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Approved Location Dantooine Space Station

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Ova Ziss

President of United Trade Authority

Dantooine Space Station
  • Space Station Name: Dantooine Space Station
  • Station Model: Dantooine Space Station
  • Classification: Tourism
  • Location: Dantooine System
  • Affiliation: The Diarchy
  • Population: Sparse. Dantooine is far less populated than other Space Stations. It does not have many livable residential blocks because it is built for tourism, sports, entertainment, swoop racing, Pazaak, and social/political conventions.
  • Demographics: Varied. The demographics of the station are perhaps among the most diverse in the galaxy because of its role as an economic hub. Multiple human, alien, and droid species sell wares at Dantooine Space Station and on the surface of the planet. In fact, there are so many people trying to make money on Dantooine that the competition is beginning to degrade the station's wealth.
  • Accessibility: The main station can be docked by any spaceship of any faction, so long as they are not deemed hostile. The mining sub-station is restricted only to the Space Station's vendors and allies. There is a strong presence of both droids and mercenaries throughout the space station to prevent "known trouble ships" from entering.
  • Traffic: High. Dantooine Space Station is a popular tourism destination. Some of the tourism draws on Dantooine station are: the convention center, the swoop racing track, the casino, the Cornerstone Club and CornerPlus Club, and the nightclub. However, these are temporary visitors, political dignitaries, swoop jockeys,
  • Description:

    Lower Floor - Cornerstone District
    The space station contains one long single corridor ("Lower Floor") upon which vendors live. There is a bar, "The Cornerstone", in the North-Western section which serves as a tavern, a live entertainment location, a casino, and a check-in location for tourist rental suites.

    Middle District
    The middle-deck ("Mid-Deck") serves as a residential housing complex and permanent living quarters for some. A docking bay and transportation shuttle leads to the mining substation.

    Platinum District
    The upper deck ("Platinum Deck") is a VIP location where the station's operations are coordinated and dignitaries are received. There is a secret club, "The Corner Plus Club", in the North-Eastern corner of the Platinum Deck that is designed solely for executive and diplomat meetings, such as meetings with Ova Ziss. The Platinum Deck also contains the AI chamber for the space station and the command deck.

    Swoop Racing Track / Grandstands / Artificial Outdoors
    There are grandstands and a circular swoop racing track on the station. This can be used for podracing, swoop racing, or even functions. There is also an "imitation park" or "artificial park" where people walk their animals.

LEG 1: LONG STRAIGHTAWAY - The track has a long straightaway with boost to hype up the audience at the start of the run.
LEG 2: LEFT DIP - A slight left dip; considered the easiest part of the track apart from the straightaway. Tons of boost pads here.
LEG 3: HARD RIGHT - This leg tests the swoop bike's maneuverability, and that of its pilot!
LEG 4: HARD LEFT - The pilot needs to switch the swoop from a left turn to a right one, avoiding a collision on this narrow track leg.
LEG 5: DRIFT LEFT INTO STRAIGHTAWAY - The pilot must maintain control of their swoop while drifting towards the hill section. This leg passes precariously close to a reinforced window, creating a unique distraction for the pilot.
LEG 6: HILL SECTION - The pilot heads up, and then down a hill, turning left into the straightaway as they reach the bandstands.


1x Md-12 Missile Defense Platform
1x Ld-12 Laser Defense Platform

Internal Security
The Station has a basic system of tracking ships who come and go from the Station. Cargo is unpacked by the Station personnel into the storage bay, so that they personally handle any unusual cargo such as radioactive materials. The Station searches any ships that appear to be carrying unusual material(s) onto the platform.

There is an organized security detail of TAB Droids and N&Z Security Observer Droids that regularly patrol the Station, looking for troublemakers. Anyone breaking the rules on the ship is approached by the droids and it plays a pre-recorded warning: "Please stop. Rule infraction. Please stop. Rule infraction. [Insert the details of the Infraction]. Thank you for your cooperation."

There is a security barracks with a brig on the Station. Both human security guards from Dantooine and droids patrol the Station and respond to attacks and crimes. Prisoners can be transferred either to the planet of Dantooine, or to another place via a prison transport.

External Security
In the event of a serious military or terrorist attack, Dantooine Space Station can activate a Distress Signal that can be heard both on the planet of Dantooine. The Station sends a distress HoloMessage to the planetary security of Dantooine, and also to surrounding allied planets such as Entralla. The Station will immediately be evacuated, starting with political dignitaries. Military personnel will be dispatched to repel the attack and they alone will occupy the Station. The ship will be on full defense mode and all occupants will be expected to either repel the attack, or flee quickly.

The Station does have a laser defense and missile defense battery hidden away, and when the distress signal is activated and a skirmish begins, the laser and missile platforms extend out of Dantooine Space Station.

Planetary Security would be very likely to join Dantooine Space Station, adding 2,000 starfighters in defense of the Station during an attack.

[ Same as the canonical Dantooine Space Station; what follows is the RP history in current SW:C roleplay lore.]
In short, Dantooine Space Station has changed hands several times over the last few hundred years, from Mandalorian to Sith to Jedi and back again. Tiring of the faction politics games, Dantooine became a nationalistic and isolationist country, choosing to be controlled by no faction for a long time. The space station's salvagers and merchant class created so many rules for new spacers on the station that it drove off new residents. As the current residents aged, they realized that they had made a catastrophic error. The isolationism made the station desolate, and with few friends in the security sector, it became a target of crime and piracy. Dantooine Space Station is looked upon by Dantooinians with the same lens as an abandoned strip mall: it's nostalgic, it's sad, and everyone wishes to see it bustling again. Finally, the galaxy has determined that it is Dantooine's time once more.

Dantooine Space Station, Dantooine System - Astrographical Information

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