Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dak Liknar

NAME: Dak Liknar
JOB: Diplomat of Skako
SPECIES: Skakoan
AGE: 41
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6ft 5
WEIGHT: 10 Stone (without suit), 14 Stone (with suit).
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Grey-White


+ Diplomatic: As a professional Diplomat, Dak can talk his way in or out of nearly anything.
+ Technical: The Skakoan's enjoy technology, and this reflects in Dak as he is proficient in most tech.
+/- Imposing: The Skakoan's height and posture make him look impressive, but sometimes threatening.
- Pressure Suit: His pressure suit is designed to minimise the chances of it failing or being sabotaged/destroyed. However, its weight slows him down heavily, meaning he isn't much of a melee fighter or a runner. The mask of the suit also distorts his voice.
- Xenophobic: Another trait of his species, he has a distrust of most things alien to his planet. Despite this he manages to represent his people well.

Dak looks like most Skakoan's without his pressure suit. Resembling a gaunt Human, he has grey-white skin which hangs in folds over their skeletons, lacks hair and has sunken, beady eyes. Thin nasal slits allowed him to detect odor, while a thin, lipless mouth allows him to speak. Because his race does not ingest solid food, he lacks teeth. With his pressure suit on his face is covered and he looks more like a robotic creation, even his voice is mechanically distorted.

Born under a family of scientists, Dak learned alot about technology and construction. However, his goals lay elsewhere, as he wished to represent his people politically. His ultimate dream, to become the Minister of the Skakoan Government. His childhood was spent at a School of Politics & Diplomacy, after which he was hand-picked to be an assistant to a high-up Diplomat. From this he learned many things, and travelled to quite a few different planets, acquiring his own Pressure Suit that allows him to freely roam Oxygen-based environments.

On one meeting with the Hutts on Tatooine, his supervisor was ambushed by Tusken Raiders and killed. They had shot the latch on his pressure suit, causing him to implode. Mentally scarred for quite a while, Dak upgraded his suit to be highly resistant to blaster shots in its critical areas, making the chances of him imploding minimal. He could still be shot in the head though.

After years as a on-planet Diplomat, recovering from his fear of travelling elsewhere, Dak was promoted to Foreign Relations Diplomat under the Skakoan Government. With this promotion motivating him, he donned his armoured pressure suit and acquired a ship for his diplomatic travels. He still dreams that one day he will be the Minister of Skakoa, and that dream is within reach, but he must work hard. As a Politician, he admits he is not a fully honest or uncorrupt man, but he has the interests of his people at heart.

Dak is the official Foreign Relations Diplomat for the Skakoan Government. He handles cases of diplomacy and sometimes trade with other Planets, Species, Factions and Corporations. Anyone wishing to gain influence and diplomatic contacts with the Skakoan Government will have to contact Dak.
  • Want to establish a trade route with Skako? Contact Dak.
  • Want to make a business deal with Skakoan Scientists or Engineers? Contact Dak.
  • Want to make a base of operations or headquarters on Skako? Contact Dak (and get yourself an Oxygen suit).
  • Want to request military aid, threaten invasion, or talk of anything else War? Contact Dak.
  • Want to build a reputation with the Skakoans or attempt to make them part of a faction? Contact Dak.
Skakoan Diplomatic ID
Light Blaster Pistol
Holovid (For contacting)

Two IG-100 MagnaGuard's (Bodyguards)
One Translator Droid (When Needed)
Three Ship Repair Droids (Always on Ship)

B-7 Light Freighter - Dak's personal ship for transport and diplomatic meetings. It is modified to have a room where he can breath Methane so he does not require his pressure suit.





OOC Notes:
PM me whenever you have an idea for an RP, especially if you represent a Company, Faction or Planet, as Diplomacy is his main use! (and Trade).
As easy as it is to kill Dak, I would very much like if he did not die. By all means push him about and knock him out, but I ask his pressure suit remains operational and he stays alive. Fight his Magna Guards if you really want to, if you defeated them he'll probably surrender and give you what you want.

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