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"VISHNU" by artist AiShuma of
"VISHNU" by artist AiShuma of

"The Job" by artist Katya Gudkina of
- Intent: Create a species for my character so she could really be alive in this star wars universe. Also, would love for other people to use this species!
- Image Credit: Above
- Canon: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Danji
- Designation: Sentient
- Homeworld: Clak'dor VII aka Bith
- Language: Danji, Bith, Basic
- Average Lifespan: 500 Years (After age 40, they look as though they are human equivalent of 20 until they reach age 580. Then they begin to age as if they are humans.
- Estimated Population: Rare
- Description: Simply put they look like blue humans with 4 arms. They can be muscular, skinny, fat, tall, short, it can range heavily. At first glance you see a blue humanoid with 4 arms and long hair.
- Breathes: Everything but space
- Average height of adults: 2m
- Average length of adults: N/A
- Skin color: Different Shades of Blue, Red, and Purple
- Hair color: Black, Blue, Red, and White.
- Distinctions: They are either a different shade of blue, red, or purple. However, the biggest distinction is that they have 4 arms. The men look like human men, and the women look like human women. The gender difference is very similar to humans.
- Races: Danji is one race
- Strengths:
- -Filtered Lungs/digestion: Due to being able to live within a Type III level planet like Bith, their lungs and digestion system act as a filtration system. It allows them to be able to break down anything liquid or gas to the essential elements in order to breath. So they survive many different terrain like poisonous gas or breathing under water. This makes them susceptible to dangerous gasses and poisons.
- -The Force: The Danji utilize the force and it is part of their culture. For those born without the force, they are unable to reproduce and often take the guardian positions within the hierarchy. For those that are, they learn to alter the environment and speak with nature utilizing the force at a young age.
- -Intelligence: The Danji are taught at a very young age very aggressively. By the time they are 12, they know how to communicate with animals, alter the environment, their culture, and they are very knowledgeable of their planet. By being aggressive learners early in their lives, they develop a knack for learning and remembering information.
- Weaknesses:
- -Cannot process any form of meat, causes their bodies to shut down and must be forced out of their system.
- -The Danji have glands near their eyes that connect with the force. When a Danji uses the force from the light side, their eyes glow a bright white color. However, when a Danji begins to use emotions when in utilizing the force, then their eyes turn a bright red color. This gives away their emotions, but also emits a bright light that can give away any force trickery if someone is looking at them (EX: Jedi Mind Trick, Emitting the Dark Side of the Force, etc.).
- Diet: Herbivores, this culture can't actually eat meat. Their stomachs simply won't process it. Other than that all poisons that affect humans, affect Danji. However, it must be injected. Nothing Airborne would affect them.
- Communication: They communicate to outsiders with words usually with basic, but communicate with each other through the force.
- Technology level: Low, they are pacifists that live in the dangerous parts of the woods. They rely on spears, rocks, ancient forms of medicine, and the force.
- Religion/Beliefs:

"Kali" by artist highdarktemplar of
"Kali" by artist highdarktemplar of
The Religion
The Danji pray to their god: The 6 Armed woman aka Moyo. They believed that she was the one who created the universe and still lives on today. In fact, they believe that using Moyocala (the force) is through their god Moyo which have given all beings the opportunity to create peace utilizing this force. The Danji are very well connected to the force, or as they all it Moyocala. Their peaceful mentality correlates well with their connection to the force; to them, all life and death is connected through the Moyocala. They are able to communicate with each other, heal each other, communicate with animals, and alter their environment by using this force.
The Sanjique Festival
One week a year there is a festival where everyone gather to the Temple of Moyo to pray, meditate, connect, and the celebrate their connection to the Moyocala and each other. This is ran by the Council of Elders. The Temple is hidden within a large mountain that has crumbled over time allowing the top to be open, letting light shine in as natural light during the day. The temple has large steps in the middle which lead to a giant statue of Moyo. This is where all of the praying and connections happen. This event is heavily spiritual and social, which makes it the most important event of these people.
The Hierarchy
Within this group of people there are two groups of people that are considered law makers. There is a Monarchy and a Council of Elders. There is a King and a Queen with Prince's and Princess's and then the Council of Elders are people unrelated to the throne that are considered the oldest and wisest of the Danji. The Council of Elders present laws, rules, or results to problems to the King and Queen, then the royalty decide the fate of the topic at hand.
The Number One Rule
The Danji have had a rough history, and because of that history, the people have created a rule to protect them from outsiders. Since they are not allowed to use violence on their own sacred grounds, they have decided to completely hide from society and function on their own. Within Bith there is a toxic forest area that surrounds a gorgeous mountain. It is impossible to get to the beautiful land around the mountain without going through the toxic area (unless you can breath type III). Due to the ability of the Danji people, they are able to hide within these boundaries and live comfortably. Since it has been so long and their race is considered extinct, it is forbidden to leave the toxic forest. The only way to leave is if you gain permission from the King & Queen along with approval from the Council of Elders. However, if you leave without permission then you are forever banished and never allowed to return.

