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Dance of Blades


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Dance of Blades
Location: Tatooine, Late Afternoon
[member="Lady Exedō"]

Tatooine held a few select similarities to Crait. The most notably one being the blistering heat of day, and the frigid cold of night. Both were stark contrasts to one another, one of heat, one of cold. Yet both worked in tagine with one another, one couldn't be without the other. It was the Ying-Yang of the galaxy, where their was cold...heat was to be found. Where their was light, darkness was to be found. Where the lightside would shine...the darkside would creep, ready to attack at any moment. Such was the natural, galactic order of things.

Furor knew this, though the idea of a 'balance' scared he hated it. The lightside was something meant to be feared and hated...not embraced. To embrace the teachings of the jedi and the ideal of a lightside, was disgusting to say the least. The lightside was a mere idea of false power, meant to 'empower' weak individuals into believing that they were strong and could actually make a difference. Such a foolish way of thinking that was. It was stupid and dangerous to say the least. The darkside was where true power and conquest resided. Where once weak individuals had risen to true power, and had their names spoken in fables of ages long since past. The lightside did have their own fables, people Furor did respect for their willpower and their devotion to cause...though that didn't stop him from hating the lighstide or the jedi any less. The darkside was the one truth in the galaxy, Furor believed. It was the one constant, like the false ideal of the lightside. Both of these forces met on battlefield each day, but only one was a divine truth of the force. That divine truth, was the darkside.

Furor, he needed to be trained in the way of the Sith. In the ways of the darkside, he wouldn't stand aside and let those who believed in false ideals poison the wells of the galaxy with false power and hope. The galaxy, it would be cleansed one day. Furor might die long before that die, though he knew anything was possible with the darkside. One just had to pour themselves into the wells of the darkside. These thoughts ran through Furors mind as he sat atop of an weathered and sandy rock, overlooking a Cliffside. The bright twin suns glazed in the horizon, making the horizon seem like some surreal painting of a historic artist who was showing the ying-yang of the galaxy.
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

Her arms stretched out as the ship seemed cramped for a moment... well it might have been the space was getting smaller but there was also the chance those strapped to the wall were having something to do with it. Where she needed to look though brought her attention to them when she was heading around in orbit of the planet. She enjoyed the feling from them of fear, of pain while she sat there drinking it into herself. Getting stronger and getting to enjoy herself. She set the ship to autopilot down into the desert when she touched her saber with a small look, her chainsword and spoke. "Hmm now what to use, we want to get the best from you." She stayed there for a moment later before she started the chainsword with a rev of the alchemical blades. The man was screaming. "No no no that won't do, we want your clan to hear you.. you are going to have to shout louder." The screams coming echoed throughout the ship and with the doors opened she was certain it could be heard outside as well.


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

Screams. The sound of anguished screams of pain hit Furor's ears like a drumbeat, a never ending drumbeat. Furor's brown eyes looked downwards at an angle, his eyes falling upon a silver craft which glinted in the slowly evaporating sunlight. It was the source of these screams, screams of torment, sadness, and rage. Furor wasn't one to pay particular attention to people screaming, let alone people screaming in pain. Though, he felt a foreboding presence hidden behind the anguished screams. The presence felt powerful, much more powerful than Furor was...which was understandable. He still wasn't great at using the force, having just learned his sensitivity months earlier. Despite being such a newcomer to force sensitivity, he felt a darkside presence among the screams, In the direction of the ship.

Furor stood up from his rock, his boot-covered feet hitting against the ground of the sand softly, sending a puff of sand particles up into the air around his ankles. As Furor made his way down the rocky hillside, he kept his eyes wary and anxious to his surroundings. He was expecting for a tusken raider to bounce up behind one of the rocks and shoot him, those savage beasts. He had heard stories of them eating people, which had always made his skin crawl. He wasn't one for cannibals...hostile ones at least.

Furor's hand drifted downwards to his hip, his calloused hand falling upon the warm handle of his lightsaber. The saber was of poor craftsmen ship with a cracked crystal and cross-guard design. It wasn't even Furor's, he had found it in a mine while laboring away in the mines of Crait. At the time, he had thought it a souvenir, though he knew better now. Furor kept his right hand down at his saber on his left hip, ready to pull it at a moments notice if he were attacked by some ungodly creature or just a person seeking to cause him bodily or mental harm.
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

She reamined there looking at them, allowing the screams to wash over and the pain as she ate at it. Allowing the force energies and the emotions to be a like a storm swirling around herself. SOmewhere she could stand and feel it before pulling at it along with the heat in their bodies to empower herself and raise her own awareness of the world to the person approaching the ship. A tight lipped smirk appearing on one side of her face, for a moment bringing a gleam to her eyes as the chainsword died away. The sounds gone when she set it into a sheath on the wall. Her saber was in her hand but she didn't need to activate it as the sentient crystals within b raced themselves, the energy that went through them causing intense pain for them and in the force as they screamed. "Someones coming." She said it with her smirk becoming a dangerous grin that promised pain.


