will you sink down to me?
[float right]
Name: Damsy Callat Vi'dreya
* The Siren of Kamino
* Damsy Callat
* Changeling
* Princess
* Tadpole (codename)
Gender: Female
Species: Sithspawn
Human-Shi'ido Hybrid
* Sqauloid ~ submarine
* Humanoid ~ terrestrial
Age: 26
Eyes: Deep blue
Hair: Black
Build: Ectomorph
Allegiance: The Confederacy of
Independent Systems
Rank: Dauntless Commando corporal (E-5)
Specialty: Submarine Combat
Birthworld: Kamino
Homeworld: ---
+ Waterbreathing +
When submerged, Damsy's windpipe closes and her gills open up in order to filter the water around her for dissolved oxygen
+ Highly Mobile +
Damsy's formable tail makes her an excellent swimmer, her dorsal fins and tail flute allowing for enhanced maneuverability
+ Circadian Rhythm +
At least when underwater, her body requires a constant flow over her gills, like a shark, so she doesn't suffocate; she can't stop swimming but does have periods where parts of her brain are restful, though she is still moving
- Poor Eyesight -Thanks to the crystalline, convex nature of the lens in her eyes designed to capture light in submarine settings, relatively high brightness on land washes out her vision, even when indoors
- Allergic to Freshwater -
Large amounts of freshwater are poisonous, though typically not fatal, to Damsy, though small amounts in food or drink are harmless
- Vulnerable During Metamorphosis -
Anytime Damsy goes from the sea to land or vice versa, it takes time for her body to morph into its environment-appropriate form
- A Swimmer, Not a Runner -
When separated, Damsy's legs are continuations of her spine; the joints lock to allow her to walk on them but cannot support her weight when running