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Approved Species Daorian

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one


Name: Daorian
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Daoria
  • Written Language {Daorian with region based dialectal differences}
  • Hisses
  • Telepathic Species, so whatever language the receiver speaks
  • Most Understand Basic
Average Lifespan: 150~ Years
Estimated Population: ~50 million

Average height of adults: 2 Meters
Average length of adults: N/A
Skin color: Sandy White, Brown, Red or Black scales
Hair color: N/A
Distinctions: Tall and bipedal, the Daorian species is a reptilian species that comes in many shapes and sizes. Though size and shape of the head may be different between any one Daorian, certain things remain true throughout the species. They all are two or three toed with three long fingers. Their heads are always angular with sharp edges and corners, and they all are scaled. Unlike many reptiles that live in harsh conditions, they do not have a film to cover their eyes which also have vertical, almond-shaped pupils. Their eye color varry between yellows and blues and all have tribal markings of some sort painted onto their scales.

Breathes: Type I
  • Reflective Scales: The Daorian's scales are highly reflective. Originally an adaptation to keep cool in the unforgiving sunlight that plagues their planet, it also made for decent protection against the One Sith's energy weapons when they first arrived. While being able to take a glancing blow or maybe even a direct hit from a blaster, the scales cannot stop physical projectiles and even heavy blasters and lasers can make their way through the natural defenses of the Daorians. (6)
  • Camel Lizard: Not only can the Daorian go for long periods without food, they also can hold on to an impressive amount of water. This was an adaptation to the desert where both water and food can be scarce.
  • Smellivision: Like many reptiles, their tongues are incredibly sensitive, acting as their main sense of smell. Their forked tongues allow them to smell in three dimensions, much like a snake, giving them an entirely different view of the terrain than is perceivable to other species.
  • Telepathy: While not physically able to use any language outside of hisses and other reptilian sounds, they are blessed with the ability to connect with other species' minds. While they can't read or influence others' thoughts with this, they can speak directly into the mind of whomever they need to speak to.
  • Fire Breather: The Daorians are one of the few species on Daoria that share the ability to breathe fire. Unlike the other two fire breathers on Daoria though, the Daorians do not utilize any sort of flammable saliva or venom. Instead, similar to their limited telepathy, it is a manifestation of the Force. Because of this fact, while all can breath fire, most can only do so for short spurts and limited times per day with the lowest average being one and the highest average being three. However, some warriors, elders and shamans have trained themselves to use this fire on command with much better average times per day as a result of their control training. These men and women are aptly named Firebrand.
  • Smellivision: Because they rely on their tongues so much to understand the terrain around them, filling the air with chemicals, spices, or really anything that would overwhelm their tongue they effectively lose their ability to smell anything other than what is in the air. Thus things like intense fires, gasses, or even food some times can leave them half blind.
  • Kinetic projectiles shred right through them.
  • Primitive: Because they are such a primitive species, they do not hold large armies with advanced weaponry or anything of the sort and are actually quite easily repressed by superior technology.
  • Many cannot swim.

Races: N/A

Diet: Entirely Carnivorous; Plant matter can cause dietary complications and even death.
  • Hisses
  • Telepathy
  • Written Language
Culture: Currently a drifter culture, the Daorians mostly move from place to place forever trying to stay ahead of the Sand Hurricanes that sweep across the planet. Some fortunate souls have founded Oasis villages and the great trade city of Lahima are the only places where Daorians have been known to settle. There are rumors that there are underground tribes that live deep within the caves as well.

The Daorians are also a tribal people Shamans and Chiefs holding a similar amount of power and influence within a tribe and with other tribes.
Technology level:
  • Pre-Hyperspace Travel: The Daorians have access to ancient spaceflight technology however because they don't know how to fix any of it they lack the ability to perform hyperspace, though there have been minor expeditions outside of the atmosphere from Lahima. They also use primitive vibro weaponry and the natural resources around them like the shell of the Drek for armor and protection.
General behavior: While the Daorians might seem hostile due to their inability to speak any language outside of the reptilian noises they make they aren't violent by nature. While the adaptations like their fire breath or their energy and heat dispersing scales might seem suited for war they are actually a quite peace loving people. They have long traditions of respecting the planet and the animals on it and have great respect for the Sand Hurricanes which the believe can create dunes over night and reveal life saving savannas in an instant.

The Daorians are also a species that values community and companionship. They mate for life and have a myriad of holidays and celebrations that commemorate family and togetherness, though many of these have been banned by the One Sith.

History: Once a proud member of the Rakatan Empire, the Daorians and their planet Daoria were almost wiped out during the final days of the Empire in an event that would leave their once lush planet a barren wasteland. Like many of the planets and species that were part of the Rakatan empire their existence was wiped from almost all known maps and they were forced to live in isolation. With no Rakatan Empire to lead them the few dissenters rose up and attempted to take the mantle of ruler for themselves. This inevitably would lead to infighting between the different rebel groups. At the same time the ones put in power by the Rakatan struggled to control what was left of their civilization.

For a thousand years the Daorians squandered what little technology was left until they were left with sticks and stones. The ancestors of these groups knew not why they fought until the leaders decided that enough was enough. Despite them having different ideas of how to live their lives now, the leaders agreed on one thing: The bloodshed needed to end. Those that wished for more centralized rule formed tribes and settlements on the oases and canyons where there was still enough water to live. Others decided that it was best to roam the wastes in search of lost technology to return to the stars like their forefathers.

This separation worked for centuries. Because they were so isolated and relatively unknown outside of legend the Gulage Plague missed them entirely. Other Galactic Events also had little effect on them due to how spread out and dangerous the world was already. However, the One Sith did change things.

They came in force and took the Oases. In a matter of months they had fully operational factories at almost every major oasis. The Daorians' once great city of Lahima became their HQ and their fighter patrols scanned the skies. Of course the Daorians rebelled, but because they lacked any real technology to defend themselves against the Sith and their military might they were subjugated. They worked the factories and the moisture farms. The nomads were barred from entering the oases and slowly began dying off. Now only a few nomadic tribes remain and they hope for freedom one day.

Notable Player-Characters: N/A

Intent:To add some cultural flavor to the desert planet of Daoria that was created for the event contest
Looks great! When you say "now only a few nomadic tribes remain", are you referring to the species as a whole? Because if so, then the population seems a little high.

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
I like this concept very much, however we need to place some limitations on the firebreathing aspect to keep it in check.

I would like to see:

A daily maximum allowable firebreaths.
A maximum reach of firebreaths.

As well, I would like some sort of explanation as to how they produce this firebreath. I don't need a scientific thesis, but I need something.

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
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