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

Furor's brown eyes scanned the ship as he made his approach. He was unnerved as the sounds and frequency of the screams increased as he approached the ship. Unease swept through the air, making him stay on edge as if something could attack him at any moment. Then suddenly, the screams of pain and torment ceased all of the sudden. The air was left with a wave of silence, save for the gentle wave of wind that swept through the air, kicking up sand into the air as it did so. Furor contemplated going onto the ship, which was a stupid decision. Though he needed to find the source of those pained screams. The source of that powerful darkside presence, it was on the ship that was a definite. Furor's hand cloased around the cross-guard handle of his lightsaber before pulling it out. He held the handle in his right hand pointed downwards, his thumb resting on the ignition button. Furor crept towards the open landing ramp of the ship, keeping his footsteps light and subtle. Though,
, he accidentally stepped on the metal ramp too hard,making a sound of a leather boots hitting against metal.
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

She coudl feel it in the force when he was approaching and her body almost folded together while she moved quickly. With focus and energy towards the main hold of the ship the ramp went into. The black ship from the harvesters was not large and complicated but it was not small by any means and she stayed on the second level looking down with her red hair clumped together with gore and sticky. While she moved down a little and remained silent in the bodysuit. Pale skin gleaming witha wet shine from the blood and everything on her face where the chainsword had made a mess and she waited above the ramp to just land behind once he got inside and stay there watching as she pulled at the force. Feeding on it and everything around herself.


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

Empty. The hull of the ship was empty once Furor had walked inside, it held a deathly and dreadful silence within it's metal tomb. The metal gave off the overhead heat of the now waning twin suns, causing the ship to feel sticky and clingy to Furor's skin. Needless to say, it was an uncomfortable but not completely foreign feeling against his skin. Something wasn't right, Furor knew that as soon as he had stepped aboard the ship. It was a mistake, a horrible mistake. His mind kept repeating the words but he chose to ignore them. Though they did poke through his willpower, making him question the real reason that he had stepped aboard this isolated ship in the first place. To comfort himself, Furor ignited his saber. A flickering and violet blade of crimson red shot out of the black crossguard handle in hand, bathing the area closest to him in a red light. The blade roared and ached unnaturally, it flickered uncontrollably and unstably...much like Furor himself. Though he couldn't change that now, he had to follow through with what he was doing at the moment. Darkside users didn't surrender, they didn't get defeated...they either won or died trying, something Furor believed in half-heartedly.
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

Curious, she looked at him when he was going through and had his saber activated already with a look on her face before she was moving and silently touched down on the floor leaving her saber there but looked at him. Letting the hand go to the ramps controls and start closing the ramp up so he would turn around and look at her. "Welcome to my parlor." A grin appearing on her face there while dainty sharpened teeth were visible before she moved forward trying to see what they mgiht be able to do. If he wanted to fight well she could do that but she stayed focused allowing the force to wrap around her hand in blue shimmering energy to grab and go after his saber to absorb it.


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

Furor recoiled in fright at the sight of her. All he could see was her face, but just the crazed sight grafted onto her face terrified him. Her sharp, canine-like teeth, those crazed eyes, and the gore which stuck to her hair. Like a scene out of a late-night scary book or movie...only scarier and in the flesh. Furor tensed as what seemed like instantaneously she had approached him. The palm of her bloody hand glowed a mystifying blue which entranced Furor. The blue light was...strange. It glittered like thousands of shining stars mixed with the flow of waves of water, yet it wasn't...but it was. Furor shook the sight from his mind once he had noticed that her hand hovered over his lightsaber, drawing energy off of his blade somehow. He skirted away quickly, keeping his blade locked close to his figure in a defensive posture. His blade was angled upwards while he kept both hands clenched tightly around the handle of his blade. Furor was poised to strike at a moment's notice to defend himself if necessary.
"W-who are you? Sith or Dark Jedi?"
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

