Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dannica “Danni” Pastel

Dannica "Danni" Pastel
Homeworld: Naboo
Gender: F
Species: Human
Height: 1.68 m
Weight: 117 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Force sensitive: Y
Age: 22/23

Strengths and weaknesses

+Form IV
-Dannica has very acrobatic skill when using Form IV with her lightsaber.

+Highly skilled pilot
-Danica's skill is such that she would be able to volunteer among seasoned Navy soldiers.

-Other forms of lightsaber combat
Her limited range in combat leaves her open to several blind spots and weaknesses.

-Limited Force abilities
Although her Force senses help her significantly in starship combat, she lacks in other areas, such as foresight and healing.

Lightsaber (blue)
Jedi robes

Ships: Delta-7 Interceptor

Discovered to be Force sensitive at the age of three, Dannica was taken from a wealthy family and brought to the Temple on Sedasia.

There she demonstrated an intense interest in starships and a natural ability among the stars, loving to travel all over the galaxy.

Trained by a Mikkian female, she eventually attained the rank Jedi Knight and remained on Sedasia to help guard the system.


[Open] - The Shadow Raid
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