Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darael Reu-Lai

Darael Reu-Lai

NAME: Darael Reu-Lai

FACTION: Reu-Lai Corporation



AGE: 34

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’1”

WEIGHT: 185 lbs

EYES: Piercing-Brown

HAIR: Brown, Long; Mustache, Stubble

SKIN: Olive

Vocal Sample: Jake Roberts



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):

Crafty – Darael is a crafty, cunning individual, and can easily identify weaknesses in his adversaries; his wit, instincts, and sleight of hand are unmatched for someone who isn’t force-sensitive.

Business Savvy – Because of his smuggling background, Darael possesses an adept mind for business and trade. He understands the concept of demand and the power of the customer, and is able to efficiently calculate his finances.

CorSec Training – As a result of his Background in the Correllian Security Force, Darael intuitively possesses the wherewithal of the Corellian Security Force training modules in investigation, smuggler interdiction, hand-to-hand combat, and marksmanship.


Chronic Cigarra Smoker - Darael is addicted to cigarras.

Torpid – Darael possesses a passive, mild-mannered demeanor. In addition, he is torpid, and is generally overly-relaxed when he should be more concerned and alert.

Selfish – Despite his genuine good-natured demeanor, Darael is a selfish, dishonest man, and is at the very least honest about that, to that extent. As he sees it, all men and women are ultimately selfish, and believes the thing that separates between him and common-folk is the fact that he can at least admit it when his game isn’t on the line.


Darael Reu-Lai stands at the height of six-foot-one, with the muscular build of a mesomorph. His eyes are a piercing dark-brown, and although they appear kind, it’s a firm squint in his gaze that indicates a weathered demeanor. His hair is brown, wavy, and relatively long. He brandishes a prominent mustache above his upper-lip along with a coating of stubble around it. For his clothing, he wears a formal, businessman’s attire; a dark-brown, long, gentleman’s coat.


- Darael was born low in life, on the planet of Corellia; he was born with only his mother to raise him.

- Became a juvenile criminal to survive, became involved with gangs and smuggling groups

- At eighteen he became involved in the Corellian Security Force after 'knowing a guy', and became an agent in their ranks.

- He later became 'corrupt', and began taking bribes from passing smugglers; he simultaneously became involved in countless covert smuggling operations as both an inside man and smuggler.

- Right before he knew the CorSec Internal Investigation services finally had enough information to bust him, he resigned, and became involved in the galactic business-sphere with his knowledge of entrepreneurship and business.

YT-2000 Light Freighter




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