Damion Zenora

Damion Zenora
Name: Damion ZenoraFaction: Nope
Rank: Just a guy to take care of your business for the right price.
Species: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 173 lbs
Eyes: Chocolate Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Moderately Tanned
Force Sensitive: Nope

- He is a rather handsome young man. His hair is moderate brown and his eyes are chocolate brown. He sometimes changes his hair style and facial hair, whether it be for fun, or that he needs to in order to avoid getting caught. His skin tone is quite tan. He stands at exactly six feet tall and weighs 173 pounds. He may not have large muscles, but what he does have is that he is insanely toned from his continuous criminal activities and sometimes work outs. When he is out in public to have fun, he dresses in nice dressy clothing. When he is on a mission, he wears leather clothing that has metal plates inside of it. That way, he can move around quickly and have somewhat protection.
- Skilled Thief: He is a skilled thief and has many years of practice even though he came from a fairly wealthy family.
- Clever and Persuasive: Many times, he had to get himself out of troublesome situations. He was able to get himself out of those situations by his ability to be quite clever and persuasive. He can twist words in clever ways to get his way.
- Skilled with Technology: He enjoys the luxury of technology and is experienced in working with it. He can hack decently and is able to quickly search through databases when needed. He has the knowledge of most present technology and how to work it.
- Semi-Notorious Criminal: Since he has been a thief and has participated in many criminal activities over the years, he has gained quite the reputation. It may not be known by most of the galaxy, but his name is in the criminal database. This causes him to try and keep a low profile around any kind of law enforcement.
- Temptation Towards Profit: Anything that is of high wealth, he will want. This could lead him to trying to steal it. Also, if someone offers him a good amount of credits for a job, he will do it, regardless of what it is.
- Overconfident: In anything that he does, he is highly confident in success. He always seems to think that it is impossible for him to fail, no matter the mission.
- Sometimes Untrustworthy: If the right price comes up, he can be paid to backstab his previous/current employers. It is all in the money and self profit to him.
He came from a wealthy family. They lived in a large house, ate good food, had servants do their chores, but it wasn't what Damion was looking for in life. He was very adventurous when he was thirteen years old. He would spend most of his time away from home, which worried his parents. Eventually, he got caught up in the game of dares and was dared to steal a sparkling diamond from this jewelry store. Of course, being the kind of person he was, he took the dare. He carefully broke into the store in the middle of the night and took the diamond, and many more at that. He figured that if he brought tons of jewels, that his "friends" would look up to him as a legend.
Well, things didn't go as smoothly as he had planned. He was caught on security tape and shamed his family. His parents were very angry at him and screamed at him for an entire day. The next day, security showed up at their large house asking to take him into custody. Of course, Damion was smarter than the average kid and already escaped the house that last night. He was far from home by that time. He moved in with his thief friends as they made a living off of stealing from others.
When he was eighteen years old, he had completed many more robberies. He was a very notorious thief on that planet, so he decided it was time to ditch it. He saw a beautiful starship land in a spaceport the previous day and never saw it leave, which meant it was still there. That ship was going to be his. That night, he said his farewells to his "friends" and climbed up the walls of the spaceport until he made it to an air vent. He broke into the vent and climbed in. That vent traveled throughout the entire spaceport, which made it easy for Damion to make it to the ship he wanted. He broke out of the vent when he made it above the ship. Luckily for him, the ship was unlocked. The owner had probably thought that no one would steal his ship since the spaceport door behind it was locked tightly. Damion took that ship and traveled out into the galaxy to continue his job of criminal activity.
Now, three years later, he had become quite notorious in a few parts of the galaxy. He had committed many more crimes and gained much more reputation. Life for him had become quite easy. He had made much money off of his previous robberies and was living his life on the move. Just when he thought of finding a place to sit back and retire to, something bad happened. All of his money had been removed from his account. He didn't know how this was possible, because no one knew what his account was, but himself. This annoyed him because it meant he had to go back into his criminal business for quite some time again. Off he goes back into this wretched galaxy...