Dahgon Card'el

NAME: Dahgon Card'el
FACTION: Factionless, exile
RANK: Grey Master
SPECIES: Correlian
AGE: 34
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.86 m
WEIGHT: 78 kg
EYES: Grey, glazed over
HAIR: Black, shaved to the millimetre
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Consular Dahgon is a skilled wielder of the force. Having trained for some time under both the banner of Jedi and sith, he knows well the two sides of the force. Due to this extensive knowledge and diverse training, he also finds himself dabbling in the more rare arts of force manipulation.
A complete list of all his force capabilities.
Bleeding - Dahgon, having had sith training, knows well how to make a crystal bleed and bend, colouring it red as it falls under his control.
Cleanse mind - A power often taught to consulars such as Dahgon. It cleanses the mind of demoralising dark powers.
Dampened force - Requires for Dahgon to spend quite some time meditating close to his target, thus making it cause for the target to be imprisoned. The use of this power temporarily dampens a target's abbility to use the force.
Floating meditation - A state of intense meditation in which Dahgon adn surrounding small objects start to levitate.
Force clouding - An essential force abbility for Dahgon, who needed to run from the sith after his exile. This force power allows him to obscure the traces of the dark side on his self.
Force choke - A dark power, in which Dahgon can cause a person to choke and in some exemplary cases levitate as they do.
Force healing - Dahgon is only a novice at this art, which he was taught as a jedi. It allows him to heal wounds, though it takes meditation and time. The time increasing with the severity of the wound.
Force jump - A base force abbility, allows dahgon to jump up to 7 metres.
Force push&pull - An elementary force abbility. Dhagon is quite fond of telekenetic powers such as these and has come to master them well. He is capable of causing massive damage with this, going as far as making an AT-AT fall over when positioning his push right. (though arguably, the right positioning would require him to be 15 metres up in the air)
Force scattering - A force abbility that Dahgon had to learn when going into exile. This power allows for Dahgon to make his location harder to pinpoint for force users by scattering his force presence over the approximate area he is in.
Forces stasis - Another telekinetic power that allows for Dahgon to put objects still. It only works with smaller objects and projectiles for him, and only for half a minute at most.
Force form - Styles of fighting in which the force can be more easily controlled by Dahgon. Four forms exist, and he has a good control over all of them. These include Force channel, force potency, force affinity and force mastery.
Insight - An inate mastery of Dahgon, due to the fact he's essentially using this power all the time in order to see. Though he uses a light version to see, he has to concetrate well to use it to it's full extent.
Mind probe - Dahgon is somewhat capable when it comes to reading and shifting through the mind of a target.
Morichro - A force power in which the target's bodily functions slow down, which can be deadly. Dahgon is a novice at this power and can only effectively use it when in hatred.
Taming beast - A force power which allows Dahgon to 'tame' the mind of a beast. Given preperative time, Dhagon can be quite effective at the use of this power.
Telekinesis - Though it is an advanced form, Dhagon has come to master this power to high extents. To the point even where he could manipulate a fighter spaceship with relative ease.
Serenity - A brief meditative state in which powr in the force is quickly regained. A power that requires the mindset of a master of the force.
Cleanse mind - A power often taught to consulars such as Dahgon. It cleanses the mind of demoralising dark powers.
Dampened force - Requires for Dahgon to spend quite some time meditating close to his target, thus making it cause for the target to be imprisoned. The use of this power temporarily dampens a target's abbility to use the force.
Floating meditation - A state of intense meditation in which Dahgon adn surrounding small objects start to levitate.
Force clouding - An essential force abbility for Dahgon, who needed to run from the sith after his exile. This force power allows him to obscure the traces of the dark side on his self.
Force choke - A dark power, in which Dahgon can cause a person to choke and in some exemplary cases levitate as they do.
Force healing - Dahgon is only a novice at this art, which he was taught as a jedi. It allows him to heal wounds, though it takes meditation and time. The time increasing with the severity of the wound.