She stayed there and looked at him for a moment not blinking and letting the glimmer in her eyes reflect the light of his saber. The grin remaining with everything else for the most part but she didn't need to approach him. Instead focusing on the room, on him, on the blade and his emotions. Everything that she could find foreign in her ship as she pulled at it with the force to drink it in. The heat of his skin, the energy of the blade, the force itself where she could feel it so even in the desert the ship would feel like the temperature was dropping. Finally her voice came out with more of a purr and rolling of her tongue. "Is it better to be one or the other? To be a sith compared a dark jedi or a dark jedi compared to a sith?" She waited for a moment but her hand remained where it was just shimmering before she licked her lips. "You see only what you want to see, when in reality my sweetling." She let her voice trail off as her free hand brought the saber up. The silver casing, the pulse of the crystals within when she activated the blade. Deep blood red crimson with the resonating sound of screams coming from it. The shard and her cerystal both sentient beings that screamed almost physically and through the force with an ear splitting screech she was drinking up into her body to make her eyes glow golden.


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

Furor flinched at the sound of the screams through the force and through the physical world as well. The physical screams of the crystals weren't as bad, they were more like anguished whispers. As for the ones through the force, those were gut-wrenching and painful. Well, this was gonna be a...well a strange fight that was for sure. Furor hadn't really every fought somebody, if you didn't count the air or a training dummy as an opponent. Sure he swung at the air and a target...well and at his father but that was different. He felt like he was in a position of power and dominance at the time. Unlike now where he felt subject to the darksider across from him, he felt weak at the legs and in the heart. So much for believing in the sith code, he could barely stand in an actual fight against a sith lord. This was pathetic, well at least to Furor it was. Though all he knew was that he didn't want to be eaten by this Sith Lord, which hopefully she wouldn't. Cause he didn't feel like being killed and eaten today, that didn't sound like a good idea and that just sounded terrible in retrospect. Furor raised his blade into a defensive position as he slowly paced in front of the sith lady, keeping his distance and his brown-blue eyes fixated on her encase of an attack.
"What are you gonna do? Eat me? I will fight you if I must, but also please don't eat me. I don't feel like getting killed and eaten by a cannibal today, sorry!"
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

She looked at him, keeping her eyes trained and the open mouth grin before seeing with a smal flick of her eyes his blade. The grin getting wider when her eyes started glowing and she pulled at the lightsaber, she was pulling for the energy of it and to make him freeze almost. here on a desert world in the sun... she could make tuskans into icy crystals taking away all of their body heat and warmth to fuel the darkside and her own abilities. Slowly though she spoke thinking about the best way to respond to his request. "But if I kill you wil you realy know if I am eating you child? You are kind of stringy, lots of muscle instead of meat. We'll just have to change that." She said it though while moving and stepped forward with her blade at the ready as the screams kept coming. "Like it, the widow's wail is something few really get to experience. Most don't try and approach me or my ship." THat was one of the things that first intrigued her, the other being she could feel the darkside and was looking to see what they might be able to do. "So what is you plan?"


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

Furor's face went pale as the sith woman mentioned eating him. It made him shiver all over out of fright and fear. Then their was her comment, which made him step back slightly, making his stance unsteady. Then he felt the room grow cold, so very cold. The room felt like it were encased in a storm of ice and a wave of frost. His lightsaber provided some heat from the frigid air of the metal room, though not enough. His black trench coat offered some solace and peace from the cold, though it wasn't much. Being foreign to the cold, Furor felt his hands shake due to the frigid air in the room and his breath come out slowly. His breath came out in puffs of visible air due to the cold, something that entranced Furor. Though, he couldn't dwell on that now. He had to focus on getting out of here, or killing her. Whichever proved to be easier, faster, and a likelier chance of him surviving. Furor finally decided to speak up again, his voice shaky through the cold of the room. As he did speak, he clenched both hands around the handle of his saber as to steady his blade encase of an emergency. Whether it be a fight or escape was yet to be seen.
"M-my plan? I was just coming to investigate where the screams were coming from and whoever was behind all of pure darkside energy. Seems I've found who I've been looking for. Who the kark are you anyways? I mean, other than a s-sith lord and cannibal?"
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

"I am Lady Exedō, a lord of the sith for a time but now I am more freelance. The latest crop don't enjoy having fun with all of their politics and chest bumping." She said it with a grin on her face though and was prepared for anything that might come from him. The risks of him attacking her were there she knew but she was not as worried about it. Her capabilities were better then most and she was more brutal in combat then some liked. All that need to make sure she wounded the other enough that they couldn't come back with a return attack. She just watched hijm reacting to the cold though and took another step forward with her blade more at a casual stance then anything else. She was ready to fight and defend but why make herself tense. "Now come on, tell me what it is that you want? I am curious and it might just keep me from eating your face after I flay the skin from your chest."


