his death is a sacrificial rite!

Dagata has maintained its Raiders ever since. These troops have seen plenty of action, freeing slaves and boarding ships, attacking corporate facilities, and raiding freighters as pirates for centuries. They follow a code, which holds that they will never surrender, never retreat without an order from their top commander in the field and only when it promises greater victory later, never succumb to torture or betray Dagata, and never to speak to anyone outside of the Raiders of their internal training, activities, or culture. This includes taking orders from non-Raider officers, with only the Barony excepted. To the Baron (or Baroness) they are blindly loyal.

No one, outside of Dagata’s top-most leaders, know where they are garrisoned or trained, or what happens in that training, or much of anything about them, but when they are needed, they’re there and many is the time these troops have changed the course of battle and taken the day!
[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

Minor thing- can we get a link to somewhere the image appears, rather than just directly to the image? Pinterest, an artist's page, reddit, a wiki, etc.

Normally I'd say I need a link to the Segroth PGA Coating. But from a previous sub I know that it is semi-unique production. Based on the size of this unit (Medium/Common), you cannot use that material here. You'll need to either remove it, or drop the unit size to Small/Unique to use things with a semi-unique production (and then also link it).

I also need to see the permissions for the ODM System, VAARS, Baroness APG, and Valkyrie System.
Link fixed.

For all of the Locke & Key Items, VAARS, Baroness APG, Valkyrie, et al:


For the ODM, I have a standing agreement enabling me to use anything in the Vrotoa Industries catalog with the company's owner, Zenva Vrotoa, as I often create for them.
I have sent her a message, and hopefully will have a verification response when she returns online later.
[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

Thank you, appreciate it. I actually see that writer liked this original post, so even just a like on your reply to verify that this is a thumbs up is good enough for me.
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