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Danger on Kaeshana

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Kaeshana, an exotic world on the edges of the Protectorate. For several years a new order had arisen on the planet, based primarily on a new Queen and the arrival of off-worlders bringing new technology to the Eldorai inhabitants.

Now, two of the most important of those off-worlders waited for a visitor to arrive. They knew the visitor would be there soon as the orbiting Tirathana Skyport had cleared the ship to land.

Tegaea Alcori stood next to her wife and a very pretty Eldorai named Chesna. The three of them were otherwise alone.

“There,” Tegaea said, pointing up at the ship coming in to land. It was time for Danger to come to Kaeshana, a pun this writer thinks is so amusing it had to be repeated twice!
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Danger had a habit of coming to Kaeshana! For Siobhan Kerrigan was there, which meant that buildings were in danger of being randomly destroyed if she started feeling a tad emo. Or was not sufficiently complimented on how perfect her nails looked and how great her sleek business suit fit her.

Anyhow, now that this writer has made enough lame puns revolving around the buxom Trade Queen's name, we shall deal with the actual plot, for this post has some relevance...well, maybe. Or not.

"I see it. Nice ship," she said as her eyes followed the vessel Tegaea had pointed out. When exactly this episode was taking place in relation to the battle of Alderaan, where there was plenty of danger since Siobhan was getting rage issues out of her system by wrecking the ruins of Alderaa even more, is open for speculation. Probably before but after the whole Siobhan being comatose thing. This meant that much to Siobhan's annoyance she was still leaning on a cane, but at least it was a shiny one!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

The trio would not have to wait long.

The hiss of an airlock would foretell the coming of the Trade Queen, and in short order, her crown of vibrant red hair would be seen as the full hipped woman would step out of the ship. A dazzling smile would grace Danger's lips, as her green eyes would lock upon the trio before her.

A slow ambling walk would bring her to them, the hum of the engines waning behind her. A hand would extend first to Tegaea and then to Siobhan.

"Mighty fine pleasure, ladies.." she'd begin in greeting. Brow brows would rise as she would take a deep breath of the fresh air.

"Ain't in Tatooine anymore for sure," she'd say in mild tease.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

It was reassuring to see that another of the galaxy's finest merchants had a firemane as well. The redheads had to stick together after all! With a friendly smile Tegaea took Danger's hand and shook it.
"And likewise, Ms Arceneau." She looked around at the gardens, cities and forests. "I are correct...this isn't Tatooine," she added with a chuckle.

"Please, join us inside. I was most interested in your message when I received it. I have been meaning to talk with you for a while in any case, and this was the perfect opportunity."
Conducting their guest to the large meeting room with it's spectacular views, Tegaea went to the mini-bar. "Did you want something to drink?" she asked, indicating the alcoholic bottles and water jug.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Danger Arceneau"]

As was well-known Siobhan was a card-carrying member of the Cult of the Firemane. She had often toyed with the idea of dyeing her hair red, but, as is equally well-known, fake redheads do not inherit the near magical quality that a firemane gives them. So she was left to obsess over titian-maned beauties.

In any event she gave Danger's hand a firm shake after her wife had done so. "We have quite a bit less sand. It can get quite stormy though," she said wryly in reference to the no longer in Kansas...Tatoine line. She had not said anything about sand being coarse and getting everywhere! "It is a pleasure to meet you again, Ms. Arceneau. I'm sure we can beneficially do business together," she said warmly and released Danger's hand, following both redheads into the large, elaborate meeting room.

"The Eldorai make excellent wine," she added after her wife had enquired whether Danger would like anything to drink.
"The pleasure is all mine," Danger would say in kind, following suit as she would put in her request, "Wine is it? I'll take some then, parch the throat and all." she told them with an easy going tone. She made herself comfortable in the meeting room after the round of hellos and cordial pleasantries.

"Well, certainly a very pleasant planet, sans the storms that come and go, right?" she began with a small smile. If a seat were offered, she'd gladly take it.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

A seat was indeed offered, and a glass of expensive red wine was poured for Ms Arceneau.

"Very pleasant indeed. Even the storms are rather picturesque," Tegaea said, sitting down at the table with her own glass. Siobhan sat beside her.

"So, Ms Arceneau, what can Firemane do for you today?" she asked. She'd let her visitor speak first before making her own requests.
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Realising that they were now getting down to actual business Siobhan settled down her wife in one of the plush leather chairs, crossing her legs. She likewise had poured herself a glass of red wine and took a sip, savouring the taste.

Perhaps to her credit she did a reasonably good job of not staring at Danger's, ahem, assets. Admittedly those were very eye-catching and thus a bit...distracting, but she managed. After all, it probably would not look professional if you were oggling a potential client. In any case, Tegaea had spoken and she waited for what Danger had to say. As for the storms that so often raged on Kaeshana, Siobhan liked flying while they took place because it was all edgy and stuff. No, she did not have weird hobbies at all.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

She gave a thanks for her drink, taking a sip. An expression of pleasure would lit her face, and lawdy would that make a pretty picture as to wonder just what other kinds of interesting expressions she'd make in the heat of a Tatooine night.

