Outside Subach Facilities
1532 Local Time
It didn't take much to get the mountain of leather known as Thrax moving. A promise of credits and a whisper of violence was generally enough to light up his ugly mug. So, when the Holonet had gone alight with rumors of a bounty on Subach facilities he'd tracked down the source of the rumor and found himself staring at something quite wonderful."Open season." He says, feeling like he'd already said that but not caring. Arranged around him were several Lost Clan mercenaries, their Graug forms easily visible alongside his. "Remember, we go in, trash what we can't take, steal what we can and take as many prisoners as possible. Kill only if required, and don't go overboard. Don't need you fethheads ruining my payday."
Snarling as he looked down towards the facilities, he hefted his hammer with one hand and waited to see if security had a regular patrol route. If they did, he could exploit it. If they didn't, well, full frontal wasn't the worst idea in the history of ideas. Other bounty hunters would no doubt be descending like the vultures they were to pick apart whatever they could find in the never ending hunt for credits.
Him? Well, he was already here, wasn't he? A click and a whine from behind him told him someone had armed a rocket launcher, no doubt to clear a hole for them. "Hold fire."
There was a long pause as he began marching forward slowly but surely, "Ahhhhhhhhh, who am I kidding. Wreck it all." Two whoomps and matching smoking contrails passed over his shoulders as the rockets screeched their way towards their targets. Whatever they hit and whatever damage they did was obscured by dust and smoke.
Roaring their approval, the Clanners charged forward, intent on doing what they did best. Pillaging.
[member="Enigma"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Xar "][member="Ordo"] [member="Manamune Ticon"] [member="Ayden Cater"]