
- Intent: To make a standard repository of knowledge.
- Image Source: Wookieepedia from Star Wars: Complete Visual Dictionary
- Canon Link: Dam-Powl
- Primary Source: Holocron
- Manufacturer: Dam-Powl
- Affiliation: Dhakarta
- Model: Je'daii Holocron
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material: Crystal Lattice, alchemized metals.
- Classification: Je'daii Holocron
- Size: Handheld
- Length: 0.1m Small
- Weight: 0.5kg Light
- Instruction in Force Alchemy
- Specialized Instruction in Alchemy of the Flesh including;
- Basic information on the ancient Je'daii Order
- Information regarding Anil Kesh
- Journal style musings of Dam-Powl
A member of the Je'daii Order, Dam-Powl, a Cathar female, was skilled in the Force and had achieved the rank of Master suring the height of the Infinite Empires reign, when she began teaching force alchemy at Anil Kesh the Temple of Science on Tython.
- Specialized: Provides its user with a decent grasp on force alchemy particularly in regards to the flesh, covering a few specific abilities and laying the groundwork for its user to begin to expand on their own
- Fragile: The Holocron is quite fragile. Anything from a barrage of Force Light to simply being dashed to the wall will break it.
- Force dependent: You need to be a Force User to utilize it. For anyone else it is simply an inert object.