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Character Dak Fordite



  • T R I V I A

    Full name:
    Dak Fordite​
    Scarif/Previously Haruun Kal​
    Confederacy of Independent Systems​
    Force Sensitve:
    Yes but it is unknown to him​

    R E L A T I O N S




  • H I S T O R Y

    Born on Haruun Kal, Fordite made his career in ship tech, overseeing various regional offices across the CIS for tech giant Locke and Key.
    Having reached his fortieth year and dissatisfied, Dak retired and began to create what would become his goal in life-his passion for Xeno-Zoology

    Spending his free time continuing the study of various species, his expertise being Mammalians outside of the Core, he has continued the studies he undertook in his youth and begun utilising his knowledge, connections and influence to create a corporation that would seek to protect vulnerable lifeforms.

  • A P P E A R A N C E


    A tall and well-built man with broad shoulders, Dak’s natural good looks of brown hair, light brown eyes and tanned skin mix well with his laid-back attitude.

    He is generally stocky in design and his almost reptilian eyes don’t give much away. He has a good set of teeth and a ‘killer smile’.

  • S T R E N G T H S i & i W E A K N E S S E S

    +Businessman - Dak Fordite has sound business acumen, enabling him to amass a large personal fortune that is able to invest in his own holdings.
    +Force Sensitive - He can, unwittingly, tap into the Force, his ability to calm and anticipate creatures essential to his success as a Xeno-Zoologist.
    +Charismatic - Dak has a very charming way with words and can change minds quite easily
    +Empathetic - He has a caring disposition and will easily help someone or something in need
    +Calm under Pressure - Dak doesn't get fazed easily. He can keep his cool when things go to haran in a handbasket.

    -Unknown Force Sensitivity - He is unable to utilise the Force consciously, however, and therefore cannot, seemingly, manipulate humanoid life forms.
    -Don't touch my animals - Dak is a little quick to anger when concerning the well-being of his animals but ultimately can make the right choices about their welfare.
    -Too caring - Dak's empathy can land him in some trouble, as he tends to put other's needs before his own
    -Unpragmatic - Spending money on something is not a problem for Dak, even if the cost outweighs the benefit.

  • I T E M S


    List of things and stuff

  • A B I L I T I E S
    Originally a businessman, Dak still has the economic savvy. As a ship tech in Locke and Key mechanics, he has learnt to pilot a ship quite well. He is also fond of using his blaster when the need arises and is quite the sharpshooter. Ever since he started pursuing his dream of Xeno-zoology, he had gotten quite creative in capturing wildlife. He's also quite the socialite and loves to dance the night away.

  • T H R E A D S

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    - Thread Title, Completed/Ongoing - Description

    - Thread Title, Completed/Ongoing - Description


Template by Pluperfect

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