In any event, Danger gave a smile then proceeded to answer [member="Tegaea Alcori"]'s question. "Well, I've met Countess Kerrigan by the by at a recent mingle. Didn't get to meet of her personally, but my girls certainly enjoy a few of your products that have come to my attention." she told them.

"Not to mention, I've a keen eye and joy for blasters and slugthrowers," oh there was a twinkle in her eyes. "Being born and raised on Tatooine... a girl gets mighty appreciative of the like .... most especially them bolters ya'll do so well with."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea nodded. The Firemane bolters were famous across the galaxy. Whilst the Protectorate used them, only Firemane sold them, and sold special versions too.
She frowned slightly. “Forgive me if this is obvious, but why would your girls be using bolters?”
She wasn’t aware that courtesans packed armour piercing assault rifles. Well, not always anyway!

Then, after a moment of thought, the answer came to her. “The hold-out bolters,” she said, finally understanding. Her hand went to the innocent looking necklace around her own neck and pulled out the concealed weapon. Taking it over her head she offered it to Danger to look at. She trusted her guest enough not to try and shoot her!
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"The hold-out bolter is our newest bolter design and we're very proud of them," Siobhan chimed in. "As you can see they're very easily concealable, be it by hanging them on a chain and wearing them along the neck like a pendant, hiding them in a handbag, a secret compartment or even make them look like something else entirely. Like a regular bolter they can fire buckshot, solid slugs or explosive bolts, miniaturised in every case of course. The bolt is engineered to expend all its energy on the target, rather than causing a big blast since the weapon has short range. It's an effective, one-shot weapon for personal defence."

She seemed qute happy about the product, but then she liked guns. For a change she actually felt somewhat useful during business meetings. This one still thinks Siobhan had no reason being vice president beyond being married to the CEO. "My wife personally took down a Sith Assassin with this weapon," she said proudly.

It did rankle with Siobhan a bit that she had thoroughly failed to take down Shadow despite having all these shiny superpowers. Well, it was more accurate to say that she had charged in like a fool and gotten herself spaced for her troubles, though the flip of a coin decided she should survive. Yes, this one actually flipped a coin several times because they're indecisive like that. No, this writer is not unkind to her at all.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Danger gave a knowing slow nod as the dawning awareness swept over Tegaea's face. "Exactly." came her confirming drawl, taking another sip of that marvelous wine. That Siobhan admited that Tegaea was able to take down a Sith Assassin with that weapon was impressive indeed, a look of appreciation and pride at the strength of the woman to take charge of her own life.

"It is for that easily concealable nature that I want to ensure that all my girls are protected. One can never tell when such necessities come round." she said, "Companions are meant to provide a sanctuary from the toils of the galaxy... but that does not make them defenseless at all."

"I reckon if you have more concealable products along that same nature, you'll find me very interested in investing."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea smiled. “I had indeed planned on new versions of this weapon for the future, if I find there is a market for them. The first is to conceal them even more – since word will eventually get out as to what these hold-out weapons look like. Like a good spy holo, I’ve been toying with concealing them in fake commlinks, shoes, and even my favourite; handbags! Of course, these are all still on the drawing board, but if you’re interested I can push development forward a bit.”

“In the meantime, Danger, are you interested in ordering now? How many would you like? Normally they are 1,500 credits a piece, but for you…1,250 with 5 rounds of whichever ammunition you want thrown in.”

The prospect of closing a big order was always enough to make the bargains flow. She looked to Siobhan casually, but she was clearly excited.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Siobhan was more the big guns type, but she could appreciate super concealable bolters. The handbag of death sounded fun and terribly hilarious! As for shoes, well, she had plenty of shiny ones.

She exchanged a casual look with her wife and gave her a smile. "On our end, as you know, we are interested in the services of your Companions from Oiran Guildhouse. If we can reach agreement, we would very much like to hire some of them for a permanent position at our corporate headquarters on Kaeshana. We're happy to negotiate terms and rotations of staff over time. What would your rates, terms and such be?" she asked. Visiting the Floating Rock Gardens on Ryloth was obviously a bit awkward, what with the Feds ruling it.

Siobhan was clearly excited, though she kept her words professional. Few knew about the Order of the Torch after all!
[member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Danger was also well pleased with the business discussion so far. "I'd be interested in purchasing enough to grant one holdout bolter per companion. " While the Oiran Guild House was a small subsidiary of Arceneau Trade, the number of Companions was well into a modest two thousand.

"I can have Alisha'ven send over the exact number I will require. " she relayed with a warm smile. Her attention would then pan over to Siohban. The right corner of her mouth gave an upward perk.

"I am certainly intrigued at that proposition." she began, as she slowly would mull over the preposition. " I am quite certain that there are many Companions who would be most interested in the honor of visiting your world and perhaps calling it home."

If things worked well, perhaps even at a later time after gathering surveys from the Companions, the Oirian House may be able to open a training guild chapter on Kaeshana as well.

