In Umbris Potestas Est
NAME: Dak Canton
FACTION: Hutt Cartel
RANK: Space Nomad
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 87kgs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Ruddy
Dak Canton is a solitary man, preferring to work alone. However, those he considers friends he would die for. Despite being a criminal, he tries his best to help those in need. In fact, he takes it to such lengths that he feels an urge to assist everyone in trouble that he sees, regardless of the cost. He has a sad history and prefers not to dwell on problems by drinking them away.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Epicanthix: Immune to mental domination, mind tricks, mind reading and general telepathic influence. Also stronger than an average human.
+Taozin Amulet: Grants invisibility in the Force, but is still susceptible to lightning, Force push, etc.
+Teras Kasi: Combat against Force Users
-Hero Complex
-Hot Temper
VCX-700 Heavy Courier Farcry
Dak Canton was raised by Followers of Palawa. At an early age he witnessed his entire family slaughtered by a force using member of the Hutt Cartel. His father managed to get him an amulet before he died. A Taozin amulet. He told him it would protect him. Then the force user finished what he started. However, the force user spared him and Dak was adopted by criminals. He became a criminal, but he was not one of them. He never killed without cause. He did not enjoy cruelty. In time, he came to realize just how corrupt the crew was. It reached a tipping point when he worked through his emotions and fully comprehended what they had done to him
Then, on one smuggling run, he managed to kill them all, even the force user.
Afterward, he continued his smuggling business alone, but took up a side job hunting force users and other unnatural creations and spirits of the Force.