Daral Tal'Verda
The Ghost of Druckenwell

[SIZE=24pt]Daral Tal'Verda[/SIZE]

[SIZE=22pt]Basic Information[/SIZE]
NAME: Daral Tal’verda / CC-442FACTION: Death Watch
SPECIES: Vong-Shaped Human Clone
AGE: Biologically somewhere in his thirties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: Six foot even
WEIGHT: 231 pounds
BUILD: Athletic
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Olive, a la Jango Fett

- [member="Calico Tal'Verda"]
- [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"] (RIP)
- [member="Kix Tal'Verda"]
- Any other Tal’Verda peeps

(+) Seasoned: Daral is First Generation Dreadguard, he’s seen his fair share of warfare and lived to tell the tale.
(+) Up Close and Personal: Daral has a talent in close quarters which stemmed both from his training and the need to conserve the scarce amount of ammunition he could come by during his time stranded in the glasslands.
(+) Bigger is Better: Somewhat ironic considering the reasoning for his previously mentioned strength, prior to the devastation of Druckenwell and after his reunion with his clan, Daral had/has an affiliation for heavy weaponry, more specifically rotary cannons in all their ammo-draining glory.
(+) Survivor: Through sheer endurance and tenacity, as well as some tactical knowledge, Daral has survived more than a few nasty situations.
(+) Self Aware: Daral knows his own strengths and weaknesses, and takes great care to play on said strengths as well defend against the exploitation of said weaknesses.
(+) Force Dead: thanks to the method used in creating him, Daral has a host of blessings associated with the condition. Namely, most attacks relying on the force have no effect on him.
(+/-) Once a Pilot: While not exceedingly skilled compared to legendary pilots in air/spacecraft, could Daral can hold his own, and his skill in piloting exoskeletons was quite high. That said he is very out of practice, so his effectiveness now is questionable.
(-) Lightning: Attacks involving force lightning are an exception to his invulnerability to attacks from the mysterious presence, and are particularly devastating against him.
(-) Poor Health: His immune system is rather fragile thanks to his biology.
(-) Battered: The Battle Druckenwell, as well as the years spent eeking out an existence for some time on the world left Daral with a plethora of burns, fractures, stab wounds, and a host of injuries from a multitude of projectiles. Medical treatment has minimized the effects, but the clone’s joints are particularly vulnerable to damage if targeted.
(-) Copy of a Copy: Prone to mental issues due to being second generation clone.
(-) Chronic Pains: A combination of side-effect from the vong-shaping, as well as his many accumulated injuries, Daral is prone to random bursts of pain.
(-) PTSD: Man has seen some things.

Born on Kamino and trained under Isley Verd as well as Calico and Galaar, the former being his ‘father’. His training and service in the CIS was rather unremarkable, he proved himself a capable soldier, but did little more than that in terms of truly stuck out. In the Netherworld catastrophe Daral was sucked into the hellish dimension and fought his way through alongside many of his brothers. In the time following the event, unlike some others, Daral remained loyal to the CIS until the Battle of Druckenwell.When the planet was virtually glassed, Daral barely survived the ordeal. Burned and battered Daral did his best to survive the hellish wastelands. On numerous occasions Daral was forced to kill those he’d once protected in the name of the Confederacy, as well as survivors of the battle from either side who had been stranded on the world. Eventually a scavenger on the world found the wandering clone and took him aboard.
Finding his way to Esfandia he would reunite with his family, and eventually settle into a life with them. Then Mandalore was ravaged by a pair of monsters named Mia Monroe and Ijaat Mereel. Once again surviving by the skin of his teeth, Daral became consumed with anger at those who had taken his life away from him.
Eventually the Mand’alor Ra Viszla rose from the dead and reclaimed his title as Mand’alor, just as Mia Monroe, the woman responsible for the destruction of his life attempted to claim the title. To Daral the choice was clear, he sided with the many clans who swore loyalty to Viszla, and joined the Death Watch.

Eh probs never gonna fill this out