Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In time all foul things come forth
Name: Dalur​
Species: Eldorai​
Faction: None​
Rank: None​
Age: 188​
Sex: Male​
Force Sensitive: Yes​
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ As with many Eldorai, Dalur has a stronger affinity with the force.​
+ Dalur has a calm, decisive thought process which allows him to keep his calm even in battle.​
- Dalur hates the majority of technology, mainly blasters, only just managing to fly a ship. Even then, he has it flown for him.​
- Dalur grew up in a matriarchal society, and now wishes to make up for that in showing his dominance. He can easily fall out with people over his attitude.​
Dalur was born and raised on the Eldorai homeworld of Kaeshana. There he was raised in it's matriarchal society, constantly being told he could not achieve equal greatness to women. Angered by this, he worked and plotted to be able to leave the planet, and as soon as he could he took similar-minded Eldorai males with him into space. They were branded as outcasts, but they did not care. For some years they traveled, few of them settling while the rest carried on. Finally they decided to all settle somewhere where they could build a new home for themselves; Tython. There they created a village for themselves, with Dalur as their leader. Over time they became a small civilisation, having bred with the people of Tython and it's visitors to create a colony of Half-eldorai. Dalur himself though abstained from such, silently believing pure Eldorai blood was to be maintained. With Jedi nearby they formed a peaceful friendship, trading and lending aid to one another. However, when the time came that the Jedi lost control of Tython, Dalur was not bothered. He had never liked them that much, and even went as far to dabble into what some would class as the dark side while his fellow outcasts learned the light. Once the Jedi were gone, he managed to persuade his followers that the Light side of the force had abandoned them, and the use of emotion was the only key to their survival. Their naivety took over, and they followed Dalur blindly away from Tython to look for a new home for them. As well as somewhere for Dalur to gain power...​
Curved-Hilt Blue Lightsaber
Notable Possessions
[Novice - Adept - Proficient - Expert - Master]
(Youngling - Padawan - Knight - High Knight - Master)
Lightsaber Forms
Makashi - Adept
Shien - Novice
Force Powers
Telekinesis - Adept
Force Sense - Adept
Telepathy - Adept

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