"Standard annual rates would apply for the registry -- but I would not be averse to applying a discounted price for a more permanent venture on Kaeshana.

As for my terms -- they are relatively simple. The Companions have the luxury of selecting their own clients and the length of their stay. The majority do enjoy a measure of solitude and a quiet area for meditation for the ceremony of tea as well as more intimate discourses.

And of course... all the respect and protection given to their respective positions."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea nodded. “I would expect nothing less, Ms Arceneau. Everything we do is with the consent and understanding of those who participate. No one is ever pressured into doing anything they don’t want to.”
After all, some people just didn’t enjoy…crochet. Tegaea would not force them to take part in that or any other devotion to the Goddess Ardarvia.

“There are many Eldorai who might be interested in joining the Companions as well. Many Eldorai ladies wish to see the stars and earn their fortunes in a way other than war, and I think this could be a perfect opportunity.”

“We have an opening for one or two companions to stay on Kaeshana full time. If you have some who are happy to accept, we would like to do a brief interview via holocom before they arrive, and also list any limits, medical conditions and the like we need to know about. I can likewise provide you a list and dossier for each Eldorai who would be interested in joining your organisation.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Siobhan thought a bit, running over the numbers. She did not know precisely how many Companions the Oiran Guild House employed, but even if they were offering Danger a discount on the guns the contract should reap substantial profits for Firemane unless she was really off with her calculations. Admittedly mathematics had never been her strong point!

"We should be able to deliver the desired amount of holt-out bolters. I'll get in touch with the responsible department once Ms. Alisha'ven has sent us the numbers. Delivery should be swift. If wanted we can also arrange lessons for the Companions about how to use the weapons and methods of concealing them. Should more ammunition be required, you can call us. Likewise once we develop new designs, we'll make sure to notify you first," she said.

She gave Tegaea a nod. There were indeed a number of Eldorai ladies open for...crochet. Eager to carry the wisdom of the Great Goddess Ardarvia to the stars. Firemane sort of acted as a bridge between the elves and the rest of the Galaxy. "If we reach agreement we'll ensure the Companions have appropriate accommodations. We can arrange for language lessons in Eldarai as well so that they can communicate better. An increasing number of elves speak Basic, but many still prefer the old tongue. It's not the easiest language for offworlders to learn, but a beautiful one once you get the hang of it. You can be assured that they'll be treated with respect and granted the appropriate protection. Likewise any Eldorai we suggest for your Guildhouse will have been carefully vetted." It was a little known fact outside of certain circles that Siobhan did have an, ahem, other job. Spreading the noble message of the Order of the Torch in the name of Ardarvia was serious business!
[member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"The Guildhouse has open doors for anyone who so desires to partake of it as a refugee and if they so desire, become a Companion. Any Eldorai is more than welcomed to join if that is their wish."

She then gave another nod, "Your requests shall be honored. I will send word to the registry to relay to all the Companions of the opportunity presented here. Those who are interested shall continue on by fulfilling the requested disclosure of information and interview."

Her smile grew wider at the offer of knowledge as well as the study of Eldorai culture and language. "Continue like so and you will find the true weakness of the Companions," she would tease, alluding that continuing education in culture, politics, and languages were skills that they treasured.

"I am pleased for such accommodations, and likewise, my Companions would be grateful to learn the native language and culture of Kaeshana. The proper training for the hold-out bolter is certainly appreciated. Perhaps I can even have Firemane representatives come to the Guildhouse itself to provide those lessons." That was a rare treat indeed, for normally, outsiders were strictly kept out of the premises.

"Perhaps with this, we can build a bridge to a more permanent opportunities in the future."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Danger Arceneau"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“That is my hope as well, Ms Arceneau. Oh…any companions who wish to come here should be prepared for female companionship. We are somewhat lacking in traditional masculine personnel here,” Tegaea commented tactfully. In other words, there were no Y chromosomes in the villa, and the Eldorai themselves were militantly feminist even now.

“It has been very nice meeting you, Danger. I look forward to seeing the companions which might wish to come here, and to expand our business together into the future.”
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Oh, we'll be glad to be of help in furthering their knowledge and education during their stay on Kaeshana.. Firemane does sort of act as a bridge between the Eldorai and the rest of the Galaxy. We have...very strong ties to elements of the Eldorai priesthood," Siobhan said with a completely straight face in response to Danger's little joke about the Companions' true weakness, exchanging a casual look with her wife.

It was true, for they were both members of a most noble order dedicated to spreading learning and education. If there was more intercultural understanding in the Galaxy perhaps there would be less murder and bloodshed. Though there were people who thought that things of that nature were not harmful to kiddies.

She nodded after Tegaea had spoken. "Indeed, it's been a pleasure. I'm excited to meet the Companions that might want to call Kaeshana their home. I'll be in touch with your people regarding the sale of the weapons and the provision of training lessons in their use. If the Guildhouse calls upon a representative of ours to deliver instruction on site, we'd be honoured. I'm sure we can do plenty of business together." Clearly travelling to Etti IV and making the acquaintance of the Trade Empress there had been very productive.

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