"Crimson Tribe" by artist andrearocha of
"Crimson Tribe" by artist andrearocha of
- General behavior:
Broad Danji Behaviour
The Danji are peaceful, kindhearted, and loyal. They are always intrigued by new things, eager to learn, and incredibly intelligent. The best way to describe them is by calling them Adventurous, which is ironic due to their very hidden race. As whole the Danji race is also very religious. Their whole history and their connection to the force is based on the belief of their god. As a whole, the Danji people treat each other like family. They are always and will always be there to help each other.
The Danji Standard
It is the standard to have the children well educated. Since they stop growing at 50, all Danji are taught and trained for 40 years. Then the Danji at 40 are well equipped to be taught even more, but retain it very fast. During the 40 years Danji are taught about their history, The Galaxy of what they know, master a connection to Moyocala, and learn defensive combat techniques just in case.
Clone Wars: The people of the Bith planet seceded from the senate and most of the habitats that were offworld came back to Bith. Both the Bith and Danji races believed in peace and non-violence, so they resided within the planet during the majority of the clone wars. While the Danji were participating in rituals, aiding the planet, and being part of nature; the Bith were scientists and helped make a trading route with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Imperial Occupation: When the Clone Wars ended, the Danji could feel light sided warriors dropping rapidly along with the darkside increasing. The Danji people feared of this power and used the force to guide them to a different location on the planet. They no longer wanted to be part of society and keep their practices to themselves. Most of the race traveled to a toxic forest and used the isolation as a perfect area to start their new society. Within the forest was a large hollowed out mountain where a statue resided. This statute was of their god, which was rumored to have been built by her immediate disciples before they were fully a race. Their land was established as their new home and only a very small amount of people knew of it. Over time people turned this facts to rumors and these rumors turned into legends. After some time it was rumored that the Danji people simply did not exist any longer.
423 ABY: The Danji have were a uniquely powerful race that loved to be one with nature. However, a war broke out when a group of Danji defenders were found on the ground dead. This left the race to split in half: One half believed that they should take over the planet as a whole, while the other half believed they should find out who specifically killed them and to restrain them. One side wanted revenge, the other wanted justice. This split up the royal family as well. Two brothers split completely and became separate kings, which caused a large and terrible civil war for a few years.
426 ABY: Years of battle left both sides incredibly set back. With no end in sight to fix the conflict, the side that wanted revenge suddenly had their king die. Without understanding the Danji people of both sides were dropping like flies. Through meditation and observation, it was clear that some kind of virus had infiltrated the planet. The last King declared that all Danji were granted a pardon and for the time being to go find refuge away from this virus. The people who were not sick were sent to the hollowed mountain and forced the people who were sick to live on the outskirts of the woods to help protect the land from anyone to try to come in. After time, the Danji people declared peace with whoever survived of the their race.
844 ABY: For 8 years the Danji were having troubles connecting to the force. There were little over 200 Danji People left at this point in time. On 844 ABY they had their ceremonial Sanjique Festival. There was happiness, there was prayers, and there was meditation. However, everyone who meditated felt uneasy. By the end of the festival, half of the people went home and the other half stayed in the temple a little while longer. It was a beautiful final ceremony: The Royalty was there, council of elders, and all of the strongest force users were meditating. These were extremely faithful force users and as they left the temple, they felt something was wrong. When everyone went home, they found out that their loved ones, friends, and even neighbors were missing. All of the Danji that were not in the temple disappeared. The population was split in half and crumpled the spirit of the survivors.
851 ABY: For 400 years the Danji developed a great race of sentients in this largely somewhat hidden area. Other than their tragic hiccup a few years back, they have come back stronger than ever. They have even been able to connect stronger to the force (Moyocala) and learn more about themselves than they ever knew. They even established a Utopia type setting by keeping the peace ever since their last war over 400 years prior. Within those 400 years the Danji have remained hidden; they are even considered as urban legends on Bith and extinct everywhere else.