Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dalo Darmal

NAME: Dalo Darmal

FACTION: The Resistance
CALLSIGN: Black Seven
RANK: Flight Officer
AGE: 28 standard years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.75 m
WEIGHT: 79 kg
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Azure
Capable Pilot: Dalo was born to be a pilot. He feels more at home inside his cockpit instead of engaging in social interactions, though to a few of his comrades that is an understatement.
Crafty / Adaptable: Dalo can make objects by hand and while this may seem like wasted potential with the alliance, in situations that involve a downed pilot he'd be able to make shelter and the necessary survival skills to keep himself and those around alive.
Botanist: Dalo's parents were botanists and he learnt everything there was to know about native planets from his homeworld and other parts of the galaxy. In another life he would have kept up the family business but his heart has always been in the stars.
Knife Mastery: While he may not be able to fire a blaster well enough, Dalo is lethal when it comes to wielding a knife and will incorporate it into his combat style.
Not a Marksman: Dalo can use a blaster but isn't likely to make a direct shot. He isn't an expert and would only require himself to use one if the circumstances were dire and even then, he would rather approach the situation with stealth than head on.
Aquaphobic: As a boy Dalo nearly drowned in a lake back on his homeworld. He would usually maintain his composure in dire scenarios but if he had to land in water then there would be a problem.
Dalo Darmal is a male in his late twenties with a build sizable enough to fit a starfighter cockpit. He stands up to 1.75 meters tall and has average messy brown hair with azure eyes.
Dalo was born on the planet Onderon. His parents were both botanists who had their own research lab that they used for medical and scientific purposes. Dalo never physically got sick in his youth because his parents from an early age on taught him to read the signs and basically kept him nurtured to the extent that it became overbearing. Due to established knowledge early on in his youth, his father started training him at the age of twenty-one to keep up the practice while his mother at the time became severely ill. She died from unforeseen circumstances.
As a boy Dalo always wanted to become a pilot but due to his family's ambitions, his own dreams were withheld to please his father. At the age of twenty-three Dalo finally had the courage to rebel and enlisted in the First Order to train as a pilot. He defected three years into the program when the Order ordered an attack on his homeplanet, resulting in many casualties and taking more recruitments by force. To no avail he tried to save his father from the outcome but was not successful. Dalo defected shortly afterwards and joined the Resistance.
More to come.

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