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

" are a sith lord?! Well, it's nice to meet you, m'lady Exedo. As for what I'm looking for...well that's a bit difficult. I'm searching for answers, answers about the sith and the darkside. How to use the darkside, how to...well be a sith...I guess?" Furor replied nervously, keeping his eyes locked onto the sith lady, his mind on edge.

Furor hoped that his answer was satisfactory enough for Exedo. He didn't have any want in being killed today, yet alone being killed at all. Well, mostly due to maybe getting eaten but that's not the least somewhat. Furor had a goal in mind, one that he wanted to keep fresh and true in his sight. He wanted to learn of and from the darkside...he wanted to be a sith. Maybe not an overly cruel one that slaughtered children just cause, but one that was true to their cause. An honorable one. Furor bet what he thought was what a jedi was, though he wasn't entirely sure himself. He at least hoped the sith lady would do something than kill him.
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

She looked at him and oh so he wanted to learn and came all this way to see her. She was curious and with Dharma well around having children for the cause of being bored. She remained there though. "We can see, if you survive the training to be a sith well... then we'll just have to make a few choices." Before he could speak though she deactivated the saber with a look on her face and was walking before stopping in the ship. Where she could go now until the sith lord herself went up towards the bridge of her ship. "Come along, this world is many things but I you are going to learn about the darkside then we have to go somewhere you can be taught more populated."


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

And just like that, it...was all over?! Well, that was strange. Furor stood dumbfounded for a few moments, his mind abuzz with dozens of questions. Had that really just happened? He had told her that he needed training and she just...decided to train him? Well that was certainly different than what Furor thought was going to happen. Though, Furor still didn't trust the sith lady. Something was off about her and this had proven far too easy. Though, he decided to trust her for the time being. Furor flicked the ignition button on his saber, the flickering crimson blade disappearing almost instantly before he clipped the handle onto his belt. Furor decided to follow Exedo up towards the bridge of the ship, keeping his hand at his side encase she attacked him. Hopefully this would all work out...though if she made him eat someone, he was out. It was just really gross and unnatural, at least to Furor, to go an eat somebody whether they were dead or alive. It just didn't sit right with him.
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

She sat on the bridge fo the ship and from the screen she was looking at it all. Where they could all go around until she saw him finally arrive. "Well you took long enough come on now." She remained there and wiped a little of the gore from the seat before bringing the ship up and setting the auto pilot to take them to one of the darkside worlds. Where she go and check on her investments with the really dangerous and the really strong sith. A grin appearing on her face until the sith lady. "Hmm now how best to teach you, first off I guess I should tel you that being a sith isn't for everyone.. really most fail to understand the core concepts and fall into darkside this and darkside that. All they want to do it rule and then they have no real idea what they are going to do with it... or they are the type who would destroy and kill everything just to rule the ashes because edgy darksider." She was like that mostly... only she would care either way.


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[member="Lady Exedō"]

Furor sat beside Exedo, making sure to avoid the gore on his way in and on the chair. He mostly just found it disgusting and nasty with all of the gore on the ground, it made him on edge and a bit nervous. Plus, it was just disgusting. His eyes shifted from an unruly piece of gore to Exedos face as she began to speak again. Though, he was confused by what she meant. Sure he had studied some about the sith...but what did she mean by the core concepts. Everything she was telling him was different than he had learned and different than how he had ever thought about the sith as a whole.
" What do you mean by 'core concepts'? Is their a balance of the dark side among being a their are specific parts of the dark side that people delve into?"
[member="Furor Dragoon"]

She raised an eyebrow. "A sith looks to become stronger, a sith seeks challenge and to go against those who are more powerful to test themselves." She looked at it where she was going though with a look on her face. "The ones who usualy exist now, go after the weak, they go after the ones who they know they will be able to beat and gang up on. A sith is a being of power and passion but what power is there in beating someone already beaten. How do you become stronger?" She was curious and looking at him before she prepared herself leaning in the seat and there was a few other things they could do. Setting the course on the ship though she stretched out.

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