Force jump - A base force abbility, allows dahgon to jump up to 7 metres.
Force push&pull - An elementary force abbility. Dhagon is quite fond of telekenetic powers such as these and has come to master them well. He is capable of causing massive damage with this, going as far as making an AT-AT fall over when positioning his push right. (though arguably, the right positioning would require him to be 15 metres up in the air)
Force scattering - A force abbility that Dahgon had to learn when going into exile. This power allows for Dahgon to make his location harder to pinpoint for force users by scattering his force presence over the approximate area he is in.
Forces stasis - Another telekinetic power that allows for Dahgon to put objects still. It only works with smaller objects and projectiles for him, and only for half a minute at most.
Force form - Styles of fighting in which the force can be more easily controlled by Dahgon. Four forms exist, and he has a good control over all of them. These include Force channel, force potency, force affinity and force mastery.
Insight - An inate mastery of Dahgon, due to the fact he's essentially using this power all the time in order to see. Though he uses a light version to see, he has to concetrate well to use it to it's full extent.
Mind probe - Dahgon is somewhat capable when it comes to reading and shifting through the mind of a target.
Morichro - A force power in which the target's bodily functions slow down, which can be deadly. Dahgon is a novice at this power and can only effectively use it when in hatred.
Taming beast - A force power which allows Dahgon to 'tame' the mind of a beast. Given preperative time, Dhagon can be quite effective at the use of this power.
Telekinesis - Though it is an advanced form, Dhagon has come to master this power to high extents. To the point even where he could manipulate a fighter spaceship with relative ease.
Serenity - A brief meditative state in which powr in the force is quickly regained. A power that requires the mindset of a master of the force.
+ Sage With the extensive knowledge Dahgon has amassed over his years, he forms an excellent teacher in the use of the force and offers sound philosophical insight.
+ Duelist As part of training, Dahgon knows how to use his lightsaber well. Though he is far from the best as he prefers the use of the force over a base thing such as a physical weapon.
+ Force sight Having gone partly blind some time ago, Dahgon has learned to see through the force as much as he does through his eyes. This allows him to view the world much differently than others do.
- Selfish Dahgon rejected both sides of the ways long ago. He only serves himself now, which leaves him with little consideration for others.
- Einzelganger Preferring to care for his own interest, it is no surprise that this man is quite reluctant to join the company of others.
- Corruption Falling to the dark side is no small matter. Though his mind recovered, his body did not. His submitting to it and use of it has eroded some of Dahgon, leaving him only capable to see rough shapes through his eyes. His body too is withered, leaving him with my less stamina for physical tasks than others would.
- Bad pilot Dahgon has many skills. Piloting is not at all one of them.
- Pacifistic strategem While reasonably strategically capable, he is not at all inclined well when it comes to war strategy and large scale battles.
Dahgon Card'el's ligthsaber
Dahgon is a man who once fell to the dark. As such, some parts of his skin look dark and cracked. Dry to the touch, as if he was eroding before he had even died.
Born into the family of silver Jedi it was no surprise that Dahgon was sensitive to the force. He showed great promise in his quick control of it and came to train under the wing of his own parents. He was eager to learn more and more, but it was that eagerness that lured him towards forbidden arts. Against the code of Jedi, he went to learn of the force on both sides and inevitably came to learn under a sith instead. Though he showed little sympathy for his fellow man, he did not share the same hatred that the Sith did show. Inevitably, the sith came to question his loyalty. Suspicious of him, he was forced to flee.
For some years he simply wandered the galaxy, searching for relics of the old masters of the force. During one of his excursions, Dahgon's bad piloting skills finally caught up with him. Hitting a stray piece of space rubble and crashing down onto Dxun, Onderon's moon. This caused in him stranding, his lightsaber breaking, and his search for a rumoured Kyborn crystal to be halted.
Dahgon was in possession of a personal ship, but it crashed and was left totalled.