Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dak Va'shaden

NAME: Dak "Hazard" Va'shaden
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Sergeant
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.7 meters
WEIGHT: 76 kilograms
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black, short, and messy.
FUR: Grey and white


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

[+] Brilliant Small Scale Tactician: Dak would call it common sense, but some of his team strategies confuse his higher ups, that is until they ultimately pay off. from two to twenty men, Dak can work pure strategic magic. Any higher though, and he starts to be overwhelmed.

[+] Explosive Enthusiasm: Does it explode? Then Dak knows how to use it, and WELL. from the smallest Fragmentation mine to ten megaton bombs, Dak is an artist with Cordite, Thermite, or anything else that goes "Boom"

[+] High Stamina: Twenty miles? Sure. Double time? Sounds good. Pack full of gear, and a wounded comrade? I could do it backwards. Dak made sure to focus on his cardio. As every trooper surely knows; rule 1: Know how to run, and run FAST.

[-] Accuracy Through Volume: Dak can hit the broad side of a Star destroyer. If you give him a few minutes, and a couple of charge packs for his blaster that is. He's no sharpshooter.

[-] Demanding: Dak demands the best of those who have the fortune (Or misfortune, depends on who you are) of serving under him. While he understands the limits people have; he has no qualms pushing them on a regular basis.

[-] Restless: Dak gets bored easily. And he doesn't hesitate to let you know it. while he has no issues waiting for important things, he'll chew your ear off about how much he thinks it sucks.

APPEARANCE: Dak's armor is one of his personal treasures, and as such he rarely is seen without it. He almost always wears it, even going to the point where Dak forgets he has it on. His armor is a specialized modification on the old Katarn-class armor worn by the famed Republic Commando's; Painted white and black. One thing Dak always swears by, is never, EVER polish your armor, giving it a weathered appearance.

Outside of his armor, Dak appears as your average Cathar, Fur and all; although with a perpetual case of helmet hair.

BIOGRAPHY: Dak was born and raised on Coruscant in the lower levels. His parents would like to say "We were poor, but we never knew it." Dak, on the other hand, was quite aware of it, and NOT happy about it. As such, he enlisted in the military at the first opportunity. Through out his career, he has shown to have an aptitude for the finer points of soldiering; Tactics and demolitions. Yet he continually fell short on the most important aspect of serving: Shooting. As such, he's usually seen with a heavy blaster, and left to provide suppressive fire. His time was spent mainly on border patrol, along with @[member="Les Hender"]






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