Jaxton Ravos
Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

NAME: Dajer’andia’letorfFACTION: One Sith
RANK: Acolye
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 115kg
HAIR: Usually covered, assumed bald
SKIN: Blue
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Physically Strong
+Large size means longer melee reach
+/-Calculating Chiss nature means his emotions do not often show, and that channeling his anger is more difficult than a typical Sith.
-Does not have a proficiency for many “ranged” Force powers, leaving him at a disadvantage out of Saber combat.
-Though strong he is a bit inflexible, and seems to move as if carrying a great weight all around him. Overall slower than many think he should be.
Large and well-built with black tattoos on his face and red piercing eyes typical of his species. He is typically adorned in simple durasteel plating with a black hood atop his head, with a saberstaff at his hilt.
“Now, ‘Randial’.” A One Sith recruiter calls my name, trying to elicit a response. “We haven’t found a ‘Dajer’andia’letorf in any of the Chiss databases. Who are you really, and what is your story?”
“My story?” I reply in the aptly named ‘galactic basic’ tongue. “Well, when Csilla and the Chiss merged forces with the One Sith Empire many were glad. To be an imperial power, to bring new business with shipyards, to bring new opportunities to travel and show Chiss superiority, new ways to learn about the galaxy around us without dedicating our own forces.
But my father? He wasn’t. An old inquisitor from the Atrisian Empire he knew a lot of things about a lot of people, and he didn’t like what he knew about the Sith. Used his contacts to erase his name from the records. Mine and my mom’s too. Took us away, fleeing our homeworld to find some iceless paradise. I thought he was crazy. I had good standing in the Chiss Military, I could have gone this way or that, but he just had to drag me along. He ended up working some information gig with the Republic. I didn’t like the Republic, so I didn’t join their service, and ended up finding work as a bodyguard for some hutt who thought he was too big for his chair. He wasn’t.
Jalko the Hutt ended up pissing off people he shouldn’t. Red Ravens or Black Suns or some kark. Either way I take out two bounty hunters before his enemies leak some info to the Republic and the Jedi Order. I end up fighting one of those karking knights with a blaster rifle, stun pistol, and a bag hall full of ‘nades. We get pretty into it, me and this Jedi guy, but I run out of grenades and he closes distance. I think I’m done but he slices up my rifle, holds a lightsaber to my neck and tells me ‘The Force is strong with you kid. I’m gonna leave, come back to arrest the Hutt in three days. Don’t be there. If you want to learn to focus yourself come to the Republic. Find the Jedi. They’ll teach you.’
I take his advice, take off work the next few days. The hutt sends a couple guys to tell me to come back to work, but they’re nothing I can’t handle. My father though? I track that man down. Tell him what the Jedi told me. He knows, he’s known. Tells me he swung a few favors to make sure I didn’t get a chip in my head when the Atrisians were running around Csilla. That he knew the Sith would find out, and that he didn’t want that life for me.
For the first time in my life I feel mad. Mad that he never told me. Mad that he never let me develop my strength. I think about what the Jedi said, joining up with the Republic, but after the Republic lost Coruscant? It doesn’t seem to me like they can grant me the most strength. The most power. So that’s why I’m here. And that’s why I’m not in a Chiss database.” I finish my story and the One Sith recruiter looks at me, a bit skeptically.
“Tell me what you did to your Father and Mother.” He says. My face remains as emotionless as it was when I met the recruiter. How he and everyone in the galaxy expects a Chiss to be.
“I got rid of what held me back.”
Whatever the One Sith